Marvel’s Infinite Power

Chapter 259 Playing Dummies (3/5, Please Customize)

The successful conclusion of the Mutant issue, Lu Yi saw it from the news.

The bridge under Magneto's control fell, destroying half of the island, causing countless casualties and causing huge amounts of repercussions, and the days that followed were filled with reports of this incident.

For example, mourning the dead and wounded soldiers and researchers, advocating the Mutant threat theory, the official decision to abolish the mandatory treatment of all Mutants to thank Professor X, who is also a Mutant, for his great contribution to the peace of mankind, and so on.

The entire press in America these days revolves around this, everything else is sidelined, and Lu Yi has seen some.

Now the entire United States is talking about Mutant, divided into two factions.

One school of thought is that Mutants are a huge amount of threat and should not be kept, Roar urged the government to force the use of antidote to cure them to prevent society from creating huge amounts of unrest like today.

This group of people is very radical, and demonstrations are emerging one after another, and most of the administrative agencies of the U.S. government have been surrounded.

Another school of thought believes that there are also good Mutants, just like Professor X and others, they can treat this group of people with courtesy and preferential treatment, but they can't treat other Mutants.

Americans believe in heroism.

X-Men are heroes in their hearts. Without their sudden intervention, it would be difficult for any soldier to survive. For this reason, Professor X, the leader of X-Men, was seriously injured.

This is a very complex definition of a hero in their minds, and they definitely chose such a point of view.

Because of Lu Yi's harmonious relationship with the society, the U.S. government supports this view, and all official speech platforms are advocating this view.

Professor X and the others did not hesitate to put down their bodies to accept various interviews. They advocated for this. Gradually, this view actually occupied the mainstream and became the mainstream view.

Lu Yi really has nothing to say about this.

It can be said that the U.S. government has spared no expense in this matter, regardless of the consequences.

Lu Yi knew very well that Professor X and the others would not have done such a thing without the instigation of the US government.

Things have developed up to now, and everything has begun to develop in a good direction. The government's publicity, combined with Professor X's appearance, told Mutant's sadness, and immediately won the sympathy of the vast majority of people.

Excessive people and radical remarks began to slowly disappear, replaced by the kind of harmonious remarks.

The U.S. government gradually completed the previous agreement with Professor X, and the incident began to subside gradually. As the executor of this matter, the U.S. government finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And S.H.I.E.L.D, who can exist anywhere, is finally relieved!

Well, there is also S.H.I.E.L.D's handwriting in this matter. S.H.I.E.L.D's tentacles can really be said to be everywhere, and have even been involved in this kind of thing.

"Finally solved! Nick Fury is sitting in his office, watching reports about recent events, and heaving a sigh of relief.

The purpose of SHIELD's existence is to suppress all the mysterious events and let ordinary people live in an ordinary world. Although Mutant has long been known to everyone because of its huge number, it cannot be left alone. They wreak havoc.

It is what they have to do to hide all the mysterious events, not to mention that they are going to do a big thing soon, this kind of magnificent environment is not suitable for carrying out this matter, and everything must be calmed down.

"Phil Coulson, how's your progress?" Nick Fury sat in his seat and asked Phil Coulson in front of him.

Phil Coulson returned to (abbf headquarters) from his team today, and he didn't take a break, and then he was pulled here by Nick Fury and started this kind of mindless inquiry.

Others may be confused, but Phil Coulson is different, he knows exactly what his chief director is asking, and he does not hesitate to say everything he has investigated.

"It's going well, I've taken Skye to all the branches, introduced her to a lot of people, and made her familiar with the branches!" Phil Coulson said.

Because he was not sure whether it was safe or not, Phil Coulson didn't say anything specific, and vaguely revealed that he had found what he was looking for.

Others may not understand, at most they just think that Phil Coulson is helping Skye, but in Nick Fury's ears, it is completely different, he knows that Phil Coulson has investigated what he wants to get.

"That's good, you and Skye remember to stay on call at all times these two days. I have a task that needs to be entrusted to you and Skye to cooperate with all the branches. This time the task is of great importance!"

"Need to tell the rest of our team?" Phil Coulson's eyelids jumped, and he couldn't help but ask nervously.

From the previous question, Phil Coulson guessed that Nick Fury was going to take action on HYDRA.

"It's best to tell you that your team also needs to cooperate, and by the way, remember to adjust your team!"

Adjusted? This is to kill Ward!

What their squad needs to adjust, except for Ward who is HYDRA.

I kept Ward just to give HYDRA the illusion of not being discovered. Now I have to do it. In order to prevent the news from leaking, naturally I can't keep him anymore. He must die.

"I understand! I will adjust the squad and execute the mission you issued, Director, in a good state!"

Phil Coulson is saying he already knows!

Naturally, Nick Fury could see this, nodded with satisfaction, then discussed some details with Phil Coulson, and then let Phil Coulson leave.

After Phil Coulson left, Nick Fury was not satisfied either. He sat in his seat and began to deduce his plan again, trying to see if there were any omissions in his plan.

Getting rid of HYDRA is no trivial matter. There should be no problem with extinction. Otherwise, the snake will not die, but will only be injured by the snake.

HYDRA is not an ordinary snake. If you kill a snake, this kind of problem may be magnified in it, and it must not be a problem.

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