He was trying to resist and resist, but as time passed, he gradually became a little overwhelmed.

“How can that be?”

He was exclaiming.

Because Magneto found that this kind of power was stronger than him in terms of strength and the control of the onlookers, his defensive momentum collapsed again and again, and in just a few minutes, he had lost control of the huge gun barrel.

Then, the barrel gradually rose, and the appearance of the gun barrel, which had originally become red due to high temperature, also cooled down rapidly, and then it once again showed a silver-white color, and its hard structure also softened in an instant, turning into a large piece of liquid metal.

These liquid metals spread out directly, forming various structures around Magneto, enveloping him in it, and from a distance, Magneto was now wrapped in a huge orb, and this sphere was hollow.

Magneto wanted to leave it, but strangely found that the space around him had been cut open, this means surprised him, he knew that his daughter, not a space ability, did not master the space ability, but now it is real, using magnetic force to destroy the space structure.

Such a method is not very clever, but it is very useful to deal with the space jump of the space ability.

“You’re right in saying that it makes the most sense for power to be used to create, but you certainly haven’t heard a word.”

She said with a clenched fist.

“Technology is the primary productive force.”

The moment she clenched her fist, the huge metal ball burst into a dazzling electric light, which was like a series of agile snakes, flowing and climbing on its surface, and inside the ball, dazzling sparks also burst out from the sphere structure, illuminating this confined space in an instant.

Magneto changed his face, because he felt that it was not an ordinary electric light, the energy contained in it was extremely terrifying, and his body was also controlled by various magnetic forces, binding those electric rays in a large cluster.

He heard the voice of his daughter Lorna, and it exuded a sense of determination.

“Particle acceleration is very simple, just bind the particle with magnetic force, accelerate it to a terrifying speed, produce amazing destructive force, I resisted a particle acceleration cannon, you also try the electric light bound by magnetic force, you should know what this is called.” 」


Magneto frowned and asked.

But he did not get a response from his daughter again, he only saw the electric glow in the space around him flickering and stirring, turning into a cloud of electric light containing terrifying power, and those electric light clusters also bombarded him at the next moment.

At this moment, Magneto only felt that his hair was upside down, and his body was aroused goosebumps, and in the face of the terrifying power contained in the plasma ball, he suddenly subconsciously resisted.

At this moment, his whole body was also covered with force, in order to block the attack of these plasma masses through magnetic force, but this degree of control over the magnetic force was obviously not Luo, so even if there was magnetic coverage, those plasma masses still broke through its defense and directly acted on his body.


A scream echoed in the metal orb, and Magneto’s face twisted, and his body was filled with severe pain, which was extremely unbearable.

Countless electric rays of light were wandering around his body, acting on every part of his body, destroying his body, destroying his cells, and at this moment, where the electric light passed, the skin and flesh of his body became black, and his body was filled with a smell of roasted meat.

This state lasted for several minutes, subjecting him to the most terrible torment in the world, and by the end, he had even fainted, and no part of his flesh was intact.

In the end, he couldn’t believe why he was so powerful that he couldn’t help his daughter, he couldn’t believe it, but this was the reality.

Finally, the electric light mass dispersed, and then the metal ball also cracked from it, and then fell from the air, two semi-circular wholes, with a diameter of 100 meters, such a huge thing fell, directly smashing the building below, and a large area of the building was damaged.

And Magneto was covered in green smoke, his clothes were torn and unremarkable, his skin was pitch black, like a thing that had been roasted, and he smelled of meat.

Magneto, who had also fallen with him, was caught by a sheet of metal and slowly floated to Lorna’s face.

Lorna looked at the seriously injured man in front of her, and for a moment she didn’t know what to do, half speechless, and finally she could only shake her head and sigh.

“You still go to a secluded place to retire, now in this world, there is nothing worth pursuing, and all your ambitions should not be revealed at this time.”

“Goodbye, my father, I hope you can think clearly when you say goodbye.”

The metal sheet drove Magneto down gradually, and his figure gradually disappeared into the ruins, Lorna, who had done all this, did not look at it again, the figure quickly disappeared in place, she went to another battlefield, she had other things to do.

And Magneto, who was in the ruins, the charred skin on his body gradually fell off, revealing the bright red flesh inside, and the bright red flesh was also healing rapidly, growing new skin, and this state lasted for two minutes, until he finally woke up from fainting.


Magneto rubbed his head and shook his head somewhat weakly, and he glanced in the direction Lorna had left and fell silent.

Although he had just fainted, he had heard what Lorna had said, and now his mood was very complicated, on the one hand, he couldn’t believe that Lorna could defeat herself so easily, on the other hand, he was also confused about what he was going to do next.

He had doubts at this moment, doubting whether he had been abandoned by this era, or whether he was really old, and even he couldn’t tell whether he hated or feared Leon now.


By the end, he could only sigh.

On the other side, Li Ang, who was now holding red wine, saw all this in his eyes, watching Lorna leave, and a smile appeared on his face.

“With her current ability, there will be no danger on the whole earth, let the Electric Light Woman stay in the headquarters now, I may have to go to the universe once.”

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