The reason for making such a decision, he also has his own considerations, just like what he said before, he no longer has much effort and heart to play with these countries anymore, for him now, the pattern of the earth alone has become very narrow, and his stage should also face the entire universe.

“Then let me see what kind of resistance you can bring to me when you really unite.”

Although the soldiers left, the words of those people fell into Li Ang’s ears, in fact, not all of the soldiers left, and several of them were hidden in the air above their heads, naturally monitoring these people.

So in this way, Leon decided to give the world some more pressure, after all, the small fight could not satisfy him.

As a villain boss, how should I play this role well.

Then he did not pay attention to what was left on the battlefield, because it was not worth his continued attention, and with his orders, Svija quickly arranged, and suddenly a thousand soldiers went to Europe, five hundred soldiers went to Africa, and as for Asia, there were two thousand.

Li Ang deliberately chose to let these soldiers appear in front of the world the next day, the first to be displayed in front of people is the group of soldiers who landed in Africa, five hundred soldiers, is an energy that can destroy the family and destroy the country, and the appearance of these soldiers also completely shows that Li Ang will tear off the previous “gentle” veil and act more and more unscrupulously.

The countries on the east coast of Africa were immediately devastated, and in just half a day, three countries had fallen, and although there were no casualties among the civilians, as government troops, they were completely destroyed.

Yes, Li Ang was prepared to pick up soft persimmons at the beginning, and he did not have the slightest softness in attacking the third world countries, saying that if he destroyed the country, he would destroy the country, without the slightest hesitation, but within half a day, the fall of the three countries shocked the whole world.

All the countries did not expect Leon to move so quickly, yesterday he was still fighting with the coalition forces in the United States, and today he has sent fighting forces to plunder other international areas, which is completely to turn the rhythm of the world with a manpower.

At this time, the generals had only just reported the specific situation of yesterday, and as for the matter of union, the matter of alliance was only in the process of brewing among the countries, and even an accurate explanation had not yet been made, and these still existed in the plans and ideas of various countries.

But Leon didn’t give them time to rip off, he gave the whole world only two ways, either to unite against him, or to play directly together, very domineering.

The communication between countries is often slow and struggling, and the specific manifestation is the political game, which is just ordinary exchanges between countries and countries.

First there are meetings and deliberations, then there are negotiations, then there are negotiations, and finally, there are still negotiations, and if you don’t negotiate for a year and a half, you don’t want to really unite together, or that kind of all-round and indiscriminate undifferentiated alliance, it will take even longer, and it is likely to drag on until the day when the world is destroyed.

And this is what Leon does not want to see, what he wants is for the whole world to unite against him, what does it mean to play a single machine if he is alone?

Therefore, it is only natural to send soldiers to plunder the world.

Half a day of war in Africa shocked the whole world, and for a while, the rumors and fears of wolves came haunted the hearts of every ordinary person, and those who knew Leon’s terror were even more terrified.

But that’s not all, and then more shocking things happened.


Coordinates ying country!

On the same day, they were also attacked by soldiers, and the Ying countries were one of the members of this coalition army, and their own military strength was one of the best in the whole of Europe, not as weak as the third world countries, but in the face of the attack of the soldiers, they also showed an unstoppable posture.

The defensive line collapsed again and again, and in the face of the blows of the soldiers, there was no ability to resist at all.

Subsequently, the Ying Kingdom also detonated the first nuclear bomb used in Europe for war, which shook the whole world like that, but… There were no casualties to the soldiers, but the army of the Ying country suffered heavy casualties under the power of the nuclear explosion.

The latest news of the war spread throughout the world, and in a single moment, the whole world was in an uproar.

This is not as far away as the third world countries, but for civilized society, it is really what happens around them, and the shock brought to people is absolutely self-evident.

But Leon’s shock to the world was more than that, and in the short time that followed, there were also warriors in Asia, this time in Japan, with a very abrupt appearance and an extremely rapid attack.

Perhaps because of the memory of past lives, if you find a country that has never been good to Leon, then Japan should be the first, so the order given by Leon to Japan is to attack indiscriminately.

Yes, it was a very bloody indiscriminate attack, not an attack on the army and the resistance forces, which was also a wish of his own, and the most angry and angry in his past life was cathartic.

Therefore, the blows suffered by Japan were extremely powerful, and the losses suffered were also extremely heavy, with countless civilian casualties, the army was almost completely wiped out, and all the armed forces, all under the blows of the soldiers, became scrap iron.

What is even more terrifying is the attack of the soldiers on the Japanese continental shelf, so that Japan has experienced more than thirty earthquakes of magnitude eight or above in one day, and the surrounding tsunami will almost drown the entire country.

Under such a half-day blow, Japan can be called a national annihilation, the people have suffered heavy losses, the army has suffered heavy losses, and the country itself has suffered heavy losses.

Emotional venting is partial, but the reason why Leon wants to do this is to make the world realize his horror, although it was a meteor and an asteroid in the past, but in the end it had less impact on the whole world, so that many people have a fluke mentality.

Now he uses practical actions to tell the world a truth.

Lao Tzu is the Great Demon King who destroys the world, and if you don’t rebel against Lao Tzu, you will all die!

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