The Storm Woman’s face changed, her body couldn’t help but float backwards, and the person in front of her gave her a lot of pressure, and there was a kind of weirdness in that pressure, which made her tremble a little.

She had never seen anyone deal with her lightning as easily as Leon, and even Magneto tended to distort the electric field with magnetic force, rather than swallowing it as he did.

“The taste of crispy hemp is very good!”

Li Ang smiled slightly at the Storm Woman, and the next moment, the figure disappeared from the Storm Woman’s eyes, who was suddenly startled and did not want to retreat to the side, at the same time, there were countless electric rays on her body to protect her.

But at this moment, she realized that she had directly hit a person’s body, and when she turned her head to look, she saw Leon’s smiling face.


She exclaimed again, knowing that she now had an electric field wrapped around her body, and the heat of the electric light was enough to melt the steel, and ordinary people could not bear it at all.

But Leon stood so calmly in the air, and the electric field had no effect on him at all.

The Storm Woman scolded darkly, and then swung her fist at Li Ang’s face, and the fist was wrapped in a thunder electric field, crackling like countless birds beeping.



There was a crisp sound first, which was caused by Leon reaching out and squeezing her hand in the palm of his hand. The next vibration was the vibration caused by the explosion of thunder and the collapse of the electric field.

The two of them were fixed in mid-air, and Li Ang’s other hand at this time was two fingers on her abdomen, and the latter only felt that his whole body seemed to be in control, and he wanted to get out, but he couldn’t move at all, and the surrounding area seemed to be frozen.

Even so, her body was still surrounded by thunderous gusts, and the waves of energy surged outwards like they didn’t want money.

The Storm Woman’s energy is counted throughout the Marvel world, and even if she has not yet grown to her peak, such an energy intensity is still enough to make people look sideways.

The current on Li Ang’s body was stirring, and the corners of his clothes had been burned into fly ash, which made him a little surprised, but then he laughed.

“Something sent to the door, there is no reason not to want, thank you for your x gene, I accepted it.”

As he spoke, the two fingers pumped outward, and at the same time, a large string of blood flowers poured out of her abdomen, and if you looked closely, you would find that the Storm Woman’s abdomen was not even half injured, but the blood on her body had been extracted from it.


The Storm Woman exhaled in surprise, she didn’t feel pain, but the afterglow of her eyes saw the string of blood beads, surging in Li Ang’s hands, forming a fist-sized blood ball.

Li Ang smiled slightly, and in the latter’s surprised gaze, the blood cells in his hands had already disappeared, but it was Li Ang who used his psychic teleportation ability to directly transmit this blood ball to the laboratory.

“Orolao, did Professor X let you come?” That’s when he asked.

“Damn, how do you know about me?” Orolo turned ugly.

Li Ang smiled and shook his head: “You have miscalculated your degree of fame, I think in the eyes of people with hearts, it is not difficult to find out your existence.” ”

When the words fell, he stretched out his hand violently, and directly grabbed Orolao’s neck, who suddenly had difficulty breathing and wanted to struggle, but his body was bound by a strange force, and he couldn’t move at all.

“Say hello to Professor X for me.”

When the words fell, she was thrown out by Li Ang fiercely, falling down like a cannonball, Li Ang did not look at her again, looked up and waved, the thick clouds dissipated under the disturbance of invisible forces, and the sunlight once again shone on the earth, and there was a kind of rain and sunny charm in it.

But at this moment, Li Ang’s body slammed down, he looked up, and he saw a middle-aged man in a suit standing in front of him, this man had a very gentle appearance and smile, and the top of his head was bare and even reflected the sun, and then he heard the man speak.

“Child, your mind has been lost for too long, don’t let Leon control your heart, you should use your heart to control this power.” I feel a familiar force in you, which is evil and dangerous. ”

“Professor X?”

This was the first time that Leon and Professor X had met, but unexpectedly, the latter used telepathic ability to create a projection in his mind.

“Yes, I’m Professor X, kid, come to me, and I’ll teach you how to use your mind to control this ability, otherwise you’ll be a slave to power, and that’s a very sad thing.”

Li Ang heard the words but laughed: “You are wrong, in my opinion, any force is a means of use, there is no good or evil.” And, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this kind of power, I like it. ”

(This is a more than one piece, everyone work harder, the immediate evaluation can be over a thousand, flowers are also, come on!) )

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