The helicopter is parked on land in Fukushima.

Fang Tian and Miss Haruko got off the helicopter. Not far away was the location of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. In the burning nuclear flames, two huge Raton monsters danced and mated wantonly. They seemed to be having a carnival. They had already destroyed the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. This abundant nuclear energy area serves as their nest.

Rows of Self-Defense Forces soldiers wearing radiation protection suits trotted past the helicopter, carrying various equipment and pushing towards the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Their purpose should be to prevent the spread of nuclear radiation as much as possible.

One of the members of the Self-Defense Forces who was lingering at the end glanced at Fang Tian with hateful eyes. Although his eyes were hidden behind the radiation protection suit, Fang Tian's eyes were still sharp enough to penetrate the radiation protection suit and see his face clearly..

The member of the Self-Defense Forces who hated him was naturally miserable. He was directly used as a bargaining chip by the Japanese Prime Minister and thrown to Oshima on the front line.

Fang Tian found it funny to see him limping, slowly following the members of the Self-Defense Forces like a turtle, full of fear but having to move forward.

Oshima is basically no different from a dead person in his eyes. The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is now full of terrifying nuclear energy. These nuclear energy are fatal to humans. Even wearing radiation protection suits can only delay the time of death.

What's more, there are two giant Rodon monsters wreaking havoc in the ruins of the Fukushima nuclear power plant. They obviously will not let go of this group of humans who are worse than ants in their eyes.

The chance of survival on the big island is probably even smaller than the chance of winning a top prize by buying a random lottery ticket.

Moreover, Fang Tian has already decided that if he sees this stupid island while hunting the Raton monster, he will not hesitate to trample him to death, not to avoid future troubles, but just to be disgusted.

Within a few minutes, some Self-Defense Force soldiers came over and put Fang Tian and Miss Haruko in radiation-proof suits.

This thing is very bulky, and it can't actually make people immune to radiation. It is of no use to Fang Tian. Fang Tian doesn't want to wear it, but in order not to reveal his identity, he still puts it on reluctantly.

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​please contact the King of Titans quickly and ask him to destroy these two Raton monsters! Those two monsters are preparing to attack Nuclear Power Unit No. 1! The No. 1 nuclear power unit is the largest nuclear power unit at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Once it is destroyed, it will emit radiation equivalent to three times the nuclear bombs exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that year!"

Miss Haruko, who was wearing radiation protection clothing, saw the Raton monster preparing to attack a nuclear building in the Fukushima nuclear power plant from a distance, and asked Fang Tian excitedly.

"I'm going to communicate with the Titan King now, but I need an absolutely quiet place."Fang Tian saw Miss Qingzi's painful expression, nodded, and then said

"Thank you Mr. Fang Tian, ​​there is a forest there, and now all living things have been killed by nuclear radiation. I will ask the officers of the Self-Defense Force to guard the outside of the forest, and you can communicate with the Titan King inside."Miss Haruko pointed to a forest not far away and said seriously.

Fang Tian nodded. Soon, Miss Haruko called two Self-Defense Force officers and took Fang Tian into the forest, guarded by several soldiers. The entrance to the forest.

The forest is dead and filled with the corpses of various small animals. These animals were killed by the nuclear radiation released by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. If you are lucky, once a small animal adapts to the nuclear radiation, it will begin Evolution, it won't be long before another monster appears.

As he lives in this universe, Fang Tian gradually understands the basic rules of this universe.

Under the stubborn rules of this universe, radiation is like the rapid speed of this universe. Like a biological catalyst, it is the source of the evolution of this universe.

This universe does not need to be like the Marvel universe. Creatures need to master various skills and knowledge in order to evolve step by step in the direction of the supreme god of the universe. It exists in a way that is difficult to understand.

Natural organisms can absorb radiation and mutate at the fastest speed, and there is no upper limit to evolution. As long as there is enough radiation and a strong natural biological chain, it will soon Emperor-level monsters can be born.

Fortunately, the monster universe suppresses all extraordinary powers, so even if there are more emperor-level monsters, it will not cause the collapse of the universe.

This unique universe rule makes Fang Tian very curious about the relationship between nuclear energy and The nature of radiation gave him the idea of ​​​​understanding radiation and cracking it.

If he could crack the mystery of cosmic radiation, he could directly absorb the nuclear energy radiation, extract the cosmic origin of the universe, and speed up the evolution.

Fu. The large-scale explosion of nuclear energy radiation from the island nuclear power plant is a perfect laboratory

"It's almost time, my prey, that your show time is over!"Fang Tian stood in the forest, looking at the two Raton monsters that destroyed the No. 1 nuclear power unit in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant with super vision. His face showed the sharp gaze of a predator staring at its prey, and then his body began to It quickly grew huge.

Soon, a giant more than 60 meters tall appeared in the silent forest. With his appearance, the surrounding trees collapsed in pieces.

He was guarding the outside of the forest, not letting anyone approach or disturb the gentleman. The Self-Defense Force soldiers communicating with the King of Titans suddenly heard the roaring sound of trees collapsing, and then felt the ground shaking slightly. They were frightened and quickly turned their heads, and immediately saw a huge sixty-meter-long giant appearing in front of them. Behind him.

The giant had a looming magical totem on his skin. He glanced at them like a god from above, and then he levitated out of thin air and flew towards the nuclear power plant.

"God! We saw the gods!"The officers of the Self-Defense Forces were stunned and couldn't close their mouths in shock. One soldier couldn't even control his emotions and blurted out.

That's right, a giant who can fly, release various super powers, and destroy demons in myths, What's the difference between gods who kill Yamata no Orochi and other monsters?

Flying is an ability that Fang Tian mastered after he reached the fifty-meter level and broke through the restrictions on the use of extraordinary power in this universe.

This is also normal, in this universe Basically all emperor-level monsters can fly. For example, Godzilla can actually fly, but Fang Tian’s flying speed is not very fast now. Compared with the super-light speed in the Marvel universe, it is just a snail among snails, and it is just like a snail. An eagle is about the same speed.

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