Time slowly passed, and Li Ang cultivated on the body of death for an unknown amount of time, until even his body felt tired, and he stopped in an extreme sense of pleasure.

He was very tired now, a tiredness he had never felt since he was reborn into the Marvel world, just like the state of ordinary people after more than an hour of continuous violent snapping, and even he was a little dizzy.

“In the end, it is a god, if this were an ordinary woman, I guess I would have killed it a long time ago?”

He looked at death, and at this moment her face was no longer flat, with a lazy flattery, and the jade body lay across the void, clinging to Li Ang’s body.

It was very strange that her body had no body temperature at this time, it was very cold, as if this was what she should have been, and it was because after this good time, she had restored this characteristic.

Leon did not wonder about this, he was now quietly feeling the death authority copied from death, and it was extremely difficult to obtain this kind of divine authority, but at the same time it made him wonder a little.

“I gained the authority of death by snapping death, and if I want to get the authority of the other four creation gods in the Marvel Universe, do I have to snap it again?”

Thinking like this, Leon was instantly excited, cold sweat was about to seep out of his forehead, and he shuddered at the thought of the Planet Devourer’s more Thanos than Thanos.

“No, in the future, we will have to find other ways to gain authority over other gods, especially annihilation, this god is the strongest of all the gods, and the most mysterious one, there is no concept of physical existence at all, and it will take a lot of effort to obtain its authority.”

Li Ang didn’t think too much about this, the things in front of him were still waiting for him to solve, he looked at death, the latter was also staring at him, the two looked at each other, and then Death said, “You are the only creature in the whole universe who has had contact with me at the drunken level, and now you belong to me.” ”

Li Ang smiled and shook his head: “You are wrong, I do not belong to you, to be correct, I belong only to myself.” ”

Death’s brow frowned slightly, and then he said, “At this point, you still don’t want to be my follower?” ”

Li Ang nodded, “Although it is very impolite for you to say this just after you have slept, I still have to say that I am definitely not going to become your follower, because I still have a lot of things to do, and I am not interested in you.” Of course, if you still want to communicate with me in depth in the future, I am always waiting. ”

Death’s face completely froze, and Leon didn’t know if she had emotions or not, but obviously Leon’s words should have angered her now.

But Li Ang’s words did not stop, but added: “There is one more thing I forgot to tell you, I am now like you, I am also dead.” ”

“What do you mean?” Death did not understand his words.

Li Ang smiled and said nothing, and his body rose up like a breath, which was exactly the same as the breath revealed by death, it was dead and cold, that was the end of all living beings in the universe, and it was also the place where everything in the universe returned.


Death roared in anger, and the expression on her face was indeed angry, this was the first time Li Ang had seen such a drastic change in her face, and he also knew that the gods did have emotions.

“You lied to me!” Death roared.

With her words, the surrounding space-time became dead silent, an extreme force erupted, and the stars that were originally shining in the far distance quickly extinguished under this force, and what kind of force did not stop, directly sweeping through all the galaxies in the surrounding tens of thousands of light years.

That is to say, under the emotional outbreak of death, all the stars in the river system of different sizes were directly extinguished, and such a force was extremely shocking.

But even in the face of such a mighty force, Li Ang’s face still did not change a bit, with a faint smile: “You don’t have to feel angry, after all, for you, I am just a pawn to make you grow, and I don’t want you to do what you want, so I can only accompany you to act.” ”

“Oh yes, there’s a man over there who admires you, don’t you see?”

At this moment, Leon completely transformed into a scumbag who ate clean and wiped his mouth, ran irresponsible thoughts, and directly threw this plate to Thanos in the distance.

And this moment of Thanos is painful, but also extremely angry, if his anger can be transformed into substantial energy, it is estimated that he wants to ignite the entire universe, and now he is fixed by Li Ang’s means, unable to move at all, but the hatred and anger he seriously shows is real.

“This is the gift I have prepared for you, and you look at him, and the look in his eyes is full of resentment and murderous desire, and this is an excellent assistant, and he must now want to kill all the creatures of the universe, especially me.” Think about it, if I die, how strong will it be for you? Because my current existence itself is no less than a god like you, my withering will definitely make you the strongest of all the gods in one fell swoop, and then let Thanos kill the beings of the entire universe. ”

Leon is following the temptation to induce death to act according to his own ideas, he wants Thanos to become the enemy of the entire universe, and even become the help of death, he wants to create a big boss for the entire Marvel Universe.

But as a god, how could death be so good and flickering, not at all moved, but the anger on his face disappeared a lot, and at the same time he said, “You are a being of the same level as me, I can’t kill you, you can’t kill me, but I want to watch the day you perish.” ”

“Well, is this a woman’s revenge?”

Li Ang’s face was slightly stunned, but then he smiled.

He also thought about it, and he didn’t care if Death would accept Thanos, because now Thanos had been transformed by him into a complete avenger, 100% of the time he would seek revenge on himself, and when he knew that he could not resist himself at all, under the drive of despair, he would turn to revenge on the whole world, so that he was also quite convenient.

(Please book it all and pro!) )

(Please book it all and pro!) )

(Please book it all and pro!) )

(Please book it all and pro!) )_

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