It is a slightly calm valley, lined with peaks and peaks, and there are still strong winds blowing on the peaks, but it is much calmer than those violent hurricanes, and only some snow foam is hanging in the wind, making it look like it is like the outside world.

Leon and Death stood on the top of a mountain, the wind and snow around them had no effect on the two of them, and his gaze saw through the wind and snow on the highest cliff in front of him.

The cliff naturally formed a round arch, and the wind and snow poured into it, making a whining sound, like the whimpering of the evil spirits in hell, and the breath of life that Leon sensed appeared there.

“This breath of life is somewhat strange and strange, the soul seems to be separated, somewhat mutilated, and the breath on the body is also very compatible with this planet, as if it is… Some kind of consciousness on this planet is general, strange. ”

The two murmured like this, and at the same time they were full of interest.


When the words fell, he flashed on the cliff, where below was the calm mountain, and standing on the cliff, the wind and snow were much stronger than elsewhere, but it was always calm.

He looked toward a snow wall, it was a mountain, frozen by the wind and snow, and in that layer of cold ice, a glimmer of blood-red light emanated from it, and there was a different kind of blood color in that light, like a cloud of blood, polluted on the white and transparent ice wall, very conspicuous.

A smile appeared on Li Ang’s face, and the spiritual power radiated out, instantly capturing the breath of life inside, and the life inside also reacted in an instant.

Resistance appeared, and the mind of the living body refused to communicate with Li Ang, but instead counterattacked, although this counterattack seemed insignificant in front of Li Ang, but he was still the first time besides Professor X to encounter a being who could resist him on the spiritual level.


A crisp cracking sound appeared, cracks appeared on the ice wall, and in an instant, the entire ice wall was covered, and then with a loud roar, the entire ice wall shattered, and a fiery red inside also jumped out of it.

It was a humanoid being, draped in a ragged cloth strip that covered his body like a cloak, and when this creature woke up, it suddenly moved away from Leon, distanced itself from him and became alert.

“Red Skull?”

Li Ang laughed lightly, of course he knew who this person was, it was really the sworn enemy of the former Captain of the United States, the Red Skull, the leader of the Earth Hydra Organization.

The Red Skull, whose real name was John Schmidt, was an agent of the Nazi Party and a member of the Kh. Khosrowshamidt. The red man in front of Hitler, the battle between him and the captain of the United States throughout World War II, was shaken by the energy of the space gem, was randomly teleported to somewhere in the universe, and came to this planet of Volmir, and became the guardian of the soul gem until now.

As for the form of his life being would become a little strange, Li Ang estimated that it was also because of the soul gem.

Because Soul Gems can steal, manipulate, or modify souls, gems can not only manipulate living souls, but even the Necromancers can command them. This gem is also very dangerous because he has some sense of self-independence and has a hungry soul. Ironically, the gem is essentially the entrance to an idyllic beauty of a small universe.

The Soul Stone has a very powerful energy, through which users can ingest and manipulate the souls of creatures, control and drive the undead, and can also emit powerful explosive shock waves.

“Who are you?”

There is some kind of communication or connection between the Red Skull and the Soul Gem, which can be seen from the original plot knowing that Thanos is coming, but he is unable to know the existence of Leon, because Leon’s existence itself is a loophole for the entire Marvel Universe.

If you fully master the soul gem, you can control the soul of the whole universe, and the Red Skull can know Thanos, that is because the soul of Thanos exists, the soul gem itself is recorded, and the existence of Leon cannot be known by the soul gem, which causes the Red Skull to know nothing about Leon.


To Leon’s surprise, the Red Skull was able to see you die, and when he saw death at the first sight, he had already exhaled.

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, “It seems that there are really a lot of things you know.” ”

Red Skull was a little wary and asked, “You haven’t answered my question yet, who are you?” ”

“I am Leon, the newborn god of the universe, and I control the mind and space, are you satisfied with this answer?” Leon Road.


The Red Skull categorically denied, and at the same time, said, “There are only five creation gods in the universe, and there can be no sixth at all!” ”

“I’m not a creation god, there is a difference between me and their existence itself, you just treat me as a wild deity, nothing else you need to think about, now tell me, where is the soul gem?” Leon Road.

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