He didn’t know what kind of changes he had undergone in his body, but now the ability he possessed in his body was clear, his strength grew, his spiritual strength increased, as if the fundamentals of his own existence had already made a leap, and he had become a unique living body.

He wanted Li Ang to know how powerful he was, and he couldn’t help but smile coldly at this time.

The black hole just fell towards Li Ang, and in the blink of an eye, it had reached his body, the accretion disk was huge, and the violent energy in it seemed to tear him apart, but in fact, he had not been swept up a trace of the corner of his clothes until now, and he still looked indifferent.

“It’s a proud person, and I didn’t deserve to give you such a transformation, very good.”

Leon did not look a little angry, on the contrary, he was very happy, because he knew that the Red Skull itself was this kind of nature, and it was not surprising.

So he stretched out his hand, and with such an understated wave, the time and space in front of him were stilled.

The black hole was fixed in mid-air, the accretion disk stopped rotating, and everything around it was pressed to the pause button, except for the Red Skull, whose eyes widened with shock and disbelief.


Leon snapped his fingers, and then the black hole and everything it brought with it vanished.

The black hole melted like spring snow, turning into countless elementary particles and matter, and so did the accretion disk, and then as if rewinding, the shattered peaks were restored, and everything around them was restored to its original appearance.

“This… How is this possible? ”

The Red Skull’s face changed drastically, looking at Li Ang, his face was full of disbelief, but he knew how terrifying the black hole that had just been catalyzed by special abilities really was, but under Li Ang’s hands, it was not even a little wind and waves.

Li Ang looked at him with a smirk, “Aren’t you shocked?” ”

The Red Skull’s face became deeper, his eyes turned around, it seemed that he was planning to run, he was indeed ready to do so, but when he was about to fly away from here, he was suddenly shocked to find that the time and space around him did not know when to start, and was actually blocked by a mighty force.

It felt like time and space had become an iron cage, and the psychic power was emitted, as if it had crashed into steel, and it was impossible to move in at all, and at this moment, his face became even more ugly.

And Li Ang did not seem to see him such an expression, directly beckoned to him, the power was radiated, and he saw the time and space around the red skull surging like a tide, and pushed him towards Li Ang.

The Red Skull couldn’t move all around, so watching himself come to Li Ang, he was already a little flustered for a while, and his face was very ugly.

Li Ang fixed it with great force, and then looked him up and down carefully, and the look in his eyes was like substance, making the Red Skull feel some scalp tingle.

“You… What are you doing? ”

The red skeleton endured for half a day, and finally put up with it, and his voice trembled a little when he made a sound.

Li Ang came to him again, stretched out his hand and pinched his face, and nodded to himself: “Now that you have a good face, this is also my reward for you, but your personality is a little unpredictable.” ”

“Only when you have gained some strength, you dare to rush to me to do it, I really don’t know whether to say that you are bold, or to say that you are not afraid of death.”

Li Ang smiled and patted the Red Skull’s face, regardless of the Red Skull’s trembling face, still said to himself: “Since I can give you strength, naturally I can also give you back, so no matter what you think now, you have to hold me back, and in the future, it is best not to show any dissent in front of me, otherwise I will let you know that the gods are not provoked.” ”

Li Ang looked at the trace of hatred in the depths of his eyes, and knew that he did not listen to these words at all, so he smiled slightly, grabbed his shoulder, and the next moment the two of them were already in space.

The frozen planet was in the far distance, looking white in the distance, and he and the Red Skull were standing in the void, and Leon glanced at him with a smile, and then waved his hand slightly.

The next moment, the space-time around the planet rippled, like a ripple of water, and in this ripple, the frozen planet, along with the yellow dwarf farther away, was torn apart piece by piece.

Under this fluctuation, the planet turned into pieces of powder, and all the life on it also died silently.

The yellow dwarf in the far distance, under the fluctuations of the middle, was pulled into a noodle-like existence, which could not explode at all, but after a few moments, it dissipated into countless smoke and dust.

The Red Skull was shocked, his heart became frightened, and he turned his head to look at Leon as if he had seen the devil.

Li Ang smiled at him, and then said, “See? ”

Say it, wave it again, everything is like rewinding, recovering again, as if everything just now has never appeared.

“Since you have such a power, then I will not care what you want to do, but everything on the earth is not allowed to interfere, if you want to find an opponent, it is to find Thanos, he will be a good opponent of you, I hope you don’t let me down, otherwise I will make you regret it.”

Li Ang smiled and said.

(Oh yes!) )

(Oh yes!) )

(Oh yes!) )

(Oh yes!) (Please!) )

(Oh yes!) )

(Oh yes!) (Please!) )

(Oh yes!) )

(Oh yes!) )

(Oh yes!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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