Fang Tian's words directly ignited the hearts of these soldiers like igniting a barrel of explosives.

These kings of soldiers in various war zones are all rebellious and rebellious people with naturally fiery personalities. Fang Tian treated them with such contempt, and several people who had complained about them suddenly stared at Fang Tian with eyes as hot as a red-hot iron. sky

"'Captain', what do you mean? Although I don't know if you licked which officer and you can directly become the captain of this bullshit God of War team, I, 'Qiao', am just not convinced!

The one who can survive on the battlefield is the king, and the one who wins is the father, bitch!"The yellow-haired soldier named"Qiao" stood up and stared at Fang Tian with a provocative expression.

Although the other soldiers did not speak, they all glared at Fang Tian with the same eyes, obviously thinking. Similar to this white soldier named"Joe"

"very good."Fang Tian was very satisfied. A typical example jumped out of him, just in time to kill the chicken for the monkey to see.

"Your name is 'Joe', right? It seems that you are very unconvinced. Very good. Tell me, what are you best at?"Fang Tian's eyes fell on Qiao like a sharp sword, and he asked coldly

"Bitch, listen clearly, I am the king of shooting. Within five hundred meters, no matter what the target is, there is no target that I cannot hit."Qiao was stared at by Fang Tian. Although he didn't know why his heart trembled, as if he was being stared at by some terrifying creature, he still gritted his teeth and did not flinch at all.

"Is that what you said?"Fang Tian waved his hand, like a bolt of lightning, flashing in front of Joe. Joe was dazzled. When Joe reacted, he found that his beloved Savage pistol had disappeared from his waist and appeared in the opponent's hand.

Joe He was horrified. He was the king of pistols. The other party took away the pistol without even reacting. What did this mean?

Didn't it mean that this yellow man could stab the knife into his heart before he could react?

Qiao was still in shock. At this time, Fang Tian made a move that shocked Qiao even more. Fang Tian raised the Savage pistol and pointed it at his temple.

"Is that what you said?"Fang Tian looked at Qiao indifferently, with a look that Qiao couldn't accept, as if looking at some kind of dirty animal, and then suddenly pulled the trigger.

"What is he going to do? Is this Asian crazy?"Qiao was so frightened that he clearly knew that his pistol was full of bullets. No one had ever dared to play like this. Bang!

There was a gunshot!

Bullets were shot out of the barrel of Savage's pistol and fell into the sky. On the temple, a ray of fire jumped on the skin outside the temple, and then the bullet bent into a pool of metal mud and fell to the ground.


The special team looked at Fang Tian like a monster, trembling all over. Speechless.

What kind of monster is this?

He hit his temple with a bullet. Instead of his head exploding like an exploding watermelon, the bullet shattered.

My God!

A devout Christian in the special team even started to Make the sign of the cross on his chest and call to his God again and again

"Ah."Just when these soldiers were shocked, Fang Tian smiled coldly, turned around and came to a parked military truck outside the tent.

Military trucks in the First World War era were like tractors, mainly used for Each of the cannons weighed at least two or three tons.

Fang Tian grabbed the military truck with one hand, then swung it towards the sky, flying hundreds of meters into the sky, turning into a black shadow and falling on it. landed on the ground, exploding like a cannonball in the camp.


All the soldier kings were dumbfounded.

This new Asian captain was not only invulnerable, but also extremely strong, able to smash a truck weighing several tons Throw it hundreds of meters into the sky.

Is this still a human being?

This is simply a monster that comes out of a fairy tale!

"Now, do you still have any opinions?"After Fang Tian finished all this, he returned to the soldiers and glanced at them with cold eyes.

Poof! Qiao

, who was extremely arrogant before and was not afraid of anyone, sat down on the ground. , was so frightened that he could not speak, and his whole body was shaking.

The remaining soldiers of the special team immediately stood up straight, like sculptures. If the soldiers who knew these people saw them like this, they would definitely be shocked. Throw it on the ground.

These ruffians are a big trouble for the Allied forces. Although each of them has amazing fighting ability, they are all unruly and disobedient, causing headaches to all the officers. I have never seen them do this to one person. Respectfully

"Didn't you eat? Animals, do you have any comments?"Fang Tian glanced at these special team soldiers with a cold gaze, and asked again with a cold snort.

"no comment!"Several special soldiers suppressed their blushes and replied loudly.

"And you? I just said, who is stronger and who is the father? What should you call me now?"Fang Tian was very satisfied with the performance of these soldiers, and then his eyes fell on Qiao. His eyes were like a towering mountain oppressing Qiao's heart.

He had already decided in his heart that if this foul-mouthed guy still refused to give in, he would not have to live in the world. On.

Joe felt as if he had been run over by a truck and couldn't breathe.

"dad! dad!"Qiao gritted his teeth and called Fang Tian"Dad" loudly with tears in his eyes.

Then a funny scene appeared. Several warlord officers who were alarmed by trucks falling from the sky and bombing on the ground came to the camp. As a result, they saw those unruly people in the past. The unruly and unruly soldiers stood as straight as a ruler.

As for the meanest and most irritable Joe among them, he collapsed on the ground and loudly called the new commando captain"Dad". This scene made these military judges They couldn't understand.

Steve felt a little pity for these unlucky people, but these unlucky people were really arrogant and wrong. They used their arrogance on Fang Tian. They were fools.

He could only express sympathy in his heart, and then ran away with Communicate with the military judge and explain the cause of the explosion just now and why the military truck was destroyed.

Fortunately, the British high-level officials had already issued the order when they arranged for Fang Tian to serve as the commando leader of the Ares team. The Ares team has various Because of this immunity, the military judge did not say much.

In this way, Fang Tian easily recovered these kings of soldiers in various war zones. Each one of them was like a pet that he had raised since he was a child. Whatever Fang Tian said was what he said. I dare not have any opinions.

After recovering the Ares Squad, the Allies' final war against Germany began.

Fang Tian also led the Ares Squad into the Belgian battlefield and began the plan to annihilate Ares, the God of War.

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