“Dr. Punk, the experiment has reached the final step, the experimental material is still very stable, the values have not changed much, and it meets the requirements for continuing the experiment, do you want to carry out the next step?”

In a highly concealed laboratory, there are many experimenters in white coats walking back and forth, all busy with the things in their hands.

The lab was huge, at least a thousand square meters, and there was a transparent enclosed chamber with an upright chamber filled with nutrient solution, and a stout man immersed in it.

This is a man, more than two meters tall and three meters tall, a muscular body like steel casting, the skin presents a perfect bronze color, the face looks quite handsome, with the unique white logo edges and corners, and the eyebrows are even more fierce.

“Call me for the specific data.” The doctor named Punk spoke.

He was an old man, at least in his sixties, and although his body was slightly rickety, his mental state was very good, and the experimental assistant next to him handed him some information, and he looked at it as if no one was around.

He nodded his head after half a moment, “The data is no problem, the current physical strength of the experimenter can withstand the next experiment, but you all have to be careful, this is the owner of the only super soldier serum in the world, in order to get him, the government is almost going to fall out with S.H.I.E.L.D., such experimental materials cannot be a problem.” ”

“Yes Ph.D., we have been very well prepared, and on such a basis, the experiment will not be problematic.” The assistant assured.

Dr. Punk nodded, then said, “So… Finally the last link of the weapons plan, let’s get started. ”


The experimental assistant looked happy and hurried down to order, and he had reason to be excited, because it was a state-sponsored super project that brought together hundreds of experts and scholars in biology to build what they thought was the ultimate weapon to deal with that terrible catastrophe.

And this disaster is naturally said to be Li Ang, but Li Ang does not know anything about it for the time being, because this laboratory is to ensure that secrets are not leaked in the form of physical disconnection, and Li Ang has a superintelligent program around him, and the American government and intelligence agencies have long known, and such precautions also ensure that Li Ang cannot learn the news here.

The establishment of this laboratory is not long, it is less than a month, but the current research results are very gratifying, after all, it is an experimental project formed by the power of the state, and the various funds and materials are very abundant, and the government has only one requirement, that is, to make this experiment successful no matter what.

At this point, the experiment is only the last link, and what is currently underway is the final key step of the experiment.

This was a top experiment in biology and genetics, and even the experimenter was not a mutant, but a Pu who had been injected with the serum of a super soldier, and this experimenter was the captain of the United States who had been dug out of the sea.

Yes, the experimental material is Captain Mi himself, and even when he wakes up, he is sent to the laboratory by S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to create a final weapon to block and defeat Leon.

At this point the lab became quiet, and many people stopped their work and watched quietly as they watched the man in the sealed cabin, waiting for the final results to be revealed.

Captain Mi was inserted into the body of several special pipes, and then each pipe had a different color of matter injected into it, and Captain Mi was not awake, and even his own personality was about to collapse because of the previous experiments.

But this is not an unacceptable thing for these experimenters, in order to succeed in the experiment, they will not care about the death or death of the experimenter, and the captain of the United States is just a special experimental material in the eyes of these people.

Captain Miko’s body began to tremble, initially with a low frequency, and finally it had turned into a convulsion, and the nutrient solution that wrapped him in him began to bubble up like boiling boiling water.

“The target heart rate has increased, brain activity has intensified, physical abnormalities have begun, and genetic-level transformation has been completed by thirty-six percent.” The lab assistant hurried to report the progress to Dr. Punk.

Dr. Punk nodded, his eyes always on the sealed cabin, somewhat nervous.

Half an hour passed quickly, and in that half an hour, the nutrient solution in the sealed cabin had become cloudy, revealing an eerie scarlet color, like blood water.

That’s because Captain Miko’s skin cracked, piece by piece, and then quickly recovered, such a continuous destruction, and then repaired, the blood water has stained all the nutrient solution.

“The target brain domain activity has peaked, the intracranial temperature has risen by 40 percent, some brain tissue has been burned and is being reconstructed, and the genetic level transformation has been completed by 97 percent.”

The hearts of Dr. Punk and the experimenters had reached their peaks, and they all looked nervously at the people in the sealed cabin, as if they had become their hopes.


The scarlet blood in the sealed cabin was churning and rolling, and the body of the captain of the United States became thicker, his face showed the color of viciousness and pain, and his body struggled more and more, and the roar even came out through the sealed cabin.


At this moment, a series of sirens sounded, and the experimental assistant hurriedly reported loudly: “The activity of the target brain domain has stopped, ninety percent of the brain tissue has been burned, and it is now growing again, the growth rate is extremely fast, and it is expected to complete the regeneration within thirty-six seconds.” In addition, the degree of completion of transformation at the genetic level… One hundred percent! ”

“Success, we succeed, Doctor!” The experimental assistant jumped up, extremely excited.

The expression on Dr. Punk’s face was still nervous, and instead of opening his mouth, he was still staring at the sealed cabin, and under his gaze, more than thirty seconds passed quickly, and Captain Miko’s body had dried up and returned to his original muscular appearance, at least the appearance was completely out of sight.


The nutrient solution was quickly extracted, and then the sealed cabin was opened, and the captain of the United States fell to the ground.

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