Qin Jing quietly felt the fluctuations generated by the three fighting, her face was extremely calm, and she observed expressionlessly for a moment, and then she raised her hand slightly, and a wisp of reddish light appeared on her body, rising like green smoke, wrapping her delicate body, and behind her appeared a shadow of a phoenix spreading its wings.

Her palms were as white as snow, her skin was crystal clear, and she seemed to be able to see the blood vessels underneath her directly through the skin, which did not destroy her beauty, but added a different kind of temptation to her.

The five fingers of her green palm opened, and an invisible force penetrated out, acting on the bodies of the three figures in front of her, and in a flash, the space was frozen, even if the three warriors and anti-soldier robots each had the ability to control space, they were still frozen by the frozen space around them.

Because the space that the relationship between the three battles is disordered and broken, under this invisible force, is quickly smoothed out, just as the ripples on the surface of the water are quickly removed, and the three beings, together with the aftermath of their struggle, are frozen in it.

Immediately afterward, Qin’s tender hands slowly converged, and the invisible force unfolded, wrapped around the bodies of the two anti-soldier robots, and the bodies made of the strange alloy were under an invisible wave, starting from the feet, little by little, turning into smoke and dust.

From a distance, the two anti-warrior robots seemed to melt in the spring snow, began to dissipate in the air, and were directly decomposed from the subtle level into extremely small fragments, which naturally could not reach the atomic level, but at least it was much smaller than the cell level.

Then this space blockade was lifted, the soldier lost his opponent, but also restored its own control, it turned its head to look at the side of the piano, found the identity of the qin in its database, there was no action, the figure had disappeared in the next moment, obviously looking for the next opponent.

Soldiers are war machines, and as machines, they have no sense of fatigue, no pain, and only earnestly carry out the orders given by Leon, which is the only reason for their existence.

And Qin obviously didn’t care where this soldier would go, she looked at the fierce battlefield below, and the mind control ability was launched, directly spreading, and instantly enveloped the entire city.

The next moment, all the anti-warrior robots and soldiers in the city were completely controlled, her hands were outstretched, the pale red light on her body surged forward, and the invisible position spread to the entire city, directly freezing the entire space where the city was located.

This kind of control ability is extremely terrifying, but for Qin, it is still a small means, she did not use all her strength, this is just a small ability of her.

But at this moment, all the anti-warrior robots and soldiers in the city were as if they had been frozen in time, maintaining their original state and movements, and even those battle aftershocks and energy fluctuations were stopped.

The wind did not continue to blow, the fallen leaves became a picture, even the spread of light, stopped at this moment, if someone retreats at this time, without the spread of visible light, the area will become a pitch black, go forward into the visible light transmission range, will continue to see the light in the city.

This is a very peculiar sense, but unfortunately no one can see this at this time.

And then the two sides of the qin clenched, as just now, directly with invisible force, all the anti-warrior robots present were disintegrated, and in a flash, the whole city seemed to float up the material snowflakes, and countless mists began to rise in the city.

In this city, the original tens of thousands of anti-warrior robots were all destroyed at this time, and the destruction was extremely thorough, but the warrior side did not have half a point, which also showed the strong control of the qin.

After doing this, Qin did not look at it again, the figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment appeared in another place, still appearing in the air, below was still a battlefield of endless battles, which was already a plain area tens of kilometers away from the city, just like this fierce battle point.

Here, Qin used the same abilities as before, freezing the space and destroying all the anti-soldier robots.

The anti-warrior robot, like the warrior, is the existence of the ability to oppose the alpha-level evolutionary, but this existence, but under the ability of the qin, is easily destroyed, which is enough to show that in the face of the attack of the qin, no amount of alpha-level evolutionists is useful.

Her combat power has become the only dominant force in the battlefield at this time, directly destroying the anti-soldier robots everywhere, but leaving only the names of all the evolutionists in the battlefield.

This is Leon’s account of her before she comes out, because all the evolutionists are more valuable in Leon’s eyes than the anti-warrior robots, and now it can be said that all the people on the real earth are his experimental materials, he regards the war as a big experiment, and all of them will be his experimental objects.

Anti-war robots are just robots, industrial products, and may be upgraded and upgraded in the future, but that must be completed under the condition of someone’s request, and the evolutionists are naturally prone to miracles, because they have potential, and this potential is that Leon does not know where its limits are.

Therefore, he was very much looking forward to everyone in the United Kingdom to bring him some extra surprises, and Qin was the explanation to him, which was done very seriously, destroying all the anti-soldier robots he saw, but leaving these people’s lives.

In this case, her appearance was naturally reported by these people, and when she destroyed a group of anti-soldier robots for the sixth time, someone finally appeared in front of him.

Because her combat power was too terrible, even before, no one dared to appear in front of her, because the evolutionists knew very well that the strength of the Qin was definitely not comparable to them, and they wanted to restrain her, unless someone with super powers appeared.

And now in front of her are the three super powers, all of whom are the products of the ability fusion plan, and one of them, even an old acquaintance of Qin, still has a lot of roots and entanglements with her.


An emotional call appeared on the battlefield.

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