Never mention his name, for the claws will hunt for your head.

In the secret room, all the figures wearing masks and cloaks recited a nursery rhyme.

The mysterious Owl Organization reveals the tip of the iceberg they hide in the shadows, and at the same time leads to a conspiracy against the Celestial Society


Fang Tian was caught at the police station, and the incident that triggered the Great Earthquake in America passed quickly like an episode in Gotham.

Fang Tian has already met the three main characters of Gotham City, Batman, Penguin, and Sheriff Gordon, and all three of them have had direct contact with him.

As for other major characters in the future of Gotham City, they have not yet appeared, such as the Joker, whom Fang Tian is most looking forward to.

The origin and identity of the clown are very strange. The comics and movies in Fang Tian's world have never really made it clear, so it is difficult for Fang Tian to find him.

Without meeting those very interesting people, Fang Tian had nothing to do and just stayed in the Wayne family manor, continuing to ravage Bruce Wayne and train him.

Bruce Wayne's strength is increasing every day, growing at a terrifying speed. Fang Tian estimates that Bruce Wayne does not even need to be an adult, and it will not be long before he can have the strength of the Dark Knight Batman in the original universe.

And under his training, Bruce will become a super soldier who is as powerful as any hero.

I'm very excited just thinking about it. If Fang Tian didn't want to change Batman's life too much, he would even want Bruce Wayne to have extraordinary powers.


Gotham is still the same Gotham, but Chief Gordon is no longer the original Chief Gordon.

James Gordon walked down the street in despair, as if all hope in his life had been taken away.

The streets of Gotham City were still so chaotic. After Gordon habitually knocked down a bastard who robbed an old lady and stopped a robbery, the hand he was holding out for handcuffs was empty and he stood there in a daze.

As a result, in an alley, he was surrounded by the robber's accomplices and beaten for a while. After drinking, Gordon had no strength to resist, and was finally stuffed into a trash can.

"Justice, when will you achieve it in Gotham?"Lying in the trash can, Gordon muttered to himself dizzy.

"Are you James Gordon?"At this moment, a black car parked outside the alley. Several gang members got out of the car and came to the trash can. One gang member opened the lid of the trash can, grabbed Gordon's hair, and asked

"He is James Gordon, take him away, the BOSS wants to see him! Before Gordon could speak, the people around the gang members had already recognized this Gotham celebrity.

Several gang members pulled James Gordon out of the trash can and dragged him into the car. Soon, the black car disappeared into the chaotic streets..When

Gordon woke up in a daze, he found himself lying on the sofa in a room. Opposite him, Penguin was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine and looking at him with interest.

"James Gordon, you're awake and you look good."Penguin squinted his eyes and said to James Gordon with a smile.

"Penguin!"As soon as he saw Penguin, James Gordon's eyes almost burst out with anger.

Penguin was the criminal he wanted to arrest most. It was this guy who wanted to fight for the black power of Gotham City and killed him during his rise. Many people, it was while investigating him that James Gordon found a clue behind the mysterious Chinese man, and tracked down the mysterious Chinese man Fang Tian.

In the end, he was deprived of his police qualifications because of the mysterious Chinese man.

"Don't be so excited, James Gordon. You are no longer a policeman and there is nothing you can do against me. Of course, there is actually nothing you can do against me when you were a policeman. To be honest, I have to admire your courage and stupidity. You actually have the courage to arrest my master, Mr. Fang Tian, ​​which is an eye-opener for me! But this behavior is so stupid, so stupid that there is no cure. You don't know my master at all, and you don't know the consequences of offending him."Penguin took a sip of red wine and said with a smile.

"Let me introduce this place to you. This bar is called Iceberg Bar. It is my private property. Don’t you think the name Iceberg matches my nickname very well? It used to be one of the important assets of the Falcone family, managed by my former boss Fish Mooney. Yes, it was the Falcone family, the king of Gotham. Then, he was taken over by Carman Falcone. Erko gave it to me as a gift. It’s gorgeous, right?"The Penguin put down the red wine glass, and then introduced this gorgeous room to Gordon.

James Gordon frowned, not knowing what the gangster Penguin wanted to say.

"Can you imagine? Just three weeks ago, I was a gangster intern working in this bar. Because I bumped into the owner, I was sent out as a gift by Fesh Mooney, and then the owner took notice. It was such a fateful and lucky experience. What now? Look at me, I have become the boss of the third largest gang in Gotham City, with countless underlings and territories under my command! What a surprising fate."Penguin squinted his eyes and smiled brightly.

"Penguin, what exactly do you want to say?"Gordon frowned, not wanting to listen to Penguin's nonsense.

"James Gordon, don't you understand? Although you arrested the master once, for some unknown reason, the master seemed to like you. Otherwise, why do you think you are still alive now? Just based on your skills trained in the Marine Corps? Or is it the connections left by your poor father, the former Gotham Justice?"

"The only reason you and your little girlfriend aren't in body bags or thrown into the ocean to feed the sharks is because your owner doesn't allow it!"The Penguin had a mocking smile on his face.

"Penguin, what are you trying to say?! If you dare to touch Barbara in the slightest, I will kill you!"James Gordon stood up from his big chair, leaned forward, and glared

"Don't get excited, I said, you're not even a police officer, you can't do anything. According to your fellow police officers, you have lofty ideals and want to restore peace to Gotham. I respect people like you very much and think we have many opportunities to work together."

"You see, I'm destined to be the King of Gotham, but I need rule, not crime and chaos, and you can work with me"

"I'm giving you a chance now! Go to the Wayne Family Villa Manor to beg the owner! As long as you ask the master, you can fulfill your dream, and we can cooperate to make Gotham a better place!"

Penguin held up his cane and said seductively to James Gordon with a smile.

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