The alarm quickly sounded throughout the underground space of the laboratory, the sound was harsh and loud, and the alarm lights everywhere were also lit up, flashing their red light.

At the same time, Li Ang also heard the sound of many people running fast, and even the sound of guns being loaded.

“What a man!”

The first person to appear in front of him was an evolutionary, or an evolutionary who mastered the ability of space, and appeared directly in front of him, which was extremely abrupt.


Li Ang raised an eyebrow, sensing the spatial fluctuations brought about by this person’s appearance, which was obviously an alpha-level spatial ability, or the kind that could travel through space at will.

This man was fully armed, completely dressed as a warrior, but he did not have a gun, but instead extended his hands to Li Ang, so that Li Ang immediately noticed the strangeness of the space around him.

The space around him has been disrupted, the structure of space has also been destroyed, as long as the space capable person on the other side is willing, he can directly scatter the space around Li Ang, and then Li Ang will become torn apart as he imagined.

Unfortunately, this only exists in his imagination.

Leon didn’t make any moves, but with a slight smile on his face and asked, “When did you become an evolutionary?” ”


After the man saw Li Ang’s appearance clearly, the composure on his face finally disappeared, revealing a look of shock and a hint of fear, and his body could not help but tremble slightly, and subconsciously took a step back.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you for the time being, first answer my question, when did you become an evolutionary?” Leon said again.

“You… How did you get in here? The man asked with suppressed fear.

“Answer my question, soldier!”

Li Ang’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and the telepathic ability was activated, causing a great shock to his soul, and the man’s face suddenly became dazed, and then he recovered in an instant, and somehow, he began to answer Li Ang’s questions.

“Half a month ago.” The man said honestly.

Li Ang bowed his head slightly, and then said, “What is your ability?” ”

“Space mastery, I can split space, and then I can let myself travel through space, and I also have the ability to take people and matter through space.” That humanity.

Leon nodded and said to himself, “This is also a very good ability, but it seems that in the original plot of the Marvel Universe world, people with such abilities have also appeared, what is the red devil and the blue devil, and who is the black fat man?” ”

He couldn’t think of it for a moment, after all, it was only a small role.

“How many people are like you here?” Leon asked again.

“Lots of them!” The man was still not honest.

It seemed that his words were fulfilled, and the next moment, several figures appeared around this person, men and women, no less than twenty in total, coincidentally, all of them were spatial abilities.

“I’ll go, and I’ll be really going to rot the streets in the future.”

Leon was suddenly surprised by the determination of mankind, so many evolutionists, many of whom are evolutionists with super powers, this is a little inattention, if there is an ambitionist, is it not the source of turmoil?

He did not consider the threat he posed to human society, and if he thought of it, he would not think so.

With him and the Dinghai God Needle, human wisdom is united, and even a tyrant ambitionist like Magneto has to close his claws and obediently lie down, and he has to join forces with others to fight him.

Li Ang’s face was strange, and after the people saw that it was him, the look on his face changed drastically, and some people may have launched an attack on him subconsciously because of fear.


The space around Leon rippled, and then visible to the naked eye, the space shattered like glass, and then reassembled, close to one of his walls, and suddenly a large area moved with the fragmented space, looking like space fragments containing wall debris.

Changing into an ordinary person, in such a situation, the body will definitely become torn apart, but Li Ang is still standing there well, and the corners of his clothes are not messed up.

Leon looked at these people curiously, and some of these people couldn’t help but tremble with fear, and some of them swallowed their saliva, these people were all powerful evolutionists of the alpha level, and they were more than twenty people, and their abilities were similar.

But when faced with Leon alone, they still feel fear and have no sense of security.

“You… Why are you here? Someone opened his mouth with a trembling voice.

Li Ang casually snapped his fingers, snapped, and the scattered spatial structure around him quickly returned to normal and stabilized, and those wall debris fell to the ground.

Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, I saw those wall fragments, as if they were placed upside down, stuck to the wall again in their original trajectory, and the wall was restored to its original state in a moment.

This is the same space mastery, but Li Ang also used the power of time on this basis, directly turning back a small piece of time and space around him, so that everything could be restored to the beginning.

Li Ang smiled lightly, “I heard that you have mastered the cracking method of the x gene, and you have also made a lot of evolutionists, well, it is called an evolutionary, right?” After all, mutants are really not very good to talk about, and changing to Chinese is like cursing. ”

“So I came, as a researcher, I felt the need to come and see your progress, and if necessary, I could improve you holes or something.”

As if they had heard the joke, several of them looked at each other, and then one of them shouted, “No kidding, you damn executioner, you really deserve to go to hell!” ”

“Well, it seems that the communication failed, and you still look very unwelcome to me, which makes people a little distressed.”

Li Ang scratched his head, and then suddenly smiled: “Forget it, I don’t bother to tease you anymore, so you can continue your business, I will visit here first.” ”

Saying that, he turned his head and left, without giving these people time to react.

Yes, he was indeed walking, just like shopping, directly Shi Shiran walking forward.

“Damn! We can’t let him enter the core secret area, we must stop him, and the alarm escalates so that other companions can also come! ”


With that, another attack was launched against Leon, and this time several people joined forces to launch the capability.

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