The result still surprised him, even if human society was forced to the brink of collapse by his life, but by this time, some powerful countries still did not unite together.

This made him feel a little strange, obviously everyone knew that uniting together was more capable of resisting him, but no one was willing to do so, which made Leon feel that things were unpredictable, and even he could not control everything in his hands.

Things did not go as he expected, but the consequences of the collapse of the oil system, as he had predicted, would have been enormous for all countries.

At this moment, many countries are in a kind of collapse of the change, such as the United States, such as the Ying country, such as Japan, the United States of America’s national strength, oil reserves are enough countries to run for more than nine months, but the Ying country and Japan are not so lucky, such countries themselves are very scarce in resources, extremely dependent on imports, and the oil industry is the crown of all industries, and now this crown is lost, so that such a country is seriously injured.

It has been inferred that import-dependent countries such as Ying and Japan can only hold out for a month at most before they will collapse.

What Leon did not expect was that the war between him and the United States would come very quickly, and this time it was not the original heroes, or the mutant brotherhood people, but the Asgardians.

Thor, the god of thunder, was the first to appear in front of him, and his companions behind him also appeared outside the sword-shaped building, but the few destroyers who came to Earth with Thor did not appear here.

“Asgardians, why are you involved in this war?” Leon asked curiously, he did not show any anger, some were just simple curiosity.

“Because my Father told me that you will be a disaster for the whole universe, we must stop your evil deeds, because of your actions, there have been too many ordinary people in Midgard who have died, which are caused by your actions, and in our view, you are a tumor in this world that must be eradicated.” Thor cut through the railway.

His battle intent was rising, the divine power was condensing in his body, and a small electric current had already begun to move on his body.

Li Ang raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Are you so sure of your father’s words?” What if he said it was incorrect? ”

“It is impossible, you are our enemy, this has been predestined since you invaded Asgard and seized the treasure in the Father’s treasury. So what I say is useless, and I am officially declaring war on you today on behalf of Asgard, and you will taste the wrath of Asgard. ”

Thor, the god of thunder, is very strong, it can be said that Asgard has little fighting power, especially now he does not know how to use to stimulate his own divine power, so that he raises his hands and feet with the majesty of a natural roar.

The electric light wrapped around him, weaving a piece of thunder and lightning armor for him, and his eyes turned a brilliant silver color, shining and unable to see clearly, only electric light converged in it.

And none of the companions who followed him were weak, and any one of them had the strength of an almost alpha-level mutant.

Thor, the god of thunder, and his party can seriously say that they can be regarded as the strongest combat force on the earth at this time, and he may feel that he has the capital to challenge Leon, but Leon actually tells him how ridiculous and ridiculous his idea is.


With a snap of his fingers, the movement of Thor and his companions suddenly stopped, and they were completely fixed in mid-air, at this time one by one looked like they were dancing with their teeth and claws, which looked quite ridiculous.

Li Ang directly froze this piece of time and space, which was now completely separated from the real time and space.

He smiled and looked at the people in front of him, the thunder light was still wrapped around the body of Thor, the god of thunder, and even he could see the lightning bolt that exploded at the end of the thunder and lightning, and the blazing thunderbolt on his hammer.

He just shook his head indifferently, although the thunder god Thor was powerful, but for him now, he was just a slightly larger ant, and it was extremely simple for Leon to kill him.

With a flicker of his body, Li Ang appeared in front of Thor, the god of thunder, and stretched out his finger to flick on his forehead, directly coming to a brain breakdown.

Subsequently, he lifted the space-time around Thor.


Thor didn’t even know what was happening, and with a sharp pain in his head, his body flew out uncontrollably, flying hundreds of meters and crashing into a tall building, he wanted to subtract, but found that the momentum of this retreat he could not control at all.

He was smashed straight into a building, stirring up a flurry of debris, and he was buried in it.

“Cough cough…”

Thor struggled from the rubble to get up, but now he felt his whole body go weak, and the pain in his brain made him scream, it felt like someone had punched him in the head.


He finally got up from the ruins, his body still shaking a little, and the arcs of electricity wrapped around his body also looked a little weak.

He suddenly looked up, and saw Leon floating in the distance in mid-air, looking at him with a smile.

“You… What did you just do? He couldn’t help but ask in a startled voice.

Li Ang shrugged and said, “I didn’t do anything, I just gave you a look.” Unfortunately, you are not the real god in the universe, the power is still too weak for me, if I had used the strength a little bit earlier, you would have become a corpse by now. ”


Thor couldn’t believe that the person in front of him had knocked him down with just one blow, which made him, who had always been arrogant, somewhat unacceptable.

“It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, because that’s the truth and can’t be changed.”

Li Ang was still smiling, but there was no joy in his smile, and some of his eyes were just plain.

Thor touched his forehead, where there was a big bag, it was knocked out by Li Ang’s finger, he slightly touched the pain of the heart, he did not even see Li Ang’s movements, he had already been so confused and defeated, which made him extremely unwilling.


He roared in anger, gathered his divine power again, and pounced on Li Ang fiercely.

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