This kid Steve actually dared to pull this trick. Slapping him into the mud was a small punishment for him.

Steve, who was shot into the mud, showed no pain at all, but instead showed a sneer on his face.

"I'll trouble you again when you come back."Fang Tian grinned and showed a white smile to Steve.

Steve, who was laughing, suddenly felt a tremor in his heart, feeling that he would definitely have a hard time in the future.

After Fang Tian's little"teaching" Steve, He stood up and walked towards the last tower leading to the German base camp.

Seeing Fang Tian's figure finally dispatched, the suppressed British Allied soldiers cheered excitedly.

The German tower in the thick Belgian town, Rains of bullets fired ruthlessly from above, killing all the British soldiers who tried to get close to the tower.

After several charges, only pieces of corpses were left behind. The soldiers could only fail and retreat again and again.

At this moment, on the tower, The German soldiers found that the British soldiers who were preparing to charge again had all retreated, as if they were waiting for the arrival of some big shot.

"Sir, there is something strange about the British army. What should we do?"On the tower, a German soldier saluted the commander.

"No matter what happens, guard this watchtower. This is the last line of defense leading to the base camp. As long as this line of defense is not lost, we can counterattack! This place will become a meat grinder for the Allies, and we will eventually win!"

The German commander gritted his teeth, then looked at the British army position outside the tower with disdain, and sneered,"What powerful weapons can those weak troops of the British army send out? Humph, I still don’t believe that besides taking lives, they have other possibilities to capture our bunker."

The German soldiers all agreed with the commander's words.

After all, they are a well-trained elite regiment, and they have a position where the tower is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is impossible for the British army to capture this tower so easily.

At this moment, in In the eyes of the German soldiers guarding the watchtower, a young man of yellow race slowly walked out of the ruins of the front line. He strode towards the watchtower with no intention of hiding.

"An Asian? Did he want to commit suicide?"The German soldiers on the tower looked at Fang Tian who was walking slowly with an incomprehensible look and murmured to themselves.

"Which Asian to kill! Huh, the British just like to play some tricks, and they must be death squads selected from the labor they tricked in Asia."The German officer frowned and ordered coldly.

"yes! Sir."A German sharpshooter raised the rifle in his hand, and then aimed at Fang Tian, ​​who was slowly walking over.

Suddenly, the opposite side was beaten countless times, and the demoralized British soldiers cheered loudly, as if celebrating the arrival of victory in advance. Same.

The cheers made the German soldiers in the tower stunned.

"Wait, I know who he is!"The German commander guarding the watchtower suddenly raised his brows and began to think. Suddenly he thought of some information that originally made him unbelievable, and exclaimed.

But he was still a moment slower.

The sharpshooter had already opened fire and fired bullets at the man. Young man of yellow race.

In the unbelievable eyes of the German soldiers, the bullet hit the young man of yellow race's forehead with great precision, but only a spark flashed and jumped on the young man of yellow race's forehead, as if nothing had happened. Same.

The German sharpshooter was immediately confused. He didn't understand why the bullets left this young yellow man unharmed.

"!"The German officer's face was twisted with uncontrollable horror, and he roared loudly.

The machine guns and cannons began to roar.

At the same time, in the sight of the German soldiers in the watchtower, the figure of the young yellow man suddenly disappeared and flashed across a large area of ​​the position.

Then a golden light suddenly drowned him. Their sights.


A golden light penetrated directly into the watchtower. All the British soldiers saw was the original steel fortress, like a piece of tender tofu, shattered under the crushing of the golden light. Then the watchtower was directly hit by the terrifying force. Penetrating, everything collapsed like an avalanche.

After the roar, on the ruins on one side that were washed by hundreds of cannon shells, a lazy figure walked out from behind the ruins and walked back to the British position. It was bombarded by countless cannons. There was no collapse of the fortress, but it was defeated like this?

The soldiers on both sides were dumbfounded, looking at the lazy figure of the Eastern young man in disbelief.

It was hard to believe that this young man with a sleepy and tired face was in A few seconds ago, he was like a god, crushing a steel fortress in an instant

"What are you looking at? Aren't you going to clean up the mess?"Fang Tian glanced dissatisfied at the British soldiers who were staring blankly at him, and snorted.

It would be enough to defeat the fortress, which would save the lives of thousands of soldiers, but he was not interested in committing a massacre. , the remaining German troops still had to be handled by ordinary soldiers themselves.

His cold snort sounded like thunder in the ears of the British soldiers, and immediately, the British soldiers began to get busy with each other crazily.

Fang Tian returned to the God of War team to rest camp, earth-shaking cheers came from the British Allied Forces positions


The last line of defense of the German army in the Belgian base camp was easily breached by Fang Tian. The road to the base camp was opened, and all British troops were ready to launch the final assault.

Fang Tian and the members of the God of War team also began to prepare the final hunting plan.

Hunting Ares, God of War!

Of course, the other commando members of the God of War team only thought that their target was General Rudolf, the leader of the Belgian German army, and had no idea that Fang Tian and Diana's target was the mythical God of War Ares. Otherwise, this news would definitely directly knock them out. Stupid.

Early morning one day later.

The German front line had been penetrated, and no one could stop them from advancing. Just when Fang Tian was about to lead the Ares team from the position to the German base camp in Belgium, something happened that Fang Tian had not expected.

Fang Tian, ​​Diana and the members of the God of War team had just walked out of the camp when two middle-aged Asian men suddenly emerged from the ruins and stopped Fang Tian.

"Mr. Fang Tian! Are you... from China?"The two yellow men with sallow faces and wearing shabby British Allied uniforms came to Fang Tian and asked timidly in Chinese.

"I am, you are?"As soon as Fang Tian saw these two people, he knew they were compatriots from China, so he asked politely

"Mr. Fang Tian! Please, for the sake of all Chinese people, please save us Chinese workers sent to the battlefield... If you don't save everyone, everyone will die soon!"As soon as they heard Fang Tian speak Chinese, two middle-aged Chinese men immediately knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and begged.

"Don't kneel down, get up and say what's wrong."Although he was in the DC universe, Fang Tian didn't want to see his Chinese compatriots in parallel time and space like this, so he quickly pulled the two middle-aged Chinese people up.

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