Loki struggled madly, seeing Li Ang’s cold appearance, almost crying out without being frightened, he struggled hard, but he could not shake the shackles that Li Ang imposed on him, at the same time, the despair in his heart became more and more profound.

“No, no, no!!!”

He screamed madly in his heart, but in reality, he was only struggling, and he made a whimpering sound in his mouth, but he couldn’t say half a word, and the desire to survive in Loki’s eyes became extremely strong, but Leon ignored it.

“I’m sorry, but you, like that ebony throat, don’t deserve to live!”

“Loki, maybe others don’t know you, but I know very well that you, as the son of the Frost Giant, have always wanted to steal Odin’s authority, and for this reason you have even used all kinds of conspiracies, so that it is very clear that you are an ambitious person, not the kind of person who is willing to be a subordinate, so in order that my testing ground is not destroyed, you can safely die with Ebony Throat, he is too lonely, with you, and there is less companion in hell.”

Leon said and held out his hand to him, and Loki’s face became extremely distorted as he heard Leon’s words, and he had a look of disbelief in his eyes, completely unaware that Leon actually knew about him, so that he became even more desperate.

He struggled madly, but even if he tried his best and hardest, he could not break free of Leon’s shackles, and that despair made him depressed and collapsed.

Li Ang’s palm was facing him, his five fingers were slightly contracted, after seeing Li Ang pinch the planet fortress and squeeze the throat of the ebony, Loki already knew what he was going to face next.

He was still in the process, and at the last moment, he would not give up the chance to survive at all, but Leon would not give him this chance, the five fingers contracted, and the space seemed to become a viscous liquid at this time, wrapping Loki tightly, and then a small crack appeared in the space, and the destructive power of the crack also acted on Loki’s body.


Loki struggled and twisted his body, his eyes wide open, and there was fear and extreme anger in his eyes, waiting fiercely for Leon, eager to eat him.

But this could not delay the process of his death, and this process was deliberately slowed down so that he could slowly realize it.

The tiny crack cut through Loki’s outer armor, and the blood under the outer armor, and the blood flowed out in an instant, and in the cold space, it was instantly frozen into a grain of enchanting ice crystals.

As the cracks grew more and more wounds on Loki’s body, the pain drove him crazy, death terrified him, and he was desperate, knowing that he was really doomed today.

“Not reconciled, isn’t it?” Alas, unfortunately, you have to endure it, I know that you have always wanted to take revenge on Asgard, so one thing I can tell you is that Asgard will also be my next testing ground, and whether they can continue to survive when the time comes, it depends on their future performance. ”


Loki still didn’t give up the struggle, just as he would never give up the instinct to survive until the last moment of his life.

Unfortunately, this is not what eggs are used for Leon.

His death was inevitable, Li Ang’s hand gradually tightened, and more and more cracks appeared on Loki’s body, and in just a dozen seconds, Loki had turned into a blood gourd.


A fine line cut through Loki’s throat, blood spurted out in an instant, and in an instant it was frozen into a grain of solid ice, and in Loki’s eyes, the light of the longing for life gradually dimmed, and the vitality gradually left him.

Li Ang was unmoved, his five fingers tightened, and he squeezed them violently.


Like Ebony Throat, Loki’s body instantly split into thousands of parts, as small as powder, and the large ones also had pieces of broken flesh, floating quietly in the void.

Space then squeezes these things together, squeezing them into a small ball of matter, which then burns with them.

Looking at the brilliant ball of light in front of him, Leon shrugged his shoulders, his purpose of coming here had been achieved, and killing Ebony Throat and Loki was only a windfall.

He reached out his hand, and the long wand that had been held in Loki’s hand flew towards him, and he held it in his hand, this shape was no different from the long staff in the original plot, but the top gem was not the original space gem.

Leon took the gem off, and with the next two fingers, the gem shattered and turned into extremely pure spatial energy, which he swallowed in one bite.

“Well, not bad.”

After doing this, Li Ang directly rubbed the long staff forged with special materials into fly ash.

Then he turned his gaze to the void, observed the surrounding star order, and then compared it with the star map in his memory, and then helplessly found that this was no longer the Milky Way, because in the starry background, there was no half a similarity.

But it didn’t matter, he was just looking, the first time he went deep into such a distant position in the universe, how to see more.

And at this moment, he sensed a god-like power sweeping over his position, which seemed to be a gaze, and this gaze was like substance.

In this instant, Li Ang looked violently in one direction, his eyes turned reddish, and a reddish light rose up on his body, and his gaze transcended the limitation of space and looked at the master of that gaze.

In the midst of an ancient dark and dead starry sky, a throne towered over the abyss, and on the throne sat a majestic creature, with lilac skin and extremely ugly features, which made him look extremely terrifying, and his golden armor erupted into a breath that shocked the universe, and under this breath, mortals could only tremble and kneel.

“Purple potatoes? Thanos? ”

Li Ang’s eyes narrowed, and he felt the pressure of the abyss from that person.

The two men’s eyes met in the void, and Thanos’ voice passed through space to his ears.

“Was it you who killed my subordinates?”

The sound is like a falling thunderclap, shaking the soul of a man.

Li Ang smiled slightly and said to him, “That’s right, I also pinched the planet of the Chitauri. ”

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