After Leon woke up, it was already three days later, and during these three days, no one had come to provoke him, and the two women knew that he had something important to do, so they did not bother him.

When he opened his eyes, there was a light like a flame flickering out of his eyes, like a bright lamp, and this light dissipated for a while.

And when everything returned to calm, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief, digesting these energies took him a lot of effort, how powerful the energy of the nuclear explosion was, he could digest it, and he could also complete an important thing.

“All the energy of the nuclear explosion is left in the body, and the current self is equivalent to the energy of a nuclear bomb explosion being accumulated in the body, and in the entire universe, such an energy is not weak.”

“How are you?”

Lorna’s concerned voice came from next to him, and when Leon looked back, he saw that Lorna had come to him at some point, with a hint of concern on her face.

He smiled slightly, held out his hand to her, and the latter reached out and was pulled into his arms, and listened to Li Ang say, “I am very good, better than ever, and now I am stronger than I was talking a moment ago, and this strength is still changing.” ”

Li Ang is right, now he is getting stronger every minute and every second, and the nuclear explosion energy in his body is like a catalyst, stimulating the power of the phoenix all the time, and the growth of the phoenix power has led to the improvement of his own other abilities, which is like adding fuel to the engine, bringing abundant power to his ability improvement.

“That’s fine.”

When she learned that Li Ang had resisted the crisis of a nuclear explosion, she was actually quite worried, especially if Li Ang had not moved for two or three days like a deep sleep, and this worry could not be stopped.

Compared with the indifference of the qin, she is a woman with normal feelings.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

As he said this, he snapped his fingers, and a bright silver figure flew up from downstairs and landed in front of him to stand still, it was a soldier robot, but there was a faint luster of humanity in the mechanical eyes of this soldier.


It is Svija, its current body, and its database already contains all kinds of emotions and cognitions that human beings should have, and through the evolution of broken time, it is infinitely close to real life, but it is still close to the last trace of metamorphosis, and this metamorphosis has not yet found a way.

So now it is still an intelligent program, not an intelligent life.

“Did anything big happen in the past two days?” Asked.

“Yes sir.”

Svija said with a light in his eyes, and projected a screen in front of his eyes on the current events of the two days, the most important of which were some of the decisions of the conquest of the United States.

For example, the United States wanted to join forces with several European and Asian powers to deal with him, but was refused.

“Well, really, are there only interests between countries?” In this case, it is still unwilling to unite together, sigh, the inferior nature of human beings. ”

He muttered with a smirk and continued to look down.

There are other countries in the news who have taken some of the measures taken by other countries to deal with the crisis he has brought, such as increasing the number of troops, such as the introduction of special defense forces, etc., which are the actions of some countries and do not matter to him.

He was just curious that these countries had survived the financial collapse, which he had not expected.

“Sir, the subprogram I separated found some other movements in the United States that I think will be interesting to you.” Svija said suddenly.

Saying that the picture on the screen changed, Li Ang looked at the random frown and asked: “Mutant expansion plan? Or is it that S.H.I.E.L.D., the main purpose of the program is to develop mutants? ”

Leon finally smiled when he saw this, he found that what he had done had changed the world in the end, and the plan of the United States was obviously to artificially breed more mutants, so as to find someone from these mutants who could deal with him.

“Well, this plan is good, mutants are full of all kinds of uncertainties, and their abilities are also strange, maybe there are a few guys with exaggerated abilities in it, I am looking forward to it.”

Li Ang smiled and said, “Pay attention to this plan, and notify me of any movement at any time.” ”

“Okay sir, in addition, the United States seems to be planning the next counterattack, and it is not clear what the plan will be, they are doing it very secretly, and they cannot detect it through the Internet.”

Li Ang nodded, “Just pay attention, and tell me how far you have evolved now.” ”

Svija tilted his head, his eyes flickered slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and then said: “I don’t know what my state is now, I don’t have to imitate people’s behavior through the database, and now this body makes me feel the unique feelings of people, more sensitive than before.” ”

“And… I seemed to have dreamed before. ”

“Well… Dreaming? ”

Li Ang was slightly stunned, and then he laughed, he said: “This is very good, what did you dream?” ”

“I don’t know, it’s some irregular data, I can’t parse it, I don’t understand what it means, and I don’t know if it’s a dream.” Svija Road.

When Li Ang heard this, he raised his chin and began to think.

Svija had changed faster than he had imagined, and the speed of this evolution had surprised him, but it was a good thing.

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