After this walk, he also felt novel, the whole city, like a huge market, full of all kinds of shops, selling things all over the universe, even the slave trade, many young and beautiful alien races are openly sold here.

Leon turned a blind eye, which was perfectly normal for him.

This visit is more than an hour, he has walked around the three-story city and knows some of the situation here.

This is indeed a bazaar, a cosmic bazaar, and it is impossible to take the area, the ruler here is indeed a collector, his words are the law here, and no one dares to disobey his words here, because those who do so will end up very miserable.

There are all kinds of goods in the universe, all kinds of novelties, and there is no monetary system here, and some are just primitive trading methods of barter.

After reading it, Li Ang had lost interest and walked directly to the location where the collector was located above.

The collector’s location, above the three-story city, from where the entire interior space can be paid, and every move cannot escape the eyes of the watcher.

Leon went up the stairs, but not long after he walked out, he was stopped by someone with a gun.

“This is a forbidden place, you are not allowed to enter, if you don’t want to die, get back.”

A sturdy alien race spat at Leon as he smashed the butt of his rifle.

Leon smiled, not at all angry, and let the man’s butt fall off, only that the man’s butt finally stopped a foot in front of his forehead.


The guard was stunned, then furious, quickly retreated, raised his gun with his companions, and shot at Leon without saying a word.

The energy gun in his hand immediately shot out a beam of light, and at the same time, several of his companions also shot at Li Ang, not giving him a chance to open his mouth, completely to put him to death.

The smile on Li Ang’s face showed no sign of abating, allowing more than ten guns to shoot at him, and more than ten energy beams hit him, but only a faint microwave appeared in front of him, and then they all disappeared, leaving no trace on him.

“How is that possible? Do you have a matrix of energy extinction hidden in you? ”

The guard at the head was startled and subconsciously opened his mouth, while the others also changed color at the same time.

Li Ang did not open his mouth again, but calmly glanced at the person, and it was this glance that made the person’s body suddenly tighten, only to feel that Li Ang’s gaze seemed to carry some kind of magic, making his whole person shiver from beginning to end.

And it was at this glance that the man could not move, and the whole person seemed to be frozen in ice, his hands and feet stiff.

In Li Ang’s glance just now, he didn’t show anything special, just with his own faint breath, and with the strength of his current divine soul, the subtle breath revealed could make an ordinary person’s soul collapse.

And this guard was under him, there was no spirit collapse, but just numbness of his hands and feet, and it had to be said that this guard was not too weak, but compared to ordinary beings, he was also considered to be strong.

But this is of no use to Leon.

He waved his hand slightly, a subtle energy fell from his fingertips, and then he saw the guard, as if squeezed from all sides to the center by an invisible wall, and his whole body began to contract.

“Uh… Ahhh…”

The guard roared in pain, wanting to struggle, but around his body was a terrible pressure, and the companions around him wanted to go up to help, but one by one, it was as if they had been cast into a fixation technique, and they could not have half a point of movement, so they could only watch the person in front of them, little by little.

Originally, it was a person of two meters tall, and his body was gradually compressed to less than one meter, during which everyone heard the sour bone cracking sound, and the clicking sound was incessant, making people’s scalps tingle.

Everyone wanted to flee from here, but none of them could do it, and they could only scream in vain in the hope that they would attract more people with their screams.

However, the cries of these people did not let others find out, and even after these sounds reached three meters away, they had disappeared strangely, and no one knew what caused them.

Of course, all this is Li Ang’s means, and within ten meters of his body now, it has become another space, isolated from the space where he was originally located, but the isolation is not so complete.

The guard was so in the eyes of everyone’s horror, little by little, it was squeezed into a ball of flesh, during which the blood burst out, but there was a strange thing that did not spray out, still following his flesh and blood, being compressed.

A minute and a second passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was ten seconds, and the guard had now become a lump of flesh less than the size of a fist, the color was a strange black and red color, and it was already dead and could not die anymore.

The rest of the people looked at Leon’s gaze as if they were looking at a monster, revealing an incomparable fear.

Li Ang waved his hand at will, and the flesh and blood burst open, turning into a blood mist in the sky, staining the whole body of those people, Li Ang could hear the sound of these people’s teeth trembling, but he didn’t think anything of it.

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