A stream of light flickered, like lightning appearing out of thin air, and then showed a wisp of knife flying rays, more like a laser beam, with a dazzling light, every ray of light flashed, there would be a fighter plane penetrated by the air, and then a rumble exploded, turning into a raging flame, planted from a high altitude.

Hundreds of soldiers who still retain combat strength, with their special ability, easily hit down pieces of fighters, and the sound of explosions frequently sounded, although not as fierce as the missile explosions, but together, they sounded like firecrackers.

The generals of various countries in the rear temporary command all changed their faces after seeing this scene, and Commander Ruluos immediately shouted: “Let the air forces retreat, so that they can’t support it at all!” ”

The American general looked heavy, shook his head with some helplessness, and sighed: “No, the previous plan has already taken into account the occurrence of this situation, let them deal with it themselves.” ”

The general on the Huaxia side seemed to be calmer, as if he had been prepared for this, looking at the damage and indifferent, but if he looked closely, he would find that the clenched fist showed his inner unpeace.

The command headquarters was silent, everyone’s face was heavy, and everyone was nervously watching the battlefield, ready to deal with special situations.

In the battlefield at this time, although the number of soldiers has decreased sharply, the combat strength of each one is extremely terrifying, and just for dealing with these fighters and helicopters, it is completely a cattle knife for killing chickens, which is quite overkill.

And its various super capabilities, completely become battlefield killers, often see a flash of kung fu, there are fighters were blown up in the air, for this battle, the coalition side invested thousands of helicopters and fighters, and now occupies an absolute numerical superiority.

But peace is not a combat superiority, and for soldiers, these numbers are not a problem at all.

One side attacked, the other side will naturally counterattack, these fighters from the initial surprise reaction, they took the speed of maneuvering, one missile and cannon after another locked on the fighter, began a strong counterattack.

From a distance, there are fireballs produced by explosions everywhere in the sky, one by one, like fireworks, which are extremely bright and obvious, and most of these explosions are caused by missiles, and many of them are caused by aircraft cannons hitting the soldiers.

But the result was a despair for the coalition side, and even if the soldiers were hit by missiles and artillery shells, they were completely unscathed, and at best, their flight trajectory was affected.

These soldiers all have their own intelligent programs, and their level of intelligence is also extremely high, and in the face of the counterattack of the air forces, one by one they have shown extreme rapidity, and they also have the upper hand in the high-altitude entanglement, and the suppressed coalition air forces cannot raise their heads at all.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes have passed, and these ten minutes have been extremely long and difficult for the coalition forces, thousands of fighters and helicopters have been destroyed, and the more they go to the back, the faster the fighters are damaged, and it seems that in a few moments the entire air force will be wiped out.

At this time, the people in the command headquarters finally gave the order to retreat, and in a flash, all the helicopters and fighters fled like falling dogs, one by one, without the courage to continue to resist with the soldiers.

If it were not for the professionalism of the body and the responsibilities on their bodies, then these fighter pilots would have had a psychological collapse long ago, but even if they persisted until now, they were extremely difficult to endure individually, and the death of their colleagues one by one brought huge psychological pressure to these pilots.

Although it is not a collapse, the air force has indeed been crippled, hundreds of soldiers against thousands of fighters, the momentum of the encirclement, in this case, with the terrible combat ability of the soldiers, the coalition air force has no ability to resist at all.

The commanders in the rear, one by one, had extremely heavy hearts, and in the face of such an opponent, they did not know how to deal with it, or they could not find a way to defeat it, which was extremely desperate.

“We can’t just wait to die like this, we have to find a way to deal with it!” A general shouted angrily.

The three generals of the United States, Huaxia and Ruluosi looked at each other, and then nodded in unison, and the American general said: “The troops of the whole line are retreating, and there will be another nuclear bomb strike, this time with a large yield.” ”

The whole coalition army was ordered to move quickly, these troops were the most elite in every country, the order was extremely easy, and as soon as they said retreat, they could already move, but in just three minutes they had already left the defensive line.

At this time, the missile vehicles on the ground roared in unison, and countless missiles attacked the front again.

The situation at this time is very similar to the previous one, and these missiles are also mixed with a nuclear bomb, and the yield is not small.

The previous nuclear bomb had a yield of only half a million, and the explosion generated was already extremely terrifying, but in the end it was only a very small nuclear bomb, so Corruption could survive the bombardment of the nuclear bomb, which was actually a strange fluke.

But this time the bomb has two million equivalents, which is still a small yield bomb, but its power is increased exponentially.

However, in the face of this missile rain, the soldiers would not be so stupid, with Li Ang’s order, they had dispersed early after the collapse of the Allied air force, and they were only dealing with dozens of soldiers head-on.

And the horror of Corruption who tried the nuclear bomb can be said to have left a lot of shadow in his heart, and he had already dodged it early at this time.


An earth-shattering loud noise that could not be described, a light cluster that was so bright that the price of the sun’s rays appeared instantly, bringing with it an endless shock wave and terrifying power.

Radiation, shock waves, and the glare of the nuclear bomb explosion instantly became the focus of the entire battlefield, and dozens of your soldiers facing each other were suddenly enveloped by all this, and they were directly vaporized without half a reaction.

This was a necessary loss, it was Svija’s own order, in order to let these dozens of soldiers die, as for what it thought, then no one knew, Leon only smiled when he saw it, and did not say anything more.

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