Pain, Fang Tian hadn't felt such pain in a long time.

The last time I felt pain was when I traveled through the Marvel Universe and returned to the future time and space fifty years later, while fighting the Void Sentinels.

But the difference with the battle with the Void Sentinel is that the Void Sentinel only has one millionth of the strength of the real Sentinel, which is barely at the level between the Heavenly Father-level superpowers and the Universe God-level beings. His attack can only just break through Fang Tian. His defense was unable to cause too deep damage to Fang Tian.

But Yi Ge is different. He is the real God of the Universe and has the power of the God of the Universe. His attacks can completely penetrate Fangtian's defense and cause direct damage.

"Stupid remnants of heaven are as stupid as the previous Jade Emperor! Welcome to my feeding area, become a nutrient obediently, nourish the planet, and atone for the harm you have caused me!"

When thousands of predatory vines formed by black annihilation energy captured and trapped Fang Tiantian, the giant lava face of the planet Yigo let out a playful taunt.

"Yeah?"Fang Tian had a smile on his face. Although there were bloody scars on the body of the Heaven and Earth Dharma Image, and golden runes of blood were flowing out from the scars, he felt very happy in his heart. He hadn't been injured for a long time!

He was already I almost forgot the feeling of fighting!

It was painful and happy!

Egg was able to hurt him, but at the same time he also activated the long-lost tempering power. Egg's attacks were constantly tempering his body, giving him a small world Continuously providing strength

"Just let me enjoy the battle, Egg, don't die too quickly, you must hold on a little longer, so that I can enjoy it to the fullest!"

A fanatical smile appeared on Fang Tian's face, and the body of the heaven and earth Dharma suddenly bloomed with divine light. The mark of the twelve-grade fire red lotus was suspended and shining.

The next second, a ball of red glazed flame bloomed from Fang Tian's body. , instantly transformed Fang Tian into a burning red giant.

The karma fire is the biggest nemesis of evil.

The glazed karma fire ignited tens of thousands of annihilation energy tentacles at once, and quickly burned along Yi Ge's planet body..

Soon, Yi Ge’s planet turned into a red planet burning with red karma fire.

"What kind of flame is this? It hurts so much, why can't it be extinguished? This is impossible... what kind of flame is this!"

Ego didn't care at first. After all, he wasn't even afraid of the flames on the sun, but the stinging feeling that followed made him tremble all over, and a huge earthquake occurred on the surface of the entire planet. The planet itself continued to emit powerful star power. He wanted to extinguish the fire of karma, but no matter how much star power he sprayed on the red flames, these flames showed no trace of being extinguished. Instead, they burned stronger and stronger. The burning flames seemed to come from the soul level, directly targeting the soul, giving Yi Ge caused the most intense pain since his birth

"I thought karma fire would be of no use to you, but it seems that you are also involved in cause and effect."

Fang Tian looked at the body of Yi Ge's planet that was burned by the fire of karma and was about to die, and a cold smile appeared on his face. In this short time, the wounds of the heaven and earth law caused by Yi Ge's attack were super self-healing. He quickly recovered under the force, and all the wounds were closed, completing self-healing.

Fang Tian originally thought that the red lotus karma fire would not be of much use to Yi Ge as a life on the planet, but now he found that maybe Yi Ge had committed too many crimes in the universe. The great sin has killed too many lives, and the cause and effect he is involved in is no less than that of any hell demon. He is simply a dynamite barrel, and it will quickly burn up with the red lotus karma fire.

"I said let me enjoy the battle and don't die too quickly!"Fang Tian smiled ferociously, and around him floated the Immortal Killing Sword, Tai Chi Diagram, Chaos Bell Dao Mark, and the abilities of the artifacts of creation wrapped around the body of the heaven and earth. Fang Tian crossed over and rushed towards Yi Ge.

…… boom!

The universe is constantly shaking. A planet burning with red flames and a 10,000-meter-tall giant are fighting madly in the universe. Sword energy, star power, chaos power, and space-time power collide in the universe. Together.

In the aftermath of the battle, an inconspicuous beam of energy fell on a planet and immediately decomposed the lifeless, dead planet into an atomic nebula and became dust in the universe.

The surrounding space and time trembled, and where they fought, only pieces of collapsed void were left.

In this void, both planets and meteorite belts have been crushed. If someone can observe this galaxy from a macro perspective, they will find that the starry sky of this galaxy is as if the color has been wiped away with an ink pen, leaving only There is a lot of darkness below.

The civilization of this galaxy used various equipment to observe the battle between two cosmic gods. They were shocked and even more frightened, fearing that the battle between these two terrifying cosmic gods would affect their planet.

Because even if it is only affected, the entire planet will be destroyed instantly. Once their planet is involved, it will definitely not be spared. The unlucky guy who was crushed before is a lesson.

In the face of such a terrifying and great existence, no matter how powerful the cosmic civilization is, it will feel as insignificant as an ant. It can only wait for God's charity to avoid being affected and become dust in the universe.

Fang Tian held the phantom of the Chaos Bell, and with a sound, the power of Chaos rushed out, knocking Yi Ge's huge planet body away and crashing into another dead planet.

Immediately, the dead planet was smashed into pieces by Ego. The planet collapsed and began to drift into space.

"Human rats only know conspiracy and sneak attacks, how despicable and shameless they are!"

If he hadn't been hit hard in the core by a star-level bomb in advance and was almost unable to control his body, how could he have fallen to this point in the battle! At this moment, Yi Ge's whole body was burning with karma fire, and he was almost going crazy from the stinging sensation.

His planet The body was burned and cracked by the karma fire, and the star power of decay and death was constantly flowing. These star powers were his blood. Once decayed and dead, it would also be highly toxic to Yi Ge's planet body and would cause severe scars on him.

The giant face of magma on the planet Ego, which was already unable to hold on, was twisted into a ball, spraying out the dark star power of annihilation. In despair, he planned to launch the final blow and kill Fang Tian instantly.


A dark hypergravity aperture suddenly appeared on Egg's planet body, and his body began to move at super speed. The pure physical speed even stretched the surrounding space and twisted and deformed.

His planet body was wrapped in a layer of supergravity, which A layer of supergravity increased his mass hundreds of times, and then he used powerful star power to force him to crush at super speed regardless of damage. With such a blow, even if the enemy dies, Yigo himself will be seriously damaged.

Kill. The enemy is one thousand, and one's own losses are eight hundred.

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