After Fang Tian's acquired spiritual treasure body evolved to the acquired peak spiritual treasure, it means that all of Fang Tian's abilities have fully entered the cosmic god level, and the twelve-grade red lotus karma fire is no exception.

It has evolved to become more powerful. Although there is no rule of cause and effect in this universe, the nuclear flame formed by the twelve-pin red lotus karma fire can still refine any monster at the first level of the emperor monster.

What's more, the monster that Oshima turned into was too far away from the level of an emperor-level monster. Covered by red lotus fire, it didn't even have time to scream, and was quickly burned to ashes.

"I’d better not absorb this energy."Fang Tian didn't absorb the energy of the humanoid monster refined by the Red Lotus Karma Fire. It was because the big island made him feel too disgusting. He felt that absorbing this energy was like eating garbage.

"Long live the Titan King!"

"Long live the Patron Titan King!"

Seeing the King of Titans kill the monsters ravaging Tokyo in an instant, countless Tokyo citizens who had been hiding for refuge crawled out of their hiding spots and began to cheer.

They were so excited at the moment. They could see with their own eyes the protection of Japan that was like a god. God, and at the same time saw the patron saint using his power to destroy the monster. They were even more convinced that Fang Tian's incarnation of the Titan King was the patron saint of Tokyo, so the cheers became more and more intense, spreading farther and farther, and more and more people Start participating

"It's really troublesome, now it's exposed."Fang Tian glanced at Haruko, who was covering her mouth and looking at him excitedly in the ruins of the building, and sighed helplessly. He had to think about how to explain it.

Soon, Fang Tian's giant body began to shrink rapidly. Then he turned into a normal human size, came to the stunned Haruko, sighed and said,"I can explain, but let's get out of here first."

After that, he grabbed Miss Haruko's shoulders and took her to fly into the sky, disappearing into the vast night.


One day later, in the Japanese garden of Miss Haruko's house.

After listening to the story Fang Tian made up, Miss Qingzi looked at Fang Tian like a fan girl looking at the big star they are chasing.

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​do you mean that you are not an earthling, but a clan of gods from the universe? Are you like the guardians of light in the universe, guarding the light order in the universe and preventing it from being swallowed up by the monsters of darkness? Is that right?"Miss Qingzi asked

"That's right. Fang Tian snickered in his heart, but nodded heavily on his face,"It's a pity that I have too few people and too many monsters."……"

"It turns out that the mysterious and magnificent universe actually has such an unknown realm that we humans have never entered. It turns out that this is the case. Thank you, Mr. Fang Tian, ​​for sincerely telling me these secrets."

Miss Haruko swore very seriously,"I promise you with my soul and life that I will not leak your secrets, so please trust me, I will be your loyal guardian and guard your secrets."

"I trust you."Fang Tian nodded. Anyway, it has been exposed. He actually doesn't care, and it doesn't have much impact. He just hopes that the Japanese will not study human gigantism and play some super monster to kill themselves.

"Then can you tell me the name of the clan of gods you represent? I will let our family remember this name from generation to generation, and I will always be grateful for your help to us humans."Miss Haruko is serious and longing for

"Okay, Miss Haruko, listen carefully, I come from a clan of gods that represent light in the universe. The name of our clan is"

"The Clan of Light—Ultraman!"

Fang Tian joked seriously

"I remember the Ultraman clan."Miss Haruko nodded excitedly as if there were stars in her eyes, as if she was excited about getting a huge secret.

Fang Tian suddenly felt that he had gone too far to deceive this innocent girl, and also pretended to be Ultraman.

When he thought of the future After monsters appeared on the earth in the Monster Universe, thousands of people shouted the name"Ultraman", and Fang Tian felt a chill


After Fang Tian made up a reason to fool Miss Qingzi, Miss Qingzi really believed that Fang Tian was the incarnation of light in the universe, from the Ultraman clan, a guardian who came to the earth to destroy monsters and protect mankind, and told Fang Tian Swear to protect this secret.

And Fang Tian didn't care whether she would abide by this oath.

Because he is ready to leave.

At this time, he already has the ability to seal the dimensional rift with time and space magic, and is preparing to return to the Marvel Universe after sealing the dimensional rift.

Before leaving, Fang Tian planned to tell two people, Professor Landa and Miss Haruko, about his departure.

Professor Landa is basically his collaborator in this universe. If he wants to come to this universe to hunt the emperor monsters in the future, he must rely on Professor Landa's emperor organization, so he needs to maintain a very good relationship.

As for Miss Haruko, after destroying the humanoid monster that Oshima turned into, the relationship between the two has rapidly advanced. Now it has become very hot, and they are only a hair away from opening the most intimate door.

It was too much not to tell the girl who was about to become his girlfriend that he was leaving, so Fang Tian planned to tell Miss Haruko the news.

The only thing that gives Fang Tian a headache is that he doesn't know the speed of time between the Marvel Universe and the Monster Universe. He doesn't know how long it will take the next time he returns to the Monster Universe.

The current year in the Monster Universe is 1970. If the next time he comes back, it will be the 21st century, thirty or forty years will have passed.

Miss Haruko is now twenty-two years old. Thirty-four years later, she will be fifty or sixty years old and become an Obasan. This is a bit scary just thinking about it. Fang Tian really doesn’t know how he should face an Obasan. Basang's girlfriend.

Therefore, Tian Fangtian has been thinking about whether there is any way to increase Miss Haruko's life and longevity to prevent that terrible situation from happening.

Finally, he summed up several methods and planned to try them out when he said goodbye to Miss Haruko.

When Fang Tian told Miss Qingzi that he was about to leave, of course, he did not say that he was leaving the universe. Instead, he made up a lie and told Miss Qingzi that the Kingdom of Light, where the Ultraman clan, the god of the universe, needed to summon him. Go back to perform the mission, so you have to leave.

Upon receiving this news, Miss Haruko was stunned for a moment, with a look of reluctance on her face and biting her lip.

"Are you really leaving? Mr. Fang Tian."Miss Qingzi looked at Fang Tian and asked stubbornly.

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