Mariko, who was once gentle and gentle, now wears a black samurai uniform with a cold expression, exuding an oppressive chill like an icy samurai sword, showing off her sharp edge.

Sometimes Wolverine has the illusion that Mariko looks less and less like him, but more like his grandfather Shida Shi.

Wolverine knew the reason. This was because Mariko's paranoid thoughts about Fang Tian were getting stronger and stronger.

Especially this time when the Atlanteans attacked the Japanese islands, he accompanied Mariko to see the city after the tsunami.

The whole city was deserted, like a ghost land. This scene made Mariko become even more weird.

"Mariko, this tsunami incident does have nothing to do with Fang Tian. The military of various countries and our X-Men have captured many Atlanteans. It is indeed them who launched the tsunami. If it weren’t for Fang Tian, ​​I’m afraid It will bring about a more terrible disaster. You wrongly blamed him."

Wolverine took a sip of tea, organized his speech, and then said.

He tried to resolve Mariko's inner demons.

"No, all disasters are caused by Fang Tian. He is the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. Only the Demon-Suppressing Sword can kill him!"

"My grandfather died, and the cities along the Japanese coast were destroyed—again! Tens of millions of people died tragically, and he was responsible for all of this!"When Mariko heard the name Fang Tian, ​​she raised her head, her sharp sword-like eyes fell on Wolverine, and said quietly.

Wolverine sighed.

Using the Eastern Zen he knew to explain, Mariko's The obsession has obsessed him, and it cannot be resolved with a few words.

He also discovered that Mariko was secretly practicing the swordsmanship of Bushido and made very rapid progress. Several times, he approached quietly and was almost decapitated by Mariko.

Wolverine can understand Mariko. His psychological condition, which he experienced countless killings during his more than two hundred years of life, eventually turned him into an inhuman beast.

He also tried to find some eminent monks to find solutions, but still could not get out and could only hide in In the deep mountains of Canada, he lives like a beast to avoid causing more killings to people.

At the same time, Wolverine also knows very well that this time the tsunami in Japan has nothing to do with Fang Tian.

To be honest, he hates Fang Tian very much. His behavior style, let alone goodwill.

But Wolverine participated in the operation to capture the remaining Atlanteans after the tsunami receded.

Those outstanding warriors of Atlantis possess tons of power. Each of them was like a humanoid tank and could control water, which was very scary.

This made him know that if Fang Tian hadn't destroyed the Atlantean army, the power of the X-Men would not have been able to stop this. Tsunami.

From this perspective, it was Fang Tian who saved Japan and prevented it from sinking

"Mariko, come to New York with me. We can go to Professor"Wolverine attempts one last invitation

"Logan, I'm sorry, I am the head of the Shishida family. I have inherited the glory of the Shishida family for thousands of years. I must protect all of this. This is the fate of the Shishida family."

Mariko stood up and bowed slightly. Her eyes were cold, and she was not touched by Wolverine's invitation at all. She turned around and left the attic.

Wolverine looked at Mariko who was walking away, and seemed to understand that this person was deeply attracted to him like fate. The woman he loved deeply had left forever. He stood up, turned around and left the Japanese garden.

Late at night. Nightmares haunted Mariko. In the nightmare, Fang Tian fell from the sky like a god and landed in Japan, and then a huge as if The mushroom cloud of nuclear apocalypse shrouded the whole of Japan.

Countless people cried and were swallowed up in the flames, and their souls howled on the road to Hirazaka. Hell-like painful scenes hit her again and again. Her soul made her extremely painful.

Among these wronged souls, there were countless members of the Shishida family who were killed by Fang Tian. Finally, the face of his grandfather Shishida appeared. He was burning and saying something to her.

Mariko suddenly She woke up with a cold sweat all over her body. She didn't dare to think about it.

It was she who provoked Fang Tian to Japan. Without her actions, maybe the disaster would not have happened at all?


That's not the case!

It was Fang Tian!

It was the devil He was the one who caused everything, destroyed Japan, and he deserves to die!

Mariko suddenly remembered her grandfather in her dream who seemed to want to say something. When she was a child, her grandfather once told her the history of the birth of the Sachi family.

Sachi Iano was a follower of the first emperor of Japan, Emperor Jimmu. Because of his power, he was respectfully called the Silver Samurai. He helped Emperor Jimmu kill demons, unified Japan, and became a Japanese noble. For thousands of years, the disillusioned family has been secretly To protect Japan, once Japan is in danger, the Sanzhi family will give birth to silver warriors to kill the demons. This is the fate of the Sanzhi family.

"That sword!"Mariko suddenly remembered the sword in the ancestral house that was passed down to the first generation of the family. The sword that was said to have killed countless demons. She got up from the tatami, ran to the ancestral house wearing wooden clogs. In the ancestral house In the house, Mariko saw the sword enshrined on the altar.

Mariko came to the altar and took off the sword.

When Mariko took off the sword, she found that there was a scabbard on the altar. When there was a gap, she pulled out the sword without hesitation and inserted it into the altar.


The two walls of the ancestral house suddenly shook and opened like doors, revealing a silver alloy wall. A transparent screen appeared on the wall. In front of Mariko

"Please verify your identity!"A woman's electronic synthesized sound came from the wall.

Mariko came to the alloy wall and pressed her hand on the transparent screen

"The frustrated Mariko, the only successor, passed the verification."The electronic synthesized voice replied, and then the alloy wall opened, revealing an alloy passage.

Mariko followed the alloy passage into the underground, and found that there was a huge laboratory underground, with countless equipment running automatically.

In In the center of the laboratory, a huge silver warrior armor is waiting silently, as if waiting for its master.

"This is...grandfather's silver warrior armor."Mariko immediately understood that this was her grandfather's biggest secret, the base for manufacturing the Silver Samurai, and there was also a complete set of Silver Samurai armor.

"Whenever demons are rampant, the frustrated family will transform into silver warriors and kill the demons! Grandpa, I understand."

Mariko thought of her grandfather's words and understood something. A look of determination appeared in her. She came to the Silver Samurai Armor and got into the Silver Samurai Armor. The Silver Samurai Armor began to quickly close according to Mariko's figure, and the steel helmet blocked it. In front of Mariko, silver cold light shot out from his eyes.

"Fang Tian, ​​from now on, I will transform into a silver warrior, and I will kill you with my sword!"The silver samurai pulled out the samurai sword from his waist and slashed fiercely. The light blade burned with red heat. The cold light of the sword split an alloy wall into two. Mariko's mechanically synthesized indifference came from under the metal helmet. Voice.

The second generation Silver Samurai is born!

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