The duty of the X Policeman is to reap the stability of the city, but what Leon is doing today is obviously to destroy the original order, and his act of destroying the huge lightning rod above the Empire State Building is already a crime.

Unfortunately, the order of normal society had long since stopped caring when he was acting, and even now he had abandoned the money and status he had, because when he made these moves, those things would definitely be frozen by the conquest of the United States.

After all, wealth and status, that is something that belongs to normal society, and he is now thrown into the chaos.

These things can be discarded, it is not a big deal, it is already enjoyed, Leon has not been half heartbroken, and exploring the limits of power and the nature of the universe is what he really pursues.

The pattern of the earth was too small, and his vision was never limited to the square inch of the earth.

Tony was thrown straight out by him with his thoughts, and the crowd of X-Men was defeated by him with a wave of his hand, and at this moment, no one could stop him.

He looked in the direction of the sea level, in the kung fu just now, the asteroid had fallen smoothly into the sea, thanks to the precise control of Magneto, there were no waves churning on the sea surface, and the original disaster was also eliminated at this time.

“Magneto, look forward to meeting you next time.”

His telepathic abilities pinpointed Eric’s figure, and finding that he was on top of a tall building in the distance, with no one else around him, and Leon let his words be projected into his mind.

Magneto’s expression changed slightly, his brow furrowed, and he looked in the direction of Li Ang, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes.

Compared with Magneto’s special senses for Li Ang, Li Ang still has expectations for him, expecting his ability to be stronger, so that his future time will not seem boring.

Magneto flew away, without saying a word, just glancing fiercely in the direction where Li Ang was, and then leaving without saying a word.

Li Ang shrugged his shoulders and was about to make some more noise to show his presence, when there was a roar of machines in the distance, from far and near, and soon he could clearly hear that it was the sound of helicopter propellers.

Looking at the source of the sound, there are some good black spots in the far reaches of the sky, which are getting closer and closer.

Looking up suddenly, he had a feeling of being spied on, as far as he could see, it was just a piece of blue, and the clouds were dotted, like a piece of white jade pasted on the blue background cloth, which looked extremely thorough.

“Satellite surveillance?”

Li Ang smiled slightly, and then looked in the other direction, there was also movement over there, it was a kind of sound whistle, very fast, and in a few moments something passed high above the sky.

It was three glyph-shaped fighters, mounted in the belly and under the wings, as if they were going to the battlefield.

And the streets, full of the sound of police cars, even Leon, under the telepathy, saw the army coming from a distance.

“Is this a war?” Lee watched.

The helicopter also soon arrived in the near front, a total of thirteen Apaches, the same full load, showing a ring to envelop the Empire State Building, no unnecessary nonsense, as soon as they came up, three helicopters shot at Leon.

The cannon fired extremely fast, like a shooting star, and the target was Leon and Chingrey, regardless of the fact that this was the center of New York, the most crowded place.

Of course, he knew the reason, obviously his own existence, so that some people really could not stand it, coupled with the previous statement declared, I am afraid that now he has become the enemy of the state.

A cannon burst of artillery came quickly, with sharpness and whistling, and instantly appeared in front of Li Ang’s eyes.

At this moment, he could even clearly see the fine lines on the shell, as well as the air waves brought about by its rapid attack, even if the speed of the cannon was amazing, it was still slowed down by dozens of times in his eyes.

This time, he did not use the power of the phoenix, but a few magic runes appeared in front of him, and a blue wave emerged in front of him, and the magic energy formed a barrier to protect the entire high platform.



A loud explosion sounded, the roar continued, and the smoke and dust overflowed, and in a few moments, the high platform of the Empire State Building was wrapped up, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

Three helicopters fired more than a hundred cannons in total, which was the rhythm of the Empire State Building to collapse, but the result was that the Empire State Building was intact, the high platform was damaged elsewhere, and even the rapid rubble did not collapse.

After the smoke cleared with the wind, the figures of Leon and Chingrey appeared in the eyes of all helicopter pilots.

“Sizzle! The cannon does not work, and once again, the cannon has no effect, the command, what to do? When a helicopter pilot saw this, he couldn’t help but be horrified.

“All civilians in and around Manhattan have begun to evacuate, and all you have to do now is drag him and wait for the ground forces to enter, remember!” No matter what the cost, he can’t be allowed to run. The command commanded in the communication.

“Yes, sir! The whole team pays attention to the attack in small teams and cannot let him idle. The pilot of the long plane in the formation ordered.

Then more than a dozen helicopters began a purposeful attack on Leon’s side in groups of three, trying to hold it back.

Leon had already intercepted the signal of their communication, and what they said to each other, Leon knew exactly what he was talking about, he did not want to leave, on the contrary, he still wanted to know what the military would do next.

A cannon shot hit the magic barrier, stirring up layers of ripples, the magic barrier seemed to be about to burst, but in fact, let them bombard for a day, there will be no damage.

In terms of magic, after these days of research, he did not dare to say that he had completely eaten it thoroughly, but there was no problem in applying it freely.

Using the power of idealism to defend against the power of science and technology, the result is naturally that the strong side wins, and it is clear that Leon is the strong side.

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