The Titan transformed by Fang Tian gently placed the seriously injured but not dead soldier on the ground in front of other stunned human soldiers, and pointed at the human soldiers, as if to express his intention to treat him.

Then the Titan stood up, walked into the deep sea facing the sunset, and disappeared into the water.

All the human soldiers looked at the huge figure disappearing on the seaside, and they were silent, seeming to have lost the power of language.

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up and save people!"At this time, some soldiers reacted. The surrounding American soldiers suddenly woke up as if from a dream, rushed to the seriously injured American soldier, and began to provide emergency treatment to him.

"Titan! Titan! Titan!"More American troops began to cheer the Titans' names, paying tribute to the mythical creatures who saved them.

"Titans are on our human side! It's so good!"Looking at this scene, Douglas breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that as long as he goes back, he will do his best to help Dr. Landa pass the"Titan Project" in Congress!"


A week later, on the ocean floor near Guantánamo.

A ten-meter-long great white shark is looking for food in the sea. An apex predator senses it and senses that there is food nearby that is strongly attracted to it.

Just as the great white shark was arching the sand pile on the seabed, trying to find the food hidden in the sand pile on the seabed, suddenly an arm stretched out from a pile of sand and grabbed the great white shark with one hand.

The great white shark panicked and struggled hard, but it was useless. It was dragged directly into the sand by the arm.

The sand pile stirred for a while, and a pile of great white shark bones were thrown out. A human figure emerged from it, shaking off the sand all over its body.

This figure is naturally Fang Tian who dived into the sea

"Within a week, I finally regained my strength."Fang Tian said to himself at the bottom of the sea.

A week ago, after the giant he transformed into got into the sea, he quickly lost his strength and fell to the bottom of the sea. It was not until just now that the negative effects of the Fist of Creation disappeared, and the swarm of death The refined energy is fed back into the body

"It's almost time to go back. After refining the swarm of death, my real body in this universe should grow to fifty meters."

The death swarm of dead emperor-level monsters brought him a lot of energy. At this time, after the negative effects of the Supreme Fist disappeared, they were rapidly feeding back to his body.

"According to the rules of this universe, one hundred meters is the limit of the gods of the universe. So as long as my true body evolves to seventy meters, I will be the peak of acquired spiritual treasures, and if I evolve to one hundred meters, I will become an innate spiritual treasure."Fang

Tian compared the standards of this universe with other universes, and calculated the standards he needs to reach for his next evolution.

Seventy meters should be the standard of the Heavenly Father of the Marvel Universe, and one hundred meters is the level of the Universe God. If Fang Tian Tian can evolve to seventy meters. As long as he returns to the Marvel Universe, the energy he absorbs will be enough for him to evolve into a complete galaxy-level small world universe. At the same time, he will also evolve into the body of a spiritual treasure at the peak of the acquired spiritual treasure.

"It's time to go back."After staying at the bottom of the sea for seven full days, Fang Tian was almost vomiting blood, so he swam around and disappeared into the bottom of the sea like a fish.


Fang Tian returned to the sea and found a nearby island. There were many American tourists on the island. Fang Tian borrowed a phone from a tourist and contacted Professor Landa in the United States.

Professor Landa said nothing and directly used his authority to send a plane to pick up Fang Tian.

The plane returned to New York, and Fang Tian met Professor Landa again at the Empire Hotel

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​you are finally back. I thought something had happened to you..." After Professor Landa saw Fang Tian, ​​he didn't look like he was injured, so he relaxed.

He didn't want to...when the plan was about to succeed, Suddenly an accident happened

"I'm fine, tell me how things are going lately?"Fang Tian got straight to the point.

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​you don’t know that now you have become a mythical superhero in America."Professor Landa said to Fang Tianda

"Um?"Fang Tian was a little surprised

"You see."Professor Landa handed several magazines and newspapers to Fang Tian.

Fang Tian took the magazines and newspapers and glanced at them. The contents were probably"Titan, the patron saint of mankind" and"In mythology, the giant Titan destroyed the threat to mankind."Monster" and other news

"what happened? Am I out in public so soon?"Fang Tian was very surprised when he saw this. He thought that the American government would hide this monster incident and did not intend to open it to the public, but now it has all been announced.

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​you don’t know what happened..." Professor Landa also had a wry smile on his face, and he began to explain to Fang Tian.

It turned out that the US military suffered too many losses in the battle against the swarm of death monsters at Guantanamo. , it has reached a level that cannot be concealed.

An aircraft carrier fleet composed of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was destroyed by a monster, hundreds of tanks and combat vehicles were destroyed, and the number of casualties reached more than 13,000.

Such a huge loss, even the U.S. government It cannot be covered up. These soldiers all have families. If the U.S. government cannot give their families a reasonable explanation, it will not be able to cover it up. The

U.S. government, which is under tremendous pressure, has suffered countless criticisms. Various rumors are flying all over the sky, and there are even many rumors. It was said that those soldiers were dragged for human experimentation - there were really countless idiots who believed this rumor. The US Plus and Minus were besieged in every state, and even the White House was almost captured by the people.

As a last resort, the US Plus and Minus finally chose to make public about the monsters. The information allowed the public to understand what happened in Guantanamo, how the human army fought against the monsters and was almost completely destroyed by the monsters, and how finally Fang Tian's incarnation of the Titan appeared and destroyed the monsters.

This breaking news immediately detonated the world , now everyone in the world knows that there are creatures like monsters on the planet we live on. They are very powerful and terrifying, and are a fatal threat to mankind. Even the powerful military strength of the US military cannot destroy them. In this way The news shocked human society...

Under this situation, in order to prevent people from being shaken, the U.S. government began to promote Fang Tian's incarnation as a Titan, regarding Fang Tian as a figure in Greek mythology like Prometheus, the fire thief. existence, as the patron saint of mankind.

Coupled with a series of publicity, Fang Tian has now become a superhero in the United States and even the world.

Everyone in the world knows that mankind is guarded by a Titan who is more powerful than monsters. And he chased Fang Tian’s news like he was chasing a star.

"I'm a superhero again."After listening to Professor Landa's explanation, Fang Tian found it very interesting.

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