Fang Tian knew that after the First World War, World War II would soon follow. The scale and cruelty of this war far exceeded that of the First World War.

According to the rules of the DC universe, if Ares, the God of War, is not involved in this, then it is really a ghost.

At that time, Ares, the god of war, will definitely bring his clone to the world, or even his true body.

With the grudge Fang Tian has formed with the God of War Ares this time, the God of War Ares will definitely not let him go, but it doesn't matter, Fang Tian has no intention of letting the God of War Ares go anyway. When he adapts to the rules of the DC universe, After returning to the body of a magic weapon that is an intermediate acquired spiritual treasure, it can further evolve to a high-level acquired spiritual treasure, or even evolve into an innate spiritual treasure.

When the time comes, the only way out for Ares, the god of war, is to die.

But Fang Tian didn't tell this to Diana, who was silently enjoying herself. The two hugged each other tightly, enjoying the moment of silence after the battle and the taste of victory.


Just as Fang Tian and Diana were enjoying the joy of defeating the clone of Ares, the god of war, on another battlefield in the German base camp, the battle came to a fierce end, ending with the most tragic sacrifice.

Steve led the commandos of the God of War team and Fang Tian and Diana separated on the mountains and went to the chemical weapons production factory to destroy those chemical weapons.

Their mission was successful. They used blitzkrieg to catch the German soldiers off guard before the Germans at the chemical plant could react. They destroyed the chemical plant and eliminated most of the German soldiers guarding the chemical plant.

The fierce battle also caused the chemical weapons to begin to leak. In order to prevent the horrific chemical weapons from spreading, Steve finally made a difficult decision.

He flew a plane carrying chemical weapons into the sky, causing them to explode in the sky, thereby destroying the chemical weapons.

A German plane flies into the sky like a moth to the flames

"I am a hero! I am a hero! I saved the world!"Before the plane was about to explode in the sky, Steve comforted himself with sweat.


The plane was detonated at this time, and together with the chemical weapons that could kill countless people, the entire plane exploded. The sky turned into a burning fireball

"it's all over!"The flames engulfed Steve's body, and with the intense burning pain, Steve's consciousness fell into an eternal sleep.

No one saw that a green light was quietly lighting up on Steve's chest, Powerful life force emitted from the green light and permeated Steve's body.

The battle was over.

The soldiers of the God of War commando team who survived the disaster watched Steve pilot the fighter jet and turned into a big fireball and fell. , very sad.

They found the burning pieces of the plane scattered around, and only saw Steve who was a pile of remains.

The soldiers of the Ares Assault Team covered their faces, unable to bear to see the tragic situation of their companions who had fought alongside them.

"He is a warrior! He is a well-deserved hero. We should take his remains back and let the whole world know his glorious deeds. He should live in the memory of everyone and be cherished by everyone as a hero!"Qiao, a soldier who used to be idle, said with tears in his eyes.

"That's right! We want to take his remains back to his home! We want to bring our brothers home!"The other soldiers of the Ares Commando Team were also very excited.

Just when the flames on the remnants of the plane extinguished, they wanted to get close to Steve and collect the remains.

Suddenly a green light emanated from Steve's remains, and soon Transformed into a ball of light that enveloped Steve's remains, enveloping him like a seed

"Oh, oh, oh God! What's this?"The change shocked the members of the Ares Assault Team, and they all stepped back as they were about to approach.

"etc! That's...the branch that Captain gave Steve? Is it radiating light? What on earth is this?"The members of the assault team quickly discovered the source of the green light, which was emitted by the branch on the chest of the remains.

Before, they all saw Fang Tian giving Steve an ordinary branch, and originally thought it was just a kind of tree branch. A ritual of good luck, but now such a strange scene occurs. Thinking of the incredible power of the captain, it is completely impossible to guess what will happen next.

"Oh, God! This is impossible……"

"This is a miracle, my God!"

"Christ above……"

The scene that happened next made the members of the commando team, who were as determined as steel, scream in surprise.

Steve's remains, shrouded in green light, actually squirmed rapidly under the green light, regaining their human form at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, the burned remains turned into a naked young man with intact body.

That man was clearly Steve, whom the commandos were familiar with.

This resurrection ability, which only the mythical Jesus Christ possesses, appeared in front of all the commandos with their own eyes. Even the most staunch atheists were shaken in their confidence at this moment and doubted the existence of real gods in this world.

Just as the commandos were stunned.

After the resurrection, Steve woke up. He opened his eyes, looked around confusedly, looked at those familiar faces, and asked as if he had lost his memory for a moment,"Where is this place? What's wrong with me?"……"

None of the commandos could answer Steve, they were all in shock

"I'm Steve...a member of the British Army...I flew a plane filled with horrific chemical weapons and blew myself up in the sky...Aren't I already dead? Why am I still alive?"Finally, the memory was restored from Steve's brain, Steve muttered in disbelief.

"It's Your Excellency Fang Tian……"At this moment, an idea flashed in Steve's mind, and he remembered the last scene before his death in the plane explosion.

On his chest, the branch given to him by Fang Tian exuded green light, as if full of infinite life.

Steve suddenly understood why he was resurrected

"It turns out that it was Mr. Fang Tian who saved me……"Suddenly, Steve's heart was filled with gratitude and the joy of regaining his life.

He is different from other commandos. He has been to Paradise Island and knows that Fang Tian's identity is a young demigod from the East. He has the mythical ability to resurrect the dead, which is not unacceptable.

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