At this time, Agent Phil had already begun to think of cursing the mother, he was one of the few people in the whole base who knew the horror of Leon, and when he saw the Qin Grey’s side next to Leon, he was even more directly grinning.

“What the hell, what the hell is he doing here?” He also brought Grey, two omega-level mutants. No, he must have exceeded the Omega level, an Omega-level mutant, and a surpassing Omega-level mutant, how can this be resisted? ”

As he was thinking this, the combatant next to him asked him, “Sir, are you going to capture those two people directly?” ”


Agent Phil was startled into a cold sweat and hurriedly said, “Shut up, don’t think you can take those two people down, they are not something you can deal with, tell you a little bit about it, see that man?” He may be the strongest mutant in the world, and I have every reason to suspect that he can erase us all from here with even a single thought if he wants to. ”


The people who knew Phil’s bottom were all inhaling the cold air, and what he said was so exaggerated that several people in the car did not know what to say, and for a while the atmosphere in the carriage was very strange, waiting for the order of Agent Phil.

And Agent Phil was also sweating at this time, no one knew Leon’s temper better than him, when he took someone to capture Leon, doubling Leon’s direct killing of the people he brought, that kind of determination was very fierce, and he still remembered it vividly.

“It’s all right, inform the others, no clash with him no matter what, keep your distance from him, don’t allow anything to happen for a while, don’t shoot at all!”

“Sir, in that case… Stuff in the base…”

Before the man could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Agent Phil, who of course knew what the man was going to say, shook his head, and said, “When he comes here, your mission will be impossible, and even if you retreat now, your superiors will not blame you.” To tell you the truth, I will let you retreat now, the appearance of this person, everything is out of our control. ”

“Is he really that horrible?” Some people doubted.

Agent Phil didn’t have the heart to give them too many things, so he simply said, “This person, I guess many of you know him, I can’t tell you much else, you just need to obey my orders.” ”

“Yes, sir!”

The convoy soon came to a stop more than ten meters in front of Leon and Chingrey, and Agent Phil got out of the car hard, if there was anyone he least wanted to see, it must be Leon, who could have left a lot of psychological shadow on him in the first place.

So ask Agent Phil to have a shadow area in his heart.

Off topic.

Li Ang saw the person coming, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and he looked at him with a smile, and Agent Fei Er had to cough dryly, and after walking in, he said, “Mr. Li Ang, there is a military blockade area in front, if you have nothing else to do, I want to ask you to leave.” ”

Leon did not open his mouth, but just looked around, there were more than thirty heavily armed soldiers in the convoy, and by this time many people had already seen Leon’s identity, and he heard the whispering voice.

Seeing Li Ang’s gaze, the corners of Agent Fei’er’s mouth twitched, only to feel that Li Ang’s gaze was too similar to the gaze he had when he first saw it, indifferent and indifferent, and he did not put human life in his eyes at all.

“I’m here for what’s inside, are you sure you want me to leave?” Li Ang said calmly.

Agent Phil’s scalp suddenly tingled, his fists clenched, and finally he could only sigh, “Well, what do you want to do?” ”

“Nothing, I just came over to see, not interested in where that thing belongs, just a little curious about that thing, just look at it and go.” Li Ang said, he is telling the truth.

“Really?” Agent Phil said with great joy.

Leon shrugged, too lazy to talk to him more, and then walked past him toward the front.

Agent Phil calmed down a lot, and quickly used the walkie-talkie to order: “Spread out, don’t stand in the front.” ”

Those soldiers were like ghosts in their hearts, looking at Li Ang who was calmly moving forward, for a while he did not know what to do, at this time he received Phil’s order, and suddenly one by one was relieved, and the convoy quickly retreated to both sides, not daring to block in front of Li Ang.

Li Ang and the two were not fast, it took more than ten minutes to come to the base, and they did not know whether they had been notified by Agent Phil, the security personnel of the base did not stop Li Ang, and one by one armed fighters also paid homage to Li Ang, and the two came to the central position with such a big swing.

“First… Sir and madam, please wear protective clothing. “One man stopped two people.

Li Ang waved his hand: “No. ”

Passing the man and going straight into the central facility.

(This is a chapter of the addition, it is not two days from the shelf, and then ask for support, is anyone willing to give a tip?) )

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