This is a universe, a real universe, not what he saw in the movie in his previous life, the perspective is always fixed between several fixed characters and civilizations, completely unable to feel the vastness of the Marvel Universe, usually through movies and comics, you can only see the tip of the iceberg.

Now that he really searched, he could discover the vastness of the entire universe, and this contrast was the most intuitive.

“Well, in the future, when it seems that there is nothing to do, I will have to turn around, always confined to the earth, so that my vision is somewhat affected.”

It took a moment to feel the difference in this civilization, and then he closed his eyes and divergent his thoughts, as before, and his telepathic abilities enveloped the whole world, continuing to spread, directly enveloping the entire star system.

At this moment, the movement on the two stars stopped, and the light that jumped from time to time on their surfaces seemed to be stopped by time, and then all the stars stopped rotating and rotating, as if the entire galaxy was fixed.

“Well, I finally found it.”

Leon’s eyes opened, everything returned to normal, he turned his head to look at death, and smiled: “Look, you don’t want to tell me, I naturally have my way to find it.” ”

Death was still silent, her face hadn’t changed a bit, and for her, she didn’t care about a lot of things, but she knew what Leon was looking for this time.

“Let’s go.”

Li Ang said casually, and then the figure disappeared again, and Death did not follow up at the first time, but looked at the direction in which Li Ang disappeared and twisted his eyebrows for a moment, and then followed up.

The next moment, Leon’s figure appeared in a strange starry sky, which was still the Milky Way, but it was located in the center of the Milky Way’s cantilever farthest from the cantilever of Orion, and there was no planet in front of him, just a fleet of your fleet fighting in the universe.

One side of the fleet is silly and rough, each battleship looks very rough and huge, while the other side’s warship is very dexterous, the two sides in the space of the fierce battle, from time to time there are spaceships or battleships exploded, in the void burst out of light and flames, illuminating the entire battlefield.

And the entire front line is also very open, enough to spread at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, but such a scale placed in the cosmic background, it is only a drop in the ocean, small can not be smaller, perhaps for these warships, such a distance is not enough to a foot of throttle.

The war between the two sides is very fierce, from time to time the explosion of the spaceship reflects the void, both sides seem to be fierce and fearless, a shock out, one side blatantly defends, you come and go, according to this, I don’t know how long it will last.

Li Ang turned his head to look at the death coming out of the void background, and wondered why she didn’t follow up at the first time, but she didn’t care too much, but smiled: “Such a scene must be what you like to see, right?” ”


Death did not object, faded out, eyes have been watching the battlefield, surrounded by the breath of death, and in the eyes of the two, you can see from time to time there is a breath of death floating from the battlefield, and then fused into her body, bringing a very imperceptible change to her, she seems to be slightly stronger than just now.

This is death, the death of any living being, will strengthen her, she loves such a scene, she is happy to see the living creature merge with her.

Li Ang only sensed the situation in the battlefield for a moment, and said, “Now there are two civilizations at war here, one is the civilization we just saw when we came over, and the other is the civilization I am looking for, in the two fleets, there are more than ten million lives, but now the whole is rapidly disappearing.” ”

Death is silent, waiting for the following.

“Wars in the universe are happening all the time, that is to say, you are also growing at every moment, in fact, you don’t have to follow me at all, you just have to wait quietly, and when all life in the universe dies, you will become the most powerful god in the whole universe.” 」 Leon said again.

Death shook his head and ignored him, “I can’t wait.” ”

Li Ang was slightly stunned, and then he laughed and waved at her, an invisible force dragged her to his side, and then reached out and wrapped his hand around her waist: “If this is the case, why don’t we have a shot here?” This may make you more excited. ”

Speaking as usual, Leon moved his hand on death, and death did not refuse, although she had a human body, but gave people the feeling of being more like a robot, no emotion, some are just the indifference of the gods to all things, but she stole a lot of power from Leon, since this time, she herself can perceive the obvious changes in her body, so she will never refuse Leon and her happiness.

In the battlefield where the two sides were at war, Chiguoguo came to a big battle, and the two warring sides would not have thought that their side was fighting fiercely, and there were actually two gods in the battlefield playing field artillery.

If people on both sides could find out, they would definitely be shocked, and it was estimated that they had seen a ghost.

Li Ang did not care about the changes in the outside world, and the war between the two sides gradually divided into victories and defeats with the change of time, one side was the good luck civilization that Li Ang had seen before, its battleships were dexterous, full of science fiction, and strong combat effectiveness.

But the other side looks silly and rude compared to them, but the combat effectiveness and the madness of war are incomparable to the good fortune civilization, and its attack methods are even more crazy, and as time goes on, the balance of victory gradually tilts towards that side.

When the field artillery on Leon’s side was over, the war was almost over, and the result was, as Leon expected, that the silly and rough side of the battleship had the advantage.

At this moment, the warships on this side are pursuing the Good Luck Civilization, and the Good Luck Civilization is fleeing at full speed, which is already a rout.

“Well, it looks like you’ve already won or lost, how do you feel?” Leon asked.

“It’s okay.” The Road of Death.

She did not hear the deep meaning of Li Ang’s words, Li Ang only smiled at the corners of his mouth, and the energy he secretly sent into the body of death was now more and more, and it seemed that it would not be long before he could have results.

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )_

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