The fact that the Steeltooth Tiger had become a super-powered person would not surprise Leon, because after obtaining the intelligence of these plans, he had already guessed that the first person to become a super-powered person was likely to choose between the Steeltooth Tiger and Wolverine.

There is no other reason, because both of them have healing factors, and this healing ability is very strong and peculiar, and even as far as the genetic level of damage and loopholes can be concerned, so the two will definitely become experimental targets.

As for why the steel-toothed tiger would agree to the experiment, this point Li Ang did not bother to think, after all, he had a vendetta, as one of the supervillains, how could there be no revenge.

He even speculated that it was very likely that Magneto would also participate in the experiment, because Magneto would get more shame from Leon than the steel-toothed tiger.

And this ability fusion plan, to put it bluntly, is the ability fusion method that Li Ang has mastered before he has already started, he could find this method alone, and Cheng Function obtained the healing factor from the steel-toothed tiger, there is no reason why the human union has mastered the resources of all mankind, and it is not possible to crack this method in a short period of time.

Therefore, the success of the capability integration plan should not be doubted at all.

The Steeltooth Tiger has a lot of abilities fused, including magnetic control from Magneto, telepathy from Professor X, illusion ability of the Master of Illusion, and abilities such as Storm Girl, Laser Eye, Steel Lux and Blue Devil, making him the most capable person in this world besides Leon.

After the fusion of abilities, it is not as simple as the increase in the ability of one plus one, but it is a qualitative change, so that the entire life level of the steel-toothed tiger has been upgraded, and its combat effectiveness has surged to the unimaginable.

The most intuitive manifestation is that he can fight the Fall alone.

You must know that the Fallen is one of the four apostles of the Phoenix, and the level of life is unimaginably high, and the existence that can directly compete with him does not exist on the entire earth before this.

And now, because of the ability fusion plan, the steel-toothed tiger has become a super power, and he has the capital to fight against the fallen, so he has become the leader of the resistance against Li Ang’s warrior team, leading hundreds of thousands of alpha-level evolutionists to start a counterattack against the warrior troops.

At this moment, the degeneration of the war in Asia was immediately met with a head-on attack, and the offensive momentum was momentarily blocked, because there was a direct confrontation with the existence, and the soldiers led by him could no longer continue to advance.

During this period, the United Kingdom also got a little breathing time, and began to produce anti-soldier robots with all its strength, and in addition, through experiments, more super capable people were artificially created.

In all of the more than half a month, the number of anti-soldier robots began to grow explosively, and the number of super capable people suddenly exceeded ten.

Among these more than a dozen people, many of them are veteran mutant strongmen, such as Magneto, Wolverine, Laser Eye and the like, and the rest are also newly developed evolutionists.

But among more than a dozen people, not everyone has the ability of the Phoenix Four Apostles to compete, and the strongest of them is Wolverine, whose combat power is equal to that of the Steel Tooth Tiger, and also the existence of a single Phoenix Apostle to compete.

As for the others, it is weaker than two. Like Magneto, they are only weaker than the two of them, and some are weaker than the two, but the good villains are all people who can fight with the Phoenix Apostles, and they are also more numerous than the Phoenix Four Apostles.


Li Ang, who knew this, had some sighs at that time.

“I have to say that the potential of human beings is really infinite, they have been forced to this point, and it is really surprising that such a terrible power can erupt, and it is even more surprising that such a strong person can appear.”

“It’s just that Rausch Zizhu’s shuttle plan makes people a little confused, what is this really going to do?” The information you get shows that you want to open a parallel universe channel? Thinking too much, right? Even I can’t open the parallel universe passage now, unless I do it with the energy of the entire universe, or… Professor X’s telepathic abilities? ”

“No, it’s really Professor X, if his ability is raised to the top, it will be able to establish psychic links in the multiverse, and if that’s the case, it is really possible to complete this experiment.”

Thinking of this, Li Ang was a little surprised.

“If that’s the case…”

Leon laughed, and that was the time for him to collect the fruit.

And now, because of the success of the warrior analysis plan and the ability fusion plan, the United States suddenly has the ability to compete with Li Ang, and the number of the two is also increasing, although you cannot form an absolute numerical advantage with the counterpart, but it also gradually resists Li Ang’s attack.

But Leon did not do nothing, the production line of soldiers was continued to be expanded by him, the number of soldiers produced every day soared, and the number of soldiers put into the battlefield every day became extremely terrible.

In this way, the United States of Man could not form an advantage over Li Ang in the short term, and because the number of soldiers on Li Ang’s side increased, it directly made the United States feel tremendous pressure.

The United Kingdom of Man was not complacent or satisfied because of the anti-warrior robots and super powers, because all of them knew that the difficulties that the United States was suffering now was only because of the soldiers, and the real behind-the-scenes promoters had not yet been able to predict how strong Li Ang was now, and they could only rely on predictions to imagine how strong Li Ang was, which was definitely stronger than the Phoenix Four Apostles and the Super Powers.

This is absolute, and no one will doubt it.

And with the passage of time, the Renhe Kingdom gradually resisted the attack of Li Ang’s side, although it was still because of the numerical superiority of the soldiers and retreated, but at least it would not collapse directly like before.

Even in some battlefields, the combat strength of the human unity side has several counter-offensives, and it has also achieved good results, which can be regarded as the strengthening agent of the human unity of the country, so that all of them are greatly encouraged, and thus gradually optimistic about the war situation.

Unfortunately, this optimism did not last long, and Leon’s side took the shot.

In fact, it was not Li Ang himself who shot it, but Li Ang sent Qin to let her go to the battlefield to test her ability, Qin naturally did not refuse, very obedient to Li Ang’s arrangement, and directly appeared in the battlefield.

(Not after the meaning, before the copy is confused, fortunately just saw it, hurry to change it, sorry ha.) )

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