Don't think that this is the greatest power of this magical weapon.

If he wasted so much effort and could only produce something that was as powerful as a police pistol, Fang Tian might as well find a piece of tofu and hit his head on it to death.

As mentioned before, there are four pairs on the ring body, that is, eight small hands.

The function of these small hands is not only to grasp gems, but most importantly, they can adjust the output power of laser light.

There are eight roots in total, which means that when eight roots are output together, the power is the strongest.

Similarly, because there are three layers of spirit gathering arrays superimposed in the gem.

Only when these three levels of spirit gathering array are fully opened and the eight tentacles are outputted together can it be the most powerful.

In other words, the most powerful power of this laser ring is a full 24 times that of the previous attack.

When it is at its maximum power, it is easy to break a tall tree from the waist.

It can be said that ordinary people will die if they are rubbed or touched. It is useless to hide behind the wall.

After seeing the effect caused by the minimum power, Fang Tian was quite satisfied.

But besides that, he had other experiments to do.

Still pointing the ring forward:"One third of the power!"

The eight tentacles on the ring lit up at the same time, and a thicker red light shot out.

There was a crisp sound, and the leaves fluttered down. The trunk of a big tree had been completely penetrated, leaving a round hole of about ten centimeters.

Surprisingly, what was penetrated was not the big tree directly in front of the ring, but the big tree on the left side in front.

Fang Tian was a little surprised:"It really works!"

It turned out that this was a sudden idea that Fang Tian had during the refining process.

The more powerful the laser beam is, wouldn’t it be in vain if it can’t hit anyone?

Since there are three spirit-gathering arrays superimposed on the gem, wouldn't it be possible to have one of the spirit-gathering arrays provide energy to the laser array and the other two spirit-gathering arrays to control the direction, so that the laser can be stimulated from unexpected angles?

This was just a whim of his, and he wasn't sure he could do it successfully.

Now it seems that this idea is successful.

In addition to the front, laser rays can be emitted from dozens of facets on the gemstone.

As long as the owner of the magical weapon focuses on where it is, he can shoot the laser beam there.

This can be considered semi-automated. Even people who know nothing about shooting can use this laser ring to attack the enemy.

The only drawback is that the most powerful attack can only be fired from the front.

Because when shooting to the side, two other spirit gathering arrays are needed to control the direction.

Moreover, this ring cannot shoot infinitely.

If it is the most powerful attack, it can only be launched about three times at most, and then you have to wait for the spirit gathering array to gather energy.

For attacks with low power, since each spirit gathering array has time to recover in turn, it is not a problem to attack eighty or ninety times in a short period of time.

Of course, if the initiating owner provides the energy, there will be no such shortcoming.

For example, if this magic weapon is used by Fang Tian himself.

It can be said that you can shoot wherever you want without hesitation.

However, Fang Tian himself can emit more powerful laser light, so what's the use of this thing?

All the expected functions were realized. It can be said that this weapon refining operation was a perfect success.

Next, naturally, he handed the results to Gwen, and then Fang Tian set off to Afghanistan without any worries.

Thinking about it, she is an ordinary person, and there is no powerful person who is deliberately trying to deal with her.

With this laser ring, her safety should be ensured.

Fang Tian was about to leave for Gwen's house when he suddenly thought of a question.

Now that Samadhi True Fire has developed new abilities, and the supporting space power, it should be able to develop more applications.

Logically speaking, his space transfer is formed by using the space inside the body to project to the outside world.

No matter how many things are stored in the space inside his body, he has a clear view. He can even clearly sense every corner of the space.

So, if he could project this feeling, wouldn't it mean that he had a wide range of sensing abilities?

Fang Tian also became excited when he thought of this idea.

In the past, in addition to distance restrictions, his spatial transfer could only be transferred to places where his eyes could see.

If this idea can be realized, it will not only be equivalent to having a wide range of sensing capabilities, but also spatial transfer will become more practical without blind spots.

Just as he was on his way now, Fang Tian started experimenting on the spot.

He closed his eyes and carefully sensed the space inside his body.

In the space, there were some clothes, various bullets used as snacks, and a pistol. These all appeared clearly in his mind.

He could even tell how many fibers were in the clothes and how many bullets were in the box.

Fang Tian calmed down and stopped paying attention to things in the space. His attention spread with the projection of the space.

In fact, this matter is not difficult, but Fang Tian never thought that it could be used in this way.

Once this layer of window paper was pierced, with just a little effort, he mastered the method of using the space in his body to sense the surrounding environment in less than ten minutes.

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