In the waters outside Paradise Island, a warship is docked offshore.

Some landing boats were parked on the shore, and countless German soldiers in military uniforms were landing. They carried a variety of weapons. In the sky, several planes were flying around Paradise Island, trying to find something.

War inevitably begins when Queen Hippolyta declares that all invaders will be killed.

Countless Amazon female warriors rode horses, or held weapons, and rushed towards the German soldiers on the beach without fear of death. Some unprepared German soldiers were killed instantly.

After a moment of panic, the German army immediately began to counterattack.

A hail of bullets and cannonballs fell on the Amazon female warrior's body, causing flowers of blood to bloom.

Amazons are very powerful warriors.

They are warriors blessed by the gods of Olympus. They have eternal looks and are immortal. Each of them has extraordinary strength. They can run faster than a cheetah. One person can Slaughtering and killing an elephant alone.

If it was in ancient times, they formed an army and could easily wipe out several ancient human countries.

But after all, they don't have demigod bodies like Diana.

Human civilization evolved into the World War I era, and the weapons used for killing were no longer comparable to those in the cold weapon era. When the German army began to organize a counterattack, the massacre began.

In the rain of bullets sprayed from rifles and machine guns, the Amazon female warriors who rushed forward one after another without fear of death were shot by bullets and fell to the sand.

But more Amazon female warriors continued to charge.

This scene stunned Diana who had just arrived on the beach. Even Diana, who had been trained as a warrior, felt heartbroken at the death of her sister and did not move for a moment.

"Kill these natives! barbarian! Just leave one alive to torture the spy with information."On the beach, a senior German officer frowned and gave the order.

Under the German officer's order, more ferocious killings began. The machine guns sprayed bullets, killing all the Amazon female warriors who had not rushed forward. fell to the ground one after another

"do not go."Fang Tian stopped the silly elder sister Paulin who was about to charge with a long sword, and stopped her from committing suicide.

"I am a proud Amazon warrior, and it is my honor to die in battle!"Paulin, who was usually silly, pushed Fang Tian away, yelled at Fang Tian, ​​grabbed the sword and shield, and ran out from behind the boulder to reunite with her sisters.

"A bunch of idiots."Fang Tian sighed, a little helpless for these fools who were brainwashed by the gods of the Holy Mountain of Olympus.

Considering that Paulin took good care of him every day during the days when he couldn't move, Fang Tian couldn't help but We can't let her die like this.

Fang Tian's figure behind a big rock moved and suddenly turned into an afterimage, knocking Paulin and other Amazon female warriors who were about to charge directly onto the beach. The bullets were all like a heavy rain. It poured on Fang Tian, ​​bending with a tinkling sound, and fell to the ground.

"What kind of monster is this?"

The German soldiers were stunned. They couldn't believe that the yellow man who suddenly appeared on the opposite side couldn't even be penetrated by bullets.

What the hell is this island?

Why did a group of indigenous women who looked like madmen rush out all of a sudden, and now they are still there? This invulnerable monster?

"Use cannonballs! Destroy this monster for me!"The senior German officer gritted his teeth and issued the order to his subordinates.

Soon, several German soldiers dragged a mortar, loaded the shells into the mortar, and fired the shells with a"bang".

Several shells were fired from the mortars towards Fang Tian

"Get out of the way, that's a cannonball, it can blow up a house in an instant!" Steve, who was forcibly dragged over by the Amazon female warrior at this time, saw this scene and shouted in panic.

He did not see the scene where Fang Tian was not injured by bullets before, thinking that Fang Tian and other people on the island were not injured at all. Just like the natives, he is a ignorant native who does not understand the world. He wants to fight the mortars with his own body.

Even though this native who looks like an Asian is physically powerful and is not a human being, but more like an elephant, he does not I believe there are people in this world who can fight against machine guns and cannons with their own flesh and blood.

But the next scene frightened Steve so much that he fell down on the beach, speechless.

Fang Tian looked at the mortar shells that were fired at him. , in his eyes of reality, the mortar shells seemed to have slowed down countless times. He was impatient to wait. After yawning, the mortar shells flew in front of him.

Fang Tian suddenly explored He held the mortar shell in his hand, then stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it into pieces.


The mortar shell exploded in Fang Tian's throat, and the shock wave of the explosion was directly swallowed by Fang Tian.

Then Fang Tian spit it out. A black smoke ring looked at the German soldiers on the opposite side with contempt.

The German soldiers on the opposite side were collectively dumbfounded, as if time and space were frozen, and they all froze. There was a strange silence on the battlefield for a moment.

What did they see?

What did that Asian man look like ? The indigenous people actually swallowed the mortar shells and just spit out a smoke ring?

What kind of monster is this?

These German soldiers were completely confused

"It tastes really bad. Forget it, your German craftsmanship is just like that, and it’s not much better than the British people looking up at the stars."Fang Tian curled his lips, feeling very disgusted.

"Have you had enough fun? It's my turn!"Fang Tian turned around and looked around, and saw many boulders on the white beach that have existed on Paradise Island since its existence. They have grown together with Paradise Island in tens of thousands of years of wind and frost, and each one has a Dozens of tons.

Fang Tian came to the boulder, hugged the boulder with both hands, easily lifted the boulder, and then weighed it in his hands.

"Good weight, ok."Fang Tian was very satisfied with the weight of this stone and felt that it could be used as a weapon to hit people.

Fang Tian was so relaxed that the German soldiers on the opposite side were not relaxed at all. They were all dumbfounded.

When they saw the invulnerable stone, they even forced The natives, who can eat cannonballs, lifted up a boulder that was bigger than a small boat and played with it like a child playing with stones. Even a fool knew that this boulder would definitely fall on them.

"Use poison gas! Blow up this monster for me!"The face of the senior German officer who had always been very cold became very ugly, and he roared as if he had seen the devil.

Several soldiers immediately began to load the mortar barrel with artillery shells filled with poisonous gas.

"boring! Let you experience this."

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