"Someone flew out of that battleship."Captain America reacted the fastest and quickly took off the shield from behind, always ready to fight against the enemy's attack.

The door of the Kryptonian space battleship opened, and three figures flew out of the spaceship and suspended in the sky.

Three Kryptonians The intruders all wore steel armor, with isolation membranes on their faces that looked like water films.

Although the air on Earth was not enough to kill the Kryptonians, it was enough to make them extremely uncomfortable. It was that inconspicuous transparent water membrane that isolated them. Removes the air without hindering activities

"Fiora, using Kryptonian technology to connect media devices across the planet, I will deliver a speech to the planet."General Zod said to Fiora beside him.

"Yes, General Zod."Fiora put her hands on her helmet and closed her eyes slightly.

The next second, the screens of all electronic devices with signals in the world flashed, showing the face of General Zod suspended in the sky of the White House.

"I am General Zod from Krypton, and I chose this planet as my Kryptonian base! All that goes against my willAnyone who tries to resist me will be killed!"

"First, start with the capital city of the planet!"General Zod spoke domineeringly, and his voice was transmitted to the ears of everyone in the world through electronic devices.

People all over the earth were stunned.


Why is it so familiar?

This planet is too famous. , there is also the"Superman" comic in the Marvel universe, and it is very popular. In addition, Fang Tian carries the name of Superman through activities, and his reputation in the world is getting bigger and bigger. Until now,

Fang Tian has almost become a god on earth, and the earth From centenarians to three- and four-year-old children, everyone knows about Krypton and Superman.

General Zod? is also very famous. Isn't that the enemy of Superman Clark and the commander of Krypton in the comics?

This alien actually claims to be the Kryptonian commander General Zod, are you kidding!

"I said, Captain America, isn’t this alien a fool? Can this kind of joke be made? Is it specifically traveling across time and space to tease us?"Stark was stunned, with a strange expression on his face.

He was very familiar with Fang Tian and knew that Fang Tian was not an alien from Krypton, or that Krypton was just a bad joke made by Fang Tian. Then It was originally a place in the comics.

However, now several people who should have existed in the comics have come to reality. Stark also feels that this is a bit too absurd.

After General Zod spoke, he found that the people on earth did not react at all..

He frowned slightly, this was not the behavior of a creature on a planet that was about to be destroyed.

"It turned out to be a psycho alien, and I went to fight with him."Iron Man Stark taunted and closed his mask, energy flames erupted from the soles of his feet, turned into a red meteor, and flew in front of the three Krypton invaders.

"Hello, three gentlemen... I don't know where they come from. Do you like to play role-playing on your planet?

Sorry, this is Earth, we don’t usually joke like this!

But having said that, you really look a bit like General Zod. In fact, you should recruit Superman Clark to star in a Superman movie. You don’t know how popular Superman is on our planet. It will definitely be a box office hit!

Seriously, I can invest in you."Iron Man kept chattering, and suddenly remembered something, and continued,"By the way, I actually know a Superman, and maybe I can convince him to star in a movie with you."

"Clark?! You also know Clark, the traitor?"When General Zod heard Superman's name, his expression turned gloomy and he was extremely suspicious.

Could it be that Clark actually exists on this planet?

Why wasn't it found on the Internet when the spacecraft scanned it?

"Are you still acting? Clark Kent, who on earth doesn’t know him? Superman from Krypton is just a comic book character. Okay, enough nonsense, which civilization are you aliens from, and what is the purpose of coming to Earth?"In front of the intruder, Iron Man did not forget to tease him. He talked a lot of nonsense before thinking about business.

"comics? I don’t know what to say, Fiora, get rid of him. Since the people on this earth are as resistant as Clark’s parallel time and space, then clean them all up!"General Zod raised his eyebrows and ordered coldly.

"Yes, General."Fiora solemnly accepted the order.

Her figure flashed, squeezing the air, spanning dozens of meters in an instant, and appeared directly in front of Iron Man Stark as if teleporting.

"So fast...you are so fast."Iron Man only saw a flash in front of his eyes, and saw a woman floating in front of him at a speed that was beyond the limit of the naked eye. He was shocked. This woman's speed was so fast that Iron Man's suit could not catch it at all. It was really shocking.

"I don’t hit women, you know? Get the big shot behind you to come out and I'll beat him until he doesn't even know his mother!"Iron Man Stark quickly regained his composure. At this critical moment, he was still acting cool.

"Yeah?"An inexplicable smile appeared on Fiora's face. She suddenly raised her hand and slapped Iron Man's chest armor hard.

Bang! Before

Stark's brain could turn around, the next second, violently The force directly blasted him away, turning into a red meteor and crashing into the White House.

The ground was like a miniature nuclear bomb explosion, and a mushroom bomb cloud rose up, covering most of the White House.

Stark had already absorbed countless Fang Tian brought back advanced technology from the universe and also borrowed the destruction armor of the Asgardian protoss. At this time, his Superman armor had long been upgraded to the level of a god-level third-level being in the universe. It can be said to be a planet-level super Armor.

However, at this moment, he didn't even have a chance to react, and was directly knocked away. If the attack part was not the chest, which is the thickest armor, he would have been blasted through instantly.

At this moment, he was shocked and dizzy. Iron Man, who couldn't get up for a long time, remembered his fear of being the only match for Fang Tian. Why is this damn woman so violent?

Why does he have a sense of deja vu being beaten by Fang Tian?

Is she really a Kryptonian?

Your mother!

Thinking of his embarrassment being seen by seven billion people at the same time, Iron Man, who couldn't afford to struggle, suddenly felt helpless.

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