In his special sense of sight, he saw the energy of the whole universe, which is extremely vast, a source of energy between finite and infinite, because the mass of the universe is constant, there is no increase or decrease, but the universe itself is expanding indefinitely, so the energy he sees is between the finite and the infinite.

That sense of majesty cannot be described in any kind of word, the vastness is unimaginable, and the breadth of energy is also shocking, and the individual is not even an atom in the face of this level of energy.

Li Ang saw all kinds of strange scenes, there were energy gathered into a ball, turned into an energy storm, that magnitude and energy level are terrifying, can easily crush any black hole in the universe, and infinite flames burn, igniting boundless fire, and more rain of energy pooling, under the drain.

He didn’t know where the scenes he had seen came from, but he didn’t have to think about it to know that they must be some of the most terrifying Jedi in the universe.

And from this perspective, he also saw countless energy nodes, these energy nodes are large or small, far or near, but all without exception, with incomparably violent energy, that kind of rage can easily obliterate the strong, making people panic from the bottom of their hearts.


However, with his own insight, Li Ang discerned the nature of this energy aggregate, which is an uncommon but incomprehensible number of quasars in the universe.

The quasar will spew out extremely powerful energy jets at every moment, which is a completely violent and uncontrollable energy gushing, which is the most intuitive representative of the energy riot in the entire universe.

And now in Leon’s special perspective, he can see countless such beings, and the energy possessed by each quasar is extremely amazing, but such an amazing quasar energy, placed in the entire ocean of cosmic energy, is not even a drop of water.

Using this as a comparison, it is enough to see how amazing the energy of the whole universe that Leon has seen.

What surprised him even more now was that these energies seemed to him to be at his fingertips, as if as long as his thoughts moved, these energies could be freely used and changed with his mind.

“This… Could it be that I have broken through to the fourth level of the Phoenix Force? ”

Leon thought in disbelief that he was really shocked by this kind of sense.

At the same time, the rules of death, which were originally raw and difficult for him, gradually became clear from his point of view, and what was difficult to understand because of his unique soul nature became able to be interpreted by him.

He gradually understood the character of death, the existence of death itself, the special rules that permeated the entire universe, the ubiquitous influence on all things.

“This is the existence of death itself, I understand it, by the way, so that when I face death, I have an advantage.” 」

Li Ang thought like this, and as soon as his mind moved, the breath that had originally become hot because of the power of the phoenix in his body gradually became darker, and its color quickly approached, and soon became similar to the breath of the goddess of death.

At this moment, Li Ang also revealed a breath of death, which was very similar to the breath of the goddess of death, and the two were inseparable from each other, and this change was extremely abrupt, so abrupt that the goddess of death did not react.

Then Li Ang directly pushed death away from herself, who obviously had a momentary trance and stunned, looking at Li Ang’s eyes full of surprise, she would not have thought that Li Ang could actually resist her.

It is true that if Leon could not bear the essence of death, then it is very likely that he would really be so submerged in the temptation of death, but now that he has seen the essence of death, although he has not stolen the authority of death from her, it is very normal to resist her temptation.

Then death saw the same breath as her in Li Ang’s body, which was the unique breath of death, the breath of all beings withering and all things sinking, the final place of all beings in this universe, and the ultimate destination of all living beings.

That is death, no different from her own existence, the only thing missing is that he does not have the death authority of this universe, and is not the god who rules the death of living beings.

Li Ang is still Li Ang, this point has not changed, but there is one thing different from Fang Cai, that is, he already has the ability to plunder and interfere with the energy of the entire universe.

Fang Cai’s special perspective made him obviously feel his own changes, and he was surprised to find that he did not know when the phoenix power in his body had undergone a qualitative change.

Under the various qualitative changes, the most intuitive change was that his phoenix power was raised to the fourth level.

Yes, he is now a true cosmic level strongman, a being who can truly rival the gods, and the only difference between him and the gods now is that he has not obtained the authority of the gods, but in terms of combat effectiveness, he has no sense of Boruo compared to the real gods.

At this time, he opened his mouth and said calmly, “Put away your little tricks, your little tricks are okay to deal with a brain cripple like Thanos, if you deal with me, you will be powerless.” ”

As he said this, he held out his hand, and saw the mist around him quickly disappear and disappear in a moment, while at the same time, a small black ball appeared in the palm of his hand.

As soon as this small ball appeared, it began to absorb the energy around it, and at the same time produced extremely powerful gravitational tides, and the horror of this gravitational tide directly attracted the newborn stars around it to this side.

It was a MSI black hole, but Leon gave it a quasar-like gravitational force, which was more terrifying and exaggerated than the average giant black hole.

The energy around it was rushing madly towards the black hole, the speed of the fluctuations was unpredictable, and when Death faced this gravity, it still did not change its look, but it felt the surge of energy around it, but it was surprised.

She also sensed a slight change in Leon’s body, which she could not understand, even as a god, she could not understand where Leon’s changes really appeared, because now Leon gave her the feeling of facing other gods.

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