Li Ang smiled and did not pay any more attention to Nebula, who seemed to know that even if his combat strength increased now, he still could not be the opponent of the person in front of him, so he temporarily put aside his hatred and stood aside coldly.

I saw a silhouette emerge from Nebula’s body, and that silhouette instantly turned into a special tight combat suit, which set off her body with a bump.

At this time, Li Ang’s attention was also removed from the nebula and placed on Camorra, who subconsciously took two steps back after facing Li Ang’s gaze, trying to distance himself from him.

“What are you going to do?” She said warily.

“Of course it’s a reward for you, and I mean to be strong?” Leon laughed.

Kamora took a look at the nebula, and she could clearly feel the change in her body, that change was significant, visible to the naked eye, the current nebula was almost two people compared to before, and the current nebula also brought her a sense of oppression, giving her the illusion of facing Thanos.

She was very hesitant, she did want to gain power, but thinking of the pain that Nebula had just suffered, she was very entangled, and Leon seemed to have seen her entanglement, and said: “Think about what Thanos did to you, the suffering you suffered when you were young, and your race and your parents, is this not a reason for you to become stronger?” ”

Leon’s words immediately disintegrated the resistance in Kamora’s heart, and she clearly remembered everything she suffered as a child, her own race and parents, all of which were exterminated in a massacre set off by Thanos.

All these years, she had lived in resentment all the time, she hated Thanos, and if it wasn’t for him, her life would be completely different.


Kamora took a deep breath and moved closer to Leon, who smiled, the main reason why he wanted to transform these two women was to make Thanos’ path of revenge a little more difficult, lest the next time he appeared in front of him, he would be a little unaware of the sky.

Li Ang does not dare to say that the universe is invincible now, but at least among the known plot characters, those who can threaten him are the top few beings, such as the Court of Life, the oaa and the like.

He held out his hand directly, and Kamora was in his eyes, his body floating up, suspended three meters in front of him, wrapped in a soft force.

“Don’t be nervous, it may hurt a little, just bear with me.” LI Ang-tan.

Camorra took a deep breath, obediently closed her eyes, and frowned as she prepared to endure the pain.

Leon snapped his fingers, and under Ya’s control, in an instant, Kamora began to disappear from his feet, and the annihilation was extremely complete, turning into the most subtle powder and scattering, just like he had transformed Ronan before, directly and painstakingly transforming his own substance.

The feet turned into fly ash, then spread upwards, and after a moment came to the knee position, while at the same time, the feet that had been extinguished were once again formed, and the skin still maintained a light green, but this light green had a different meaning.

This pale green seemed to deepen with the energy around her, because of Leon’s willingness to control the energy that spilled out of her, and this pale green gradually became emerald green.

The body that Leon had transformed into her, every cell in her body could absorb the energy that was free around her all the time, which was an unconscious absorption and storage, a bit like the power of the phoenix, but only a castrated version of the ability.

But even this ability can make her stronger all the time, because part of the energy absorbed will be used to enhance her own physique, and Leon has opened the gene lock in her genes, in other words, her upper limit of ability has been removed, and she may become extremely powerful in the future.

Of course, no matter how powerful, she will still have a limit value, and this limit value is the universe, she can’t absorb the energy of the whole universe, because the energy of the whole universe is infinite, but her limit is not infinite, she will only become a cosmic-level strong person at most, the kind that dominates one side, but it will definitely not be stronger than the limit of the universe.

But even so, her future growth space is extremely terrifying, so that she and Nebula can be called Gemini, if combined, by Kamora to provide energy, by the nebula’s vibrating ability as a means of attack, such a combination, enough to easily shake the universe.

The transformation continued, Kamora endured severe pain, did not hum, but her body was trembling, she had already opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of determination.

“Very well, Thanos is already a hegemon in the universe, if you want to surpass him, then you have to be patient, and soon you will be able to appreciate the benefits of power, which is an unprecedented power that is enough to complete your revenge.” 」

Leon’s voice was flat, but with a different kind of seductive power, making Kamora indulge in it and could not extricate himself.

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