The beautiful dealer trembled when she heard Quicksilver's voice.

She didn't know what was going on with this customer. No matter what methods she used, even cheating, this customer's bets always hit the mark and never missed.

He only brought five hundred US dollars, and now, in a few hours, it has doubled eighty thousand times, reaching the terrifying level of forty million US dollars.

This roulette table has changed more than a dozen dealers, but it still can't stop the young man from killing everyone.

If this continues, the big boss will kill them.

"Supervisor, what should I do? This customer has won $40 million and is still not ready to stop."On the second floor at the far end of the casino hall, a strong man in a suit asked the casino supervisor next to him.

"This is treating us like a cash machine. The casino supervisor looked gloomy,"Have you analyzed how the other party cheated?""

The strong man in a suit lowered his head, wondering how to answer.

Seeing that the boss's face was getting more and more ugly, he finally said:"Brothers have slowed down the surveillance camera forty times, and after careful analysis little by little, we still found nothing."

"Damn shit! The supervisor spat,"I don't believe there really is such a creature as the God of Gamblers in this world, and we happened to meet him." By the way, this guy must be one of those mutant bastards. He went down with his men and made this bastard for me!"

He just made a random excuse to frame Kuaiyin, but he didn't know that his words were a prophecy and told the truth.


The strong man in a suit nodded, and quickly led a dozen casino guards to come behind Kuaiyin.

"Sir, we suspect you of cheating, come with us."The strong man in a suit patted Kuaiyin on the shoulder and said with a cold expression.

"oh?"Kuaiyin put down his legs carelessly, made a sound, and said in a waning tone,"You have to act like this, it's really boring."

"catch him!"The man in the suit yelled, and the four bodyguards immediately rushed towards Kuaiyin.

"Really, you still want to use violence?"

Facing the bodyguards with ferocious looks, slowing down a hundred times, Kuaiyin moved slowly. He put on his goggles unsteadily, and his expression suddenly turned ferocious:"Grandpa, I'm really upset, so what about you guys? Help the bastard out!"

Suddenly, Kuaiyin suddenly disappeared. He flicked his fingers and slowly tapped the faces of several bodyguards.

Of course, this 'slow' was what Kuaiyin saw in his eyes. In fact, he put on goggles, entered the high-speed space, and cursed people. , attack, this series of actions only took 0.1 seconds. As soon as the toes of the four bodyguards left the ground, they didn't even have time to blink, and they were unconsciously tapped on the face.

Super high speed It brought huge kinetic energy. It was obviously a light click, but the effect was like being bombarded by a sledgehammer. The heads of several bodyguards suddenly tilted back, their cheek bones shattered on the spot, and their bodies flew out in no particular order. There was a boom. , but the gambling table at the back was smashed, and chips worth tens of millions of dollars rolled on the floor, clinking but no one picked them up.

Quicksilver reappeared in the same place, except that the goggles originally hung around his neck had changed their positions. Outside, he seemed not to move at all.

He pretended to take off his goggles, looked at the bodyguards lying on the ground with some disdain, and smiled brightly at the beautiful dealer,"Take me to exchange the chips! This million dollars is awarded to you!"

As he said that, Kuaiyin grabbed a handful of chips, without even looking at them, and stuffed them all into the deep cleavage of the already blinded beautiful dealer.

The casino seemed to have pressed the pause button, and it was completely silent, not to mention the people watching the excitement around it. The gamblers and even the security director in a suit who came with his bodyguards to look for trouble were dumbfounded.

What happened?

Seeing that this careless silver-haired kid who didn’t know how to advance or retreat was about to be taught a lesson, why did those few people suddenly The famous and powerful bodyguard flew out, and he was lying on the ground unable to get up?

But the beautiful dealer who was stuffed with chips was the first to react. She quickly explored her white cleavage with her hands and took all the chips. He took it out.

When he took a closer look, his heart suddenly jumped. It turned out that Kuaiyin grabbed it casually without looking at it carefully. The total number of chips was more than one million U.S. dollars? I'm afraid he had two or three million U.S. dollars.

Two or three million U.S. dollars. It was also a huge sum of money, even comparable to her ten years of salary. Suddenly, she didn't care about the consequences of offending her boss. She quickly hugged Kuaiyin's arm and rubbed against him coquettishly:"Sir, I'll bring you You go and redeem your chips."

It seemed that the calm water surface was broken. As soon as she moved, the water surface started to ripple. There was an uproar all around.

The gamblers around were talking about it.

"What just happened, did you see it?"

"No, as soon as I blinked my eyes, those people flew away"

"Fortunately, I dodge quickly, otherwise I would have been hit!"

"Are you bragging? You can't even see clearly, but you can still hide so fast?"

"that is!"

"I thought that boy was going to be unlucky, but I didn't expect that.……"

"He's so lucky, that $40 million……"

Listening to the comments around him, Kuaiyin raised his forehead proudly, his nostrils almost reaching the sky, as if to say, Come on, praise me, come on and praise me.

In such a large casino, it is naturally impossible for there to be only four bodyguards. Soon more than twenty bodyguards appeared, showing the order of the place.

The strong man in a suit was actually the security director. When he saw more than 20 brothers coming down, the movement around him gradually calmed down. He regained his composure and stopped Kuaiyin who was about to move forward:"What, boy, do you want to run away now?"

It was dark in front of him, and seven or eight people were blocking his eyes.

Kuaiyin looked in disbelief, and pointed two fingers at himself, and then at the twitching people lying on the ground:"You are so brave, you still dare to stop me?"

The man in the suit was confused:"Why don't I dare? Stop you? Since you dare to cheat in the casino, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences!"

Speaking of which, this security director is also dedicated enough, and he did not forget to throw dirt on Kuaiyin at this time.

As he spoke, he laughed ferociously and clapped his fingers:"I just don't know who gave you, a little gangster, the courage to come to our casino to cause trouble?"

"You are not afraid of me……"

Before Kuaiyin finished speaking, he was interrupted by a man in a suit. He only heard him say loudly:"I don't know who made the move just now? No matter where we offended you, please forgive me. We are willing to give you a lot of forgiveness." Satisfactory compensation for adults!"

"But……"Quicksilver still wants to talk

"you shut up!"The man in the suit waited for him fiercely,"You have no right to speak!"

The gamblers around me were already jealous of the winner in life who had won 40 million US dollars, and they thought that this kid was really cheating. They felt very unbalanced and started laughing at him.

"That's ridiculous, who does he think he is?"

"That is, he still thinks he is some big shot. Why should he be afraid of such a big casino?"

"Why are you pretending to be wearing these goggles in a casino?"

"By the way, are those goggles a cheating device?"

"There is nothing to be proud of by cheating."

Listening to the discussion of the gamblers around him, Kuaiyin almost exploded in anger.

Who do you mean he is?

It was obviously his fault. Are these people blind? Why can't they see that he is a big shot? ?

Grandma, you are really blind!

Over the casino, Fang Tian, ​​who witnessed this big show, almost burst out laughing.

Kuaiyin was also unlucky. He shot so fast, directly beyond the limit of the naked eye. Is there that person in the casino watching? Do you understand?

Naturally, they all thought that this guy had no ability and was just bragging.

How can I describe this scene?

Don’t pretend to be cool, or you’ll be struck by lightning if you pretend to be cool.

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