
Death is so indifferently admitted, she is the source, creator and manipulator of all living souls in the universe, representing the manifestation of the specific form of the termination of all life in the universe, but she is also a high-dimensional life body, with thoughts and desires, which is the extraordinary thing about the Marvel Universe, where the gods are real, and each of them also has its own thoughts and desires.

Her desire is the death of all living beings, and this death can strengthen her existence, can make her more powerful, so she loves to see the existence of the death of living beings the most.

And the reason why she seduced Thanos is to kill the living beings through his hands, and Thanos did do so, so to speak, Thanos’ growth and life trajectory, as well as his reputation in the universe, are all created by death, and she is the behind-the-scenes pusher hidden behind Thanos.

And now this death being itself is abandoning Thanos and focusing on the two in turn, because she sees in Leon a greater potential than Thanos, which she likes to see the most.

Unfortunately, Leon is familiar with the original plot of Marvel, knows what death really is, and her ability is extremely strong, almost killing or resurrecting all the creatures in the universe, but this is only her own authority as a cosmic deity, not how powerful her combat power is.

As long as she is in this universe, the “ID card” information belongs to the beings of this universe, then it can only be because of her ability, and it can be said that life and death are in her hands.

But Li Ang was not afraid of this, from the moment he received the power of the phoenix, he knew that he was indeed a creature of this universe, but his soul was not produced by this universe, that is, he could only be regarded as an immigrant of this world, with an “identity card” belonging to this world, but in essence he was a person from another world.

He is such a strange individual, death may destroy his body, but it cannot destroy his soul, and he himself controls the complete power of the phoenix, which is stuck in the cosmic wall membrane, is the same level of existence as the universe, in this case, death wants to use its authority to kill him, it is even more impossible.

This is Li Ang’s confidence in the face of death, he may not be able to help death now, but death absolutely can’t take him.

“I refuse.” Li Ang said calmly.

Death’s brow furrowed slightly, looking at Li Ang calmly, and then said slowly: “Follow my guidance, you will gain the power to master the entire universe, you will become a god like me, loved by the whole universe, you will not die.” ”

The seduction in his voice was more obvious, but it fell into Leon’s ear, but it was just a very ordinary nonsense, and he listened to it with a sneering smile on his face, and then said: “I said it, I refused, no matter what you proposed, or what you thought, it doesn’t matter to me, I’m not Thanos, I’m not as stupid as him.” ”

“He is infatuated with you, or rather, obsessed with your death itself, and other beings may have this kind of mentality in the face of you, but I will not, if I talk nonsense, my big ear hanging will be fanned over.” 」

Leon’s last words seemed very vulgar, and he did it in order to provoke death and see what she would do, after all, he had not seen death strike in the original book.

And death was unexpectedly angry, and he didn’t know if she had the emotions in it, but he just looked at Li Ang calmly, and the flattery in his eyes dissipated a lot, and indifference reappeared.

“You made a wrong choice, stay away from me, you will return to the ordinary, trust me, you will get everything.” 」 The Road of Death.

“Get everything? What are you referring to? I am an ordinary being, perhaps only a little more peculiar than ordinary beings, but it is not too unusual for the ordinary existence of your conceptual body. ”

“So, what exactly are you going to do to me?” I have explicitly rejected you. ”

“Your choice was wrong.”

Death repeated this sentence, and then with a casual move, the corpse of Thanos, which had drifted to the distance, flew back again, and was gently pressed on the door of her head by her palm, while saying, “If you don’t want to trust me, then I will give up on you.” ”

“Give up on me?”

Li Ang wondered, at this moment, he felt something strange, a strange breath came out of Thanos’ body, it was a kind of vitality, it appeared out of thin air, it was difficult to imagine that a person who was already cold would actually have the breath of a living person on his body.

This is the authority of death, she loves the withering of all things, but she can erase the absorbed concept of death from the living beings, and now she is doing such a step.

Li Ang frowned slightly, and what he didn’t want to think about was a punch, and under the burst of phoenix power, a burst of light oscillated, all of which acted on Thanos’ corpse, and in a burst of energy excitement, it beat Thanos’ body into powder.

He had had a hard time grinding Thanos to death, but he didn’t want to go through the steps he had just taken.

But death was unmoved, just quietly looking at him, the palm of his hand was always surging with black fog, and in that black fog, there was a life being conceived.

“Well, mastering the power of the cosmic rule level, it is indeed willful.”

Li Ang had to sigh, and then punched again, blowing up the life breath that appeared in the black fog.

The two seemed to be caught in a tug-of-war, Death wanted to resurrect Thanos, but again and again was stopped by Leon, without the fierce battle just now, his own phoenix power energy was rapidly recovering every minute, and by the time he had now recovered, his self-confidence had returned to him.

After more than half an hour of tug-of-war, the two finally gave up the resurrection of Thanos, and then said coldly, “You made a wrong choice.” ”

It was this sentence again, but this time it felt different to Leon, and he felt a little threat from the body of death.

The next moment, death suddenly appeared in front of him, a movement that he could not detect, and then death embraced him in his arms.

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