Death, who had been expressionless, frowned slightly at this time, and in the eyes of the two gems, there was an inexplicable emotion, like uneasiness, but also like disgust.

The Infinity Gem is a condensation of certain matter and energy of the previous universe, and for her, the god of the universe, it also represents a kind of antiquity, which is a collision between the old order and the new existence, and it is reasonable for death to have a disgust for it.

And Li Ang didn’t care about this, he directly swallowed the Power Gem in one bite, just like the Space Gem, the latter directly turned into a fierce energy and sank into his body, which did not mean that he had digested it, the energy in the Infinity Gem, and now he was still a bit overwhelmed, just a kind of sealing.

At this time, Ronan was already far away before Li Ang swallowed the power gem, just like the dog that lost his family, he did not have the slightest intention of daring to confront Li Ang, in his eyes, Li Ang was already the most terrifying existence in the universe, and Li Ang also explained to him with practical actions that he was indeed a god.

Mortals face the gods, how can there be a possibility of victory, Ronan is not stupid, want to explode, naturally want to escape as far as possible.

“Wait, I haven’t let you go yet.”

Leon’s voice came out, he beckoned to Ronan, the space was a plaything in his hand, Ronan sensed the change in the space around him, like a tidal wave, and then squeezed closer to Leon.


Ronan was furious, a punch was about to shatter the space, in the past, such a punch, he could easily shatter the space, but now, it is like hitting the water, the space has not changed at all.

He watched himself, pushed forward by space, and a moment later he came to the man, and then he noticed the indifferent smile on the face of the person in front of him, and somehow there was some fear in his heart.

“I don’t hit you, what are you running?” Li Ang asked with a smile.

Ronan looked grim, but he didn’t say anything, he was indeed shocked by Li Ang’s means now, and he didn’t dare to make any unnecessary moves, for fear that the god in front of him would kill him, in that case, he would be too wronged.

“Ask you something.”

Leon laughed and then said, “Where is Kamora?” ”

Ronan heard the slight change in his expression and hurriedly said, “In the other fleet, she and her sister are the commanders of another squadron and should be fighting.” ”

Li Ang nodded and asked, “Tell me the specific coordinates.” ”

Ronan did not dare to hide, so he hurriedly told Li Ang on the left, and Li Ang let him go, he was now frightened and a little overwhelmed, it was difficult for him to understand that the person in front of him was impossible for him to deal with no matter what.

“Very well, I have to thank you.”

Leon said and patted his shoulder, Ronan jumped straight in the face, one of the highest commanders of the people, is the most belligerent kind of person, no one has ever dared to treat him like this, even Thanos.

But the man in front of him gave him unparalleled pressure, so that he did not dare to have a little rash move.

“You sent me the Power Treasure, and you also sent me the news of the Soul Gem, and I really have to thank you.”

Li Ang said and snapped his fingers, Ronan was horrified to find that his body started from his feet, turned into dust in the sky, and disappeared little by little, he wanted to open his mouth, but he was shocked to find that he could not open his mouth at all, and his body was not controlled by him at all, which made him horrified.

Li Ang saw the fear in his eyes and smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you, wait until you know.” ”

As the words fell, Ronan saw that his feet, which had turned into powder, quickly condensed, and then this change continued up to his waist, chest, and neck, and then his vision fell into darkness, and after a moment it returned to normal.

“How does it feel now?”

Li Ang loosened the restrictions on him, just now he used his strength to directly transform Ronan’s body, causing his whole person to change from the inside out.

“How… How can it be? ”

Ronan looked at his hands with some trepidation, he was still the same as before, but there was a surging energy in his body, as if he could then explode a planet.

“Well… So powerful! What a terrible power. Ronan muttered to himself.

Li Ang said, “Don’t you want to try it?” ”


Ronan was shocked and quickly shook his head, he was now more afraid of the two, this kind of power that could make a person change with a wave of his hand, he could not think of it.

“Try it.” Leon waved.

Ronan immediately found that the space around him had changed, and he did not know when he actually appeared in a strange starry sky, which was not what he had just liked, and not far away, there was a huge giant gaseous planet.

He felt the changes in his body, a little incredulous, and his mood suddenly became very excited, trying to suppress the excitement, and then the fierce light in his eyes flickered, looking at the giant gaseous planet in the distance.

He then summoned up his own energy, which spread to his left hand and then threw a punch.


There was a thunderclap in the void, space shattered, the void storm swept up, and the furious energy vibrated towards the giant gas planet, almost the speed of light, and in just a few dozen seconds, it had already crashed into the giant gas planet.


There was another loud bang, strangely spreading in the void, a strange scene appeared, and I saw that the central position of the giant gaseous planet collapsed on the ground, and the planet set off a thousand wild waves, and the infinite waves of terror swept up, and the original round shape of the entire planet collapsed at this moment, and in an instant, all kinds of materials and energies on it were thrown out towards the surrounding void.

Giant gaseous planets… Exploded.

He was blown up by his punch, which he had never dared to think of before, before that, he could not even borrow the power gem to accomplish such a feat, but now, just by relying on the energy in his body, he could explode a giant gaseous planet with one punch.

“It’s horrible!”

His body couldn’t help but tremble, it was really terrifying. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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