Galaxy Civilizations are all speculating that the enemy who can cause Dark Titan Thanos to suffer such a big loss must be a very powerful ancient life, and some even speculate that he is a new god of the universe.

No one thought that this person turned out to be an inconspicuous human god-level being.

And he is also the new Black Star Lord who has become very famous recently.

If this news were transmitted to the galaxy, it would probably shock many civilizations.

Just when the accuser Ronan's thoughts were flashing rapidly, the light of the Zhuxian Sword was already approaching him, and the strong fear of death suddenly overwhelmed his super perception.

"not good! Too big!"

The accuser Ronan instinctively waved the"universal weapon" in his hand, and the figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The Zhuxian sword light did not stop at all, and fell into the team of Kree warriors. Fang Tian's thoughts moved, and the sword energy of a hundred meters suddenly dispersed It turned into thousands of tiny sword lights, and each sword light shot into the eyebrows of a Cree warrior, leaving a small blood hole in their eyebrows.

Suddenly, the neat team was like a blooming black rose, cutting They all fell to the ground like grass.

Regardless of whether these Kree warriors were super-powered beings or demigod beings, without exception, they were all instantly killed by Fang Tian’s Immortal Killing Sword Light.

No one escaped, no one survived, even No one has time to shout

"So exciting!"Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon saw the Kree warriors who had captured them all fall down in an instant. They swallowed a mouthful of saliva and involuntarily clamped their legs. The white beam that was so close in front of them just now was really terrifying. In the space where the white beams of light were scattered, Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon seemed to feel that their souls were being torn apart, and they could hardly hold back their urine.

"Come on, master, come on, master! Trample these idiots to death!"Howard, the weird duck, cheered excitedly. I don't know how this guy's brain grew. Maybe his nerves are completely different from other creatures.

Fang Tian really wants to kick this idiot and kick him into space.. But at this time, his attention was attracted to the accuser Ronan who suddenly appeared.

"Space-time power?"Fang Tian looked at the ugly-faced accuser Ronan with some surprise.

The Zhuxian sword light he was shooting was very fast, but it did not reach the level of transcending time and space. The speed was only half the speed of light. And this accuser Ronan , but could move out of thin air before the sword light at half the speed of light arrived.

Fang Tian clearly felt that Ronan used the power of time and space.

The accuser was very powerful, much stronger than Fang Tian originally expected. According to The level standard of the universe has reached the fourth level of god-level life, and he is not a humanoid like the Explosive Lion King. His strength, defense, and speed easily surpass the Hulk. Presumably, Drax the Destroyer

's His ability is almost as good as that of the Hulk, but he is still beaten at will by Ronan. It can be imagined how powerful Ronan is.

But even so, he is still not enough to control the power of time and space.

Then, Fang Tian focused on the accuser and held it in his hand. on the warhammer

"It seems that this is what you rely on?"

The war hammer of Ronan the Accuser is extraordinary. It is said to be an artifact created by the Kree Empire and the supreme wisdom. It has many incredible powers. It is a powerful artifact close to Thor's hammer. It is this artifact that provided him with Strength, allowing him to use time and space abilities

"What a good thing!"Fang Tian looked at the war hammer with some salivation. What made him more curious was the manufacturing technology of this artifact. If he could get this kind of war hammer and the technology of manufacturing the artifact, wouldn't he have the opportunity to copy the powerful artifact?

By then, he would There is no shortage of materials for evolution.

Ronan the accuser did not notice the eyes of the enemy, but glanced coldly at the large corpses of Kree warriors on the ground:"It seems that you are going to be my enemy. I heard that the destruction Ba is looking for information about you. Anyone who provides information about you will promise him a wish if I take your head with me.……"

"How should he thank me!"

As the accuser Ronan spoke, he raised his war hammer very despicably and shamelessly, and a green beam shot at Fang Tian's body.

"go to hell!"

The green beam fell on Fang Tian's body, instantly disintegrating his clothes into the tiniest substance and dissipating in the air.

Then, the green beam touched Fang Tian's skin without any obstruction, and the next In an instant, like sulfuric acid sprinkled on fine iron, a large white mist rose up.

Fang Tian felt a trace of pain, and suddenly found that his skin was corroded and ulcerated, but the wound was not obvious. Under his terrifying eyes, He was repaired in an instant under the power of self-healing.

Moreover, this beam of light actually tempered his immortal body, and the small world in his body produced a trace of essence.

This feeling was really long time gone.

"You...you...how could you?"After the beam disappeared, the accuser Ronan looked at the naked Fang Tian, ​​and was so surprised that he could hardly speak. What his war hammer fired was not an ordinary energy beam, but"matter decomposition", which had already touched the main god-level life ability. Some of the original powers of the universe that he has mastered can break down all the matter in the universe into its original form of dust.

"If the"matter decomposition" beam hits the target, it can even decompose the god-level super being, but for this enemy, it only makes his skin fester.

How powerful is this enemy's body? How perverted?

Just when the accuser was stunned, Fang Tian Having already crossed thousands of meters in one step, he appeared in front of him and punched out hard. The normal divine power could not hurt the accuser Ronan, so Fang Tian used the power of heaven and earth to instantly increase his power to tens of millions of tons.

This is also an ability that Fang Tian has recently discovered. He can maintain the size of his body and adjust the power of the heaven and earth at will. The accuser Ronan instinctively raised the war hammer to block.

Then a violent force crushed the hammer. It pressed over, and it was like a planet, like a big explosion.

Bombarded by the terrifying power, Ronan turned into a beam of light and penetrated the interior of the remains of the cosmic god in Wu Cun Zhi Land, forming a thousand-meter-long beam. The tunnel is embedded in the solid skull of the god's remains.

His body is twisted like rags, and all the muscles and bones in his body have been shaken into a ball of mud. He is recovering with strong recovery power.

"What a monster...How could such a monster be born in the universe?" Ronan the accuser coughed and spit out a mouthful of black blood and muttered to himself.

If he hadn't seen and felt it with his own eyes, Ronan the accuser would never have imagined that this universe could give birth to such a creature with the physical power of a moving planet. A monster, and possessing an immortal body, even his material decomposition beam can only cause festering damage, which is instantly restored.

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