"It is so powerful. This is the power of the supreme god of the universe."Fang Tian looked at the condensed time and space around him with some emotion. The power of the Life Court is simply indescribable.

Perhaps only after he evolves into an artifact of creation can he truly surpass the Life Court.

"Goodbye, idiot Thanos!"Fang Tian waved his hand to Thanos who was trembling all over, got into the time and space wormhole, and disappeared. Before getting in, Fang Tian threw out Dr. Aris, who was in the small world inside his body.

"Thanos! You have violated the rules of space and time in the universe, and you are sentenced to death!"In time and space, it seems that the huge life court in the sky is issuing a verdict, shaking time and space.

"No! I won't die like this!" Thanos let out an unwilling roar. His Infinity Gauntlet exuded powerful infinite energy, and actually forcibly opened a time wormhole and penetrated into the turbulence of time and space.

"You can't run away!"

The huge figure of the Life Tribunal also followed Thanos into the turbulence of time and space.


The life court pursuit only pursued Thanos and did not interfere with Fang Tian's movements. After he successfully got into the time and space wormhole, there was a burst of time and space turbulence. In the next second, various scenes changed in front of him, and then he appeared in a gorgeous high-rise room. among.

Fang Tian looked through the transparent window of the high-rise building and saw a vibrant planet outside the window. Countless sci-fi shuttles shuttled through the rainbow-like clouds.

"what happened? Didn't I go back to the point in time and space?"Fang Tian was a little confused.

"You're back."At this moment, a warm voice sounded from behind. Fang Tian turned his head. Warlock Adam was sitting on a purple sofa, watching him.

"You were indeed born. Fang Tian smiled, then pointed to the scene outside the window and asked,"What's going on?""

"You returned to the time and space five thousand years ago and prevented the Doctor of Time and Space from using the soul gem to fuse with me. But Thanos killed him, and the Church of Cosmic Truth, which had lost its master and was in chaos, had been disbanded by me. Naturally, Planet Ruola no longer became that terrible base camp." explained Magic Adam

"So what's your situation?"Fang Tian asked.

Logically speaking, after the timeline was changed, Adam shouldn't know about it at all, because according to the current timeline, Fang Tian and Adam don't know each other at all.

"My birth seems to be somewhat special, maybe because of the soul gem, so I have not lost my memory and understand what happened. Thank you for correcting the wrong history."Magic Adam explained.

Fang Tian felt clear in his heart, and immediately understood that this was indeed the case.

The birth of Magic Adam was not caused by the soul gem, but for a special reason. When he saw the ball of life matter at Doctor Eternity's place, It feels like this, or maybe Magic Adam is the person chosen by the true creator of the Marvel Universe.

"Where are Gamora and the others? History has not changed?"Fang Tian asked Magic Adam

"The Life Tribunal has repaired the wrong timeline, and the specific time and space has not changed. Unfortunately, although I don’t have my darkened personality, Dr. Aris, who was coerced by you, still destroyed Gamora’s planet."

"On the bright side, during one of Gamora's journeys with you, you already killed it! There are no changes in other timelines. They are waiting for you at the hotel on Planet Nora."Magic Adam explained.

Fang Tian nodded, a little dumbfounded.

How should this matter be settled?

Before he even took action, Gamora was already with the help of 'himself'. Will the big revenge be avenged?

Those gangs of cards Mora's Reward, who killed Dr. Aris?

What a mess.

And Gamora was unlucky enough. She didn't demonize Adam and destroy her home planet, but there was another Dr. Aris instead. Maybe Gamora is destined to become the most terrifying assassin in the universe.

The matter of time travel is too complicated. Fang Tian sorted it out casually and stopped thinking about it, turning his thoughts to other aspects.

"Thanos was tricked by me this time."Fang Tian wanted to laugh when he thought of Thanos. Doctor Eternity, who was killed by Thanos, changed the huge timeline, thus violating the rules of space and time in the universe, leading to the coming of the Tribunal of Life. It is estimated that he will be detached even if he does not die. Pi.

I just hope that the Mission Tribunal will be more powerful and completely crush Thanos into a scum, so that I won’t have to worry about it in the future.

"Give me a room, I need to be alone for a while."After Fang Tian chatted with Magic Adam for a while, he asked for a room. He was going to digest the soul gem.


In the unknown chaotic time and space, his whole body was covered with scars. The cause of these scars was unknown. Even Thanos, who claimed to have an immortal body, could not recover. With blood flowing all over his body, he fled miserably to a planet on the chaotic time and space line..

The infinite divine power of time and space followed him closely, and the huge figure of the Life Court appeared in the starry sky

"Thanos, accept the judgment of the rules of the universe! I will sentence you to death according to the supreme rules."The Tribunal of Life stretched out its huge golden palm and was about to slap Thanos' body.

"No!" Thanos screamed in pain.

"Great goddess, save me!" Thanos shouted loudly, asking for help in the void.

Just when the huge palm was about to press on Thanos' body, the entire universe on the chaotic time and space line suddenly withered and was covered by the great power of death.

"Court of Life, stop it!"A woman's voice rang out in the universe

"Death, you want to stop me? Although Thanos is your apostle, he has violated the rules of the universe and should be wiped out!"The Tribunal of Life stopped and said to the withered center of the universe.

"Although Thanos killed an important figure in the timeline, he did not change the correct historical direction of the universe. I am willing to reduce the destruction of three hundred planets, exchange his life with you, and make up for your energy to repair the timeline."The withered female voice at the center of the universe replied.

"Three hundred planets?"After all, Death is the supreme god of the universe, and the Life Tribunal has to be concerned about it. He thought for a moment,"Okay, I agree, but I will tell Eternity about this matter.’"

"up to you."In the center of the withered universe, the woman snorted coldly.

The figure of the Life Tribunal quickly disappeared into the chaotic timeline.

"goddess!"Thanos fell on the withered planet, crying like a child

"Thanos, you let me down. You didn't even destroy a small earth. If there is a next time, you just wait to be wiped out."In the center of the withered universe, the woman's voice said with dissatisfaction.

Then the woman's voice disappeared. After the woman left, the withered universe returned to chaotic time and space.

"No!"Thanos lay on the withered planet in despair. He knew that this time, he had disappointed his goddess.

"Fang Tian! , I will fight you till death!"After suffering for a long time, Thanos stood up scarred and roared with hatred.

It was that damn bug that caused him to lose the favor of the goddess. There was only deep-seated hatred between him and that bug. He He must destroy that insect at all costs. Only endless torture can vent his anger.

"Go to Earth, destroy that planet, and have the favor of the goddess again!"Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to open a space-time wormhole, got into the space-time wormhole, and disappeared into the chaotic time and space.

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