After all, in the DC universe, Lucifer, who was the deputy king of heaven, led a third of the angels to fall to hell during the rebellion and became the devil of hell.

These angels in the past, the devils of hell now, and probably many gods of the universe, not to mention, there are all kinds of demons in hell that are measured by the number of sands in the Ganges.

These powerful angels and demons are simply Fang Tian’s experience monsters. If there is a channel to enter heaven or hell, Fang Tian may soon be able to return to his peak strength, and even evolve the small world in his body to five billion square meters. Kilometers, the evolution is called the advanced level of Houtian Lingbao.

At the same time, Fang Tian also successfully excavated two future training grounds. As long as he is not discovered by the rulers of heaven and hell, as well as those powerful archangels and demon kings, he can continue to refine those demons and angels. to evolve.

But heaven is not easy to mess with. Although the God of the DC universe is not here, the ruler of heaven is the archangel Michael. He is a creator on the same level as Lucifer and can create a single universe, plus the other six It is basically impossible for an angel at the level of the supreme god of the universe to invade heaven.

But Fang Tian felt that Hell had a great chance.

Lucifer, the ruler of Hell, will soon get tired of ruling Hell, leave Hell, and run away to become a nightclub owner somewhere in America.

At that time, Hell was empty and unattended, and all kinds of demons were wandering around. It was also the busiest time for the demon hunter Constantine.

At that time, Fang Tian felt that he had many opportunities to sneak into hell to practice leveling.

It’s just that it’s very troublesome to enter hell. Fang Tian came to this universe and didn’t even find a way to enter hell. The easiest way is to find Constantine

"When was Constantine born? How do I remember, he seems to be quite young."Fang Tian thought of Constantine, the demon hunter who lived a chaotic life, and wondered when he was born.

In the modern city of the 21st century, although Constantine looked like an uncle, he actually lived a long life. For a long time, a driver has been following him since he was a boy, and by that time he had become an old man.

In terms of age, Constantine is already very old, so his birth year should not be far from the current World War I era. Yes.

Fang Tian decided to go back and ask Tommy to check. He remembered that Constantine himself was British and fell within Tommy's sphere of influence. If he checked, he would be sure to find out accurately.

"However, the DC universe does have its own set of rules. It seems that the creator God of this universe does not allow too many interactions between mortals and extraordinary beings, so he has also set up protection methods."

Fang Tian felt a little pity for the fifteen destroyed robots. They were not consumables, but made by the"master" of the mechanical planet. They were mechanical beings like bumblebees. After losing eighteen robots at one time, Fang Tian was still very disappointed. It hurts.

But fortunately, the"Master" can self-restore the"Cosmic Cube Energy" that gives the machine life, and it is not permanently lost.

However, although fifteen robots were lost in this trial, Fang Tian also lost We have figured out the boundary between extraordinary life and mortal existence in the DC universe.

It seems that those angels are like the Life Tribunal of the Supreme God of the Universe in the Marvel Universe. They are responsible for maintaining the order of the universe. Because of their existence, even the arcane The powerful Olympus gods in the Holy Mountain do not dare to cross this line and can only send their own incarnations to influence the world.

Coupled with Fang Tian's intelligence about the DC universe, Fang Tian now has a general understanding of The situation of the DC universe.

God created the DC universe, but because he, as the creator, pursued a kind of freedom in a broad sense, he has left heaven.

Due to his departure, the order of the entire universe gradually began to become chaotic, and the hell guarding the hell King Lucifer also impatiently left hell and came to the mortal world, causing demons to run rampant everywhere.

Angels were busy suppressing demons and were unable to supervise the world. The destruction of Krypton brought Superman to earth, causing the earth to enter the era of superpowers. All kinds of superpowers have appeared one after another, and the entire universe is in chaos.

The hero camp that protects order, and the villains from the evil camp are fighting each other, and even time and space are in chaos.

This is the world view of the DC universe and its future development trend.

Generally speaking, the DC universe is more chaotic and darker than the Marvel universe. The main reason is caused by the departure of the Creator God. Unlike the Marvel universe, although the Creator God-A-A didn't care too much, but did not leave, always paying attention to the universe.

In a sense, Fang Tian still likes the chaotic scene of the DC universe. For him, there are too many opportunities to refine the many treasures of this universe, the origin of the universe, and even the endless emergence of superpowers.

The existence of the two universes of Marvel and DC is enough for him to evolve and is called an artifact of creation, called and O-A-A There is also a God-like Creator, who is even far superior to these two Creators by virtue of the power of the creation artifact.

"It's almost time to go back to England and let Tommy go find Constantine. By the way, there is also the Bruce family, the future Batman."

Fang Tian pondered, as for what happened in Japan, it was just a small rest stop on his journey in the DC universe.

Although to Fang Tian, ​​it was just a rest stop on the journey, but the entire Japan collapsed on the day of the Sun Festival.

This One day, a metal god descended from the sky to Sun Square where the Emperor of Japan was, and declared that the Emperor of Japan was a blasphemer. Then in front of tens of thousands of people who worshiped the Emperor, he killed the Emperor of Japan and destroyed the Emperor's palace at the same time.

Including the Emperor The emperor's family, including the heir, Crown Prince Hirohito, completely cut off their direct bloodline.

At the same time, some steel gods appeared all over Japan at the same time, destroying Japan's military strongholds Choshu Domain and Satsuma Domain, and destroying the pride of the Japanese. , hailed as the rise of the country and the Japanese Navy as the overlord of East Asia.

Hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers were wiped out, killed by the divine light shot by the metal god. Hundreds of warships were annihilated and sank into the icy water.

This blow It completely interrupted the spirit and military strength of the Japanese, and completely destroyed their ambitions.

Countless Japanese collapsed, and some Japanese who could not bear the reality, whether they were politicians, civilians, or samurai, chose to They committed seppuku.

For a time, Japan was wailing all over the country. They thought that they had offended the real god, and this was a divine punishment sent by the god to send messengers.

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