Of course, it is impossible to put it on a big country like the United States, and it is great that a mushroom egg has passed, and even the most awesome things have to fly ash, but if it is placed on some small countries, the destroyer can really destroy a country.

But no matter how strong this thing is, when it encounters a bug-level existence like Leon and Qin Grey, it has to kneel.

The group of people in the back were completely stunned and completely paddled at this time. In their eyes, the ferocious monster that could plow out a ditch with a single light just now was actually solved so easily, which was quite unreal.

After watching Grey’s done, Leon just shrugged his shoulders and did not take this to heart, but turned his head and waved to Phil, who looked strangely forward, and did not say anything more, waiting for his command.

Leon is the strongest man here, and he knows exactly what to do now.

“Or according to what I just said, it’s all ripped off, and the rest is nothing for you.”

“Well…” Agent Phil agreed very crisply, having seen the destructive power of the monster just now, and having seen the ability of Leon and Leon, he knew that ordinary people really couldn’t intervene in these things.

Seeing the crispness of his promise, Leon also nodded and held out his hand to Qin Grey, who held hands with him, and then the two figures disappeared together, until this time, Agent Phil suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, recalled the scene just now, and felt sweaty behind his back.

This is fortunately the presence of Li Ang and Leon, otherwise he would not have known how much damage this side of the base would have.

He also hurried to make arrangements quickly, and also contacted the bureau.

But these things are not what Leon needs to care about, and his purpose of coming this time has been successfully achieved, so he returns with Chingrey, and he has other plans to do.

Back at his residence, Leon did not idle, but instead asked Svija, “What happened to the infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D.?” ”

“The S.H.I.E.L.D. database has been infiltrated by 163 percent, from which a lot of information has been obtained, and the cosmic cube you are looking for has also been news, and it has now been accurately located.” Svija Road.

“Very good, the address sent over.”

Despite his orders, Svija reported a list of addresses, which was a very secret large research room of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Cosmic Cube was stored in it, and now the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. were using that thing to develop weapons of mass destruction.

These are the same as the original plot, in fact, he has begun to order Svija to carry out this infiltration very early, but he does not want to fight the snake, and it has only recently been obvious results.

He now had Asgard’s spatial coordinate positioning, and if he wanted to move there, it was naturally impossible to teleport with his own mind, after all, the distance between the two could be calculated in hundreds of thousands of light years, relying on his own psychic teleportation, exhausted He could not do this step now, after all, he was still in the second stage of the development of the Phoenix Force.

If you want to soar and move freely in the universe, you have to wait at least until the fourth stage, which is still a bit far.

“Qin, later, I need you to go outside to make some movements, and I’ll tell you the specific direction later, just want to make some movements, you choose it yourself.”

Qin Grey’s still cold, just silently nodded, she followed Li Ang to pursue a powerful force, with Li Ang as the main point, she was acquiescing.

Li Ang saw her like this, and didn’t say much, Dark Phoenix’s personality was a little cold, but in bed it was a wonderful thing.

As soon as he thought of this, the corners of his mouth cocked, “Well, the time is still there, let’s have another friendly match.” ”

Gret’s eyes flickered, and then she didn’t speak, and turned her head and walked toward the resting room, for her, the way to strengthen herself was this, and she would not refuse at all.


In the blink of an eye, six or seven had disappeared, and it was late at night, and in a laboratory near the outskirts of S.H.I.E.L.D., countless people were busy, and Nick Fury was here, looking through the transparent glass window as the experimenters were busy going back and forth, and on the test bench was a metal ring with this sophisticated instrument on it.

In the center of the ring, there is a blue cube that is blooming with a gentle glow, and the color is as clear as the sea.

This is the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, also known as the Space Gem, which is one of the six Infinity Gems of the Marvel Universe, which has the ability to travel freely throughout the universe, and can move itself or all objects to any space at will.

It is also possible to arbitrarily distort or reorder space according to the user’s will, so that the ability of space teleportation and space stationary is as simple as breathing in front of the space stone. At the same time, it also contains incomparably huge energy, almost infinite.

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

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