"A month ago, New York City was destroyed by the Dark Titan Thanos using his evil conspiracy. In this disaster, nine million people died.

I know that most of you are resentful of me and want to know why I didn’t save the innocent people in New York City. Therefore, I am here to answer your questions today."

"I don’t know when you started to rely too much on Superman, treating Superman as an omnipotent existence, and placing all responsibilities on Superman.

You have forgotten the cruel truth in the universe - the law of the jungle is the eternal truth.

Originally, no one is qualified to ask me to explain anything. This is not my obligation or my responsibility, but the earth is my second home, so today I feel that I should do something. This is where I stand. s reason."

Fang Tian was suspended in the sky, looking at all the cameras that were aiming at him and filming, and narrated calmly.

People around the world who were watching the live broadcast on TV or using mobile phones, computers and other devices all lowered their heads in shame. Head.

They are indeed too dependent on Superman. It seems that no matter what horrific disaster occurs, everyone thinks that as long as Superman is around, everything can be easily resolved.

It seems that saving mankind has become Superman's obligation, so after the Doomsday Incident in New York, They have a lot of anger towards Superman.

But everyone on the earth seems to have forgotten that Superman actually has no obligation to save everyone. He does not have to do anything. Superman himself is a superior being like a god, and there is no need to be a hero at all.

But now that Fang Tian said it, they suddenly remembered

"Today, I will let you know the cruel truth in the universe."Lights shot out from Fang Tian's eyes, and immediately intertwined a light screen like a movie screen in the sky of New York.

On the light screen projection, there are various basic stories that Fang Tian knows in the universe.

Civilizations in the universe are at war with each other, and one star after another Planets are destroyed in wars, and failed civilizations are either annexed or directly obliterated. What's more, they become slaves with low status like livestock.

In the interstellar, there are thousands of them, like a swarm of locusts. Pirates plundered unscrupulously.

Some cruel space pirates even dared to drive one or two interstellar battleships to planets like Earth that have not yet developed into the interstellar era, carry out massacres, enslave the entire planet, and plunder all resources. Selling everything of value on the planet.

There are even some powerful cosmic beings, and the battle between them will even affect several galaxies.

Even the god king Odin, who protects order and claims to be the righteous god, will also be in the process of building the Thunder God. When hammering, many planets were accidentally destroyed.

In addition, from time to time, there are invasions of alien races.

For example, the terrifying Annihilation Zerg.

What the Annihilation Zerg did not only destroyed all life, Resources disappear, and even the planet will be eaten clean.

Evolution, cruelty, and terror, this is the theme song of the universe.

When the real and cruel scenes in the universe are continuously played in a loop, all human beings on the earth are completely shocked and overwhelmed. The cruel truth is exciting.

There are no human rights, no equality in the universe, only the strong and the weak.

The strong dominate everything, and the weak are left with nothing but destruction.

Only when they saw the scene of Fang Tian's release did the people on the earth realize their stupidity.

Super beings like Superman Fang Tian can enslave and destroy thousands of living planets in the universe at will, becoming a illustrious galaxy overlord, making countless galaxy civilizations tremble in fear.

Killing the Heavenly Father is like killing the Heavenly Father. In which civilization is the super strong dog not a king-like existence?

In other words, what qualifications do they humans have to argue with Superman Fang Tian? Not to mention that New York was not destroyed by Superman Fang Tian at all. Even if it was, then what? How about it?

For the first time, human beings have discovered their own ignorance and stupidity. It is simply stupid to put human morality on the entire universe and measure things beyond cognition.

"Okay, now you should also see part of the truth in this universe.

With superhuman abilities, I can enslave countless planets, forcefully launch wars on the earth, make all humans my slaves, and make all resources available for my enjoyment!

This is not alarmist, it is the norm in the universe!

But why didn't I do this?"

Fang Tian glanced around.

Thousands of reporters below and hundreds of reporters in the sky, as well as the seven billion humans watching the live broadcast, were silent.

The entire earth fell silent.

"Because, I like the current earth! I have human feelings, I like human moral sense, my home is here, my friends are here, my relatives are here.

I like a humane and orderly earth, not a dead slave planet!

I don’t want the earth to become the cold norm in the universe, does anyone else?"

The passionate voice echoed around.

Countless people's breathing paused for a moment.

The next moment, overwhelming voices sounded.

"In no mood!"

"No one wants to!"

"Who dares to say that Superman has no humanity and is a cold existence?"

"Yes, Superman is human, the patron saint of mankind!"

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