“Compared to the back, the earth is attacked and invaded by various aliens and alien forces, I would rather expect the earth to change in my hands, and now there are still many battles between human beings, not united at all, evolution is almost stagnant, mutants are also a group of guys who only know power and have no brains, so I will be the catalyst for human evolution.”

Leon thought so, and then laughed.

His idea was simple, instead of fighting with such a group of people on the earth, it was better to directly point out the matter, he was eager to see what kind of potential the whole world had under the pressure of powerful external forces.

“Qin, go, we have something to do.”

Li Ang shouted with a smile, and the figure of Qin Grey’s figure appeared next to him the next moment, his look was still flat, as if he had expected him to be like this.

He reached out and stroked the cheek of the piano and said slowly, “Next, I will be the enemy of the world, do you want to come together?” ”


Qin’s voice was cold, and he did not retreat because of the meaning of Li Ang’s words, but looked as usual.

“Well, let’s surprise the world.”

He took Chingrey’s hand, and the figures of the two disappeared from the spot, and then appeared at the top of the Empire State Building, where the view was wide open, and he could see everything below, the blue sky, and the deep blue water in the distance, and the traffic below, a grand scene of the free country.

“I don’t know how long this looks will last.” Li Ang showed a smile that was incomprehensible to ordinary people.

He patted the metal pillar next to him that towered over the top of the Empire State Building, a lightning rod and a signal receiver, and Leon drew a certain electromagnetic line in his line of sight, and the unique signal frequency was sent out through the metal pillar next to him, just like last time, the TV signals of all households in the whole United States changed.

However, this time is also a little different from the last time, the signal he interfered with this time can cover the whole world, which means that at this moment, except for the United States, all the TV signals around the world have been replaced by the one he changed.

“Hello everyone, I’m Leon, I’m standing at the top of the Empire State Building, where my eyes can see the whole of America, my thoughts can affect the whole world, I’m a mutant, I’m also the world’s richest man, and I’m a scientist.”

Up and down the United States, every household TV appeared in the figure of Li Ang, this time, he did not choose to hide his identity, for him, this time to hide or not to hide the same, anyway, to stand on the opposite side of the whole world.

“Since the beginning of human history, it has been about 10,000 years, from the ancient Babylonian civilization, to the ancient Egyptian civilization, to the ancient Indian civilization and even the Chinese civilization, the history of mankind has always been a history of war, full of all kinds of wars and killings, including heroic praises, there are also mysterious conspiracies, full of all the way to modern society, this kind of confrontation has never stopped.”

“Human beings are a race that is good at killing their own kind, and civilization is destroyed in war and advancing in war. All people are dead or alive on the earth and this finite resource planet, there is no possibility of compromise at all, and as a member of mankind, I do not see the possibility of moving forward in human beings. ”

“Fifty years have passed since the first moon landing, and in those fifty years, no human has ever been to the moon, and the glory of mankind seems to have stopped there.”

Li Ang’s voice was flat, he was recounting the past, and when he said this, his tone changed and became a lot colder.

“I don’t see hope in human beings, you only know the struggle, only the competition, the development of science and technology can not keep up with the speed of human evolution.” Look, mutants have been around for thousands of years, what have you done with these abilities? Instead of developing science and technology, without using the ability of variants to benefit the world, but more and more intensified fighting, these abilities are placed on you, which is a waste. ”

“So I decided that instead of watching you self-destruct, I would put an end to it with my own hands.” Now I want to tell you that I will be the enemy of the whole world, find me, stop me, kill me! Otherwise, the world will be destroyed. ”

Li Ang pointed sharply at the sky, and a ray of light flew down from the blue sky, it was a shooting star.

“Now, all New Yorkers look up at the sky, and you’ll see a meteor falling, an asteroid I pulled from the asteroid belt outside the orbit of Mars, thirty-six meters in diameter, falling at a speed of 11.2 kilometers per hour, landing in New York Harbor outside Manhattan, and you will have the privilege of seeing the tsunami churning and flooding half of New York.”

“In three days, an asteroid with a diameter of three hundred and sixty-nine meters will crash into Washington at a speed of 29.7 kilometers per hour, at which time Washington will be erased from the ground.”

“In a month’s time, a small star with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters will crash into Kansas at a speed of 46.3 kilometers per hour, and the entire United States will be destroyed.”

“In half a year, the moon will depart from its current orbit and approach the earth, and at that time, all the people of the world will have the privilege of seeing the only moon-earth hedge in the history of all mankind, and the result will be the destruction of the earth.”

Speaking of this, Leon showed a smile, a very flat smile.

“Therefore, I am here to inform the whole world that whether you are a high-ranking official or a noble in a powerful country, or a hungry civilian in a weak country, whether you are a normal human being or a mutant with special abilities, you will all unite under this tremendous pressure to deal with this disaster that will destroy the world.”

“If you do not unite, then the result of the world is doomed to destruction, but if you are united, then you can still escape from this crisis.”

“So, all the people in the world, work hard.”

At this point, the figure of Li Ang disappeared in all the TV pictures, and the TV channel returned to normal, but Li Ang’s words were deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone.

At this time, the whole of New York saw the meteor, falling down at a very fast speed, the target is the sea outside New York Harbor, at most more than twenty seconds will have a collision, then it will definitely stir up the monstrous waves.

“Oh my God, who is going to save us?”

Those who saw this had begun to howl and beg for the Savior to appear.

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