Originally, Jean Grey, Scott, Ororo and Logan acted without permission, which had made Professor Charles extremely worried about them.

Subsequently, although the four returned safely and brought little naughty, they also brought the news that the mutant generator was snatched away by Jiang Feng.

Unlike Magneto, who needs to use his life to urge the mutant generator, with Jiang Feng’s strength, launching the mutant generator is as simple as eating and drinking.

Therefore, for Charles, the mutant generator fell into Jiang Feng’s hands, which was more frightening to him than staying in Magneto’s hands.

Therefore, Charles can’t wait to invade the Black Street Building telepathically, hoping to prevent Jiang Feng from abusing the mutant generator with his own efforts.

However, at this moment, the depths of the Mutant Academy are through layers of defensive channels with strong sci-fi colors. On a platform stretched out in the air, Professor Charles was sitting quietly in a wheelchair.

Three tubes were connected to three electromagnetic sheets, which were connected to each direction of Charles’s head.

Brainwave Enhancer, as one of the three major inventions of the Hellfire Club in the past, the Brainwave Enhancer can amplify the ability of telepathic people several times.

With the telepathic ability of Professor Charles’s fourth-level mutant peak, after getting the increase of the brainwave enhancer, it can be instantly linked to the mind of everyone in the world.

It can be said that Charles, who is in the amplification state of the brainwave enhancement instrument, is almost an invincible existence in the spiritual field. At that time, Professor Charles was able to seal the phoenix power in Qin Gray’s body with the help of the brainwave enhancer.

However, at this moment, in the surprised eyes of Jean Grey and Ororo. Professor Charles under the brainwave enhancement device seemed to have committed sheep madness, and his body was constantly convulsing.

“Jean, Professor Charles, what’s wrong?”

An anxious Ororo asked Jean Grey, after all, Jean Grey had the same telepathic abilities as Professor Charles. Therefore, at this moment, only Jean Grey is most likely to know about Professor Charles’s situation.

At this time, Qin Gray looked at Professor Charles, who was constantly struggling, but there was gradually foam overflowing at the corner of his mouth. After briefly testing Professor Charles’ heartbeat, breathing, and pulse, he said with a serious face: “If we guessed wrong, Professor Charles should now be fully resisting an extremely powerful telepathic person.

Because the other party’s spiritual power is too strong, Professor Charles has been forced to overdraw his own strength, so he will have this reaction. ”

“However, what exactly is it that has such terrifying spiritual power?

I remember you once told me that Professor Charles’s spiritual strength is unique. There is no one in this world whose spiritual strength can be compared to Professor Charles.

Therefore, only Professor Charles has the true power of the brainwave enhancer. ”

Ororo said in disbelief, but at this time, Qin Gray said coldly: “Ororo, I know that it is really hard to believe that all this happened.

However, you need to know that there are many incredible things happening every day in this world.

Therefore, since there can be a character who Jiang Feng cannot defeat at all, it is natural that there may also be an existence whose telepathic ability is comparable to Professor Charles. ”

Speaking of this, Jean Grey looked at the brainwave enhancer on Professor Charles, and suddenly added: “Of course, maybe his telepathic ability is more powerful than Professor Charles.”

And at the moment when Jean Grey and Ororo were discussing, the next moment, Professor Charles, who was on the brainwave enhancer, suddenly woke up. Immediately afterwards, a series of violent coughing sounds came from Professor Charles’s mouth.

“Professor, how are you?”

“Professor, who is it?”

And Charles had not yet spoken, at this moment, Jean Grey and Auroro, and even everyone in the mutant academy, in the depths of their hearts, suddenly sounded a female voice that seemed to be high.

“Hellfire Club stuff, sooner or later we will get it back, wait for us!”

As the voice slowly receded like a wave, Professor Charles at this time broke free from the brainwave enhancer, and said to the overwhelmed Qin Gray and Ororo: “It’s Emma, the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, after Jiang Feng got the mutant generator, he used the mutant generator to strengthen her telepathic ability.”

Just after I was discovered by them, I was in the middle of the spiritual storm brought by Emma, the White Queen, when her psychic ability had just been promoted.

Therefore, he suffered a big loss from the other party.

However, Emma, the White Queen, has improved her telepathic ability this time, and I am afraid that it has reached the point of being even more powerful than me.

If she gets the brainwave enhancer, I am afraid that the disaster caused will become more and more terrifying! ”

“Professor, what should we do next?”

Ororo couldn’t help but ask.

At this time, Professor Charles gently stroked the brainwave enhancer, and then said: “Now it seems that only by destroying this brainwave enhancer can we avoid more terrible things.”

But at this time, Qin Gray opened her mouth and said: “Professor, I think the problem now is not a problem with the brainwave enhancer at all.

Jiang Feng can strengthen the telepathic ability for the White Queen once, and naturally he can strengthen it for her a second time.

After Emma, the White Queen, has the telepathic ability to reach the point where she can sweep the world in an instant without the need for a brainwave enhancer. At that time, we really couldn’t control the development of things.

Moreover, even if we take a step back, even if there is no White Queen Emma, if Jiang Feng suddenly wants to do something to this world, do we really have a way to resist?

Moreover, the brainwave enhancement device is said to have been originally made by Emma, the White Queen, won’t she make another one?

Or if the brainwave enhancer is extremely important to Jiang Feng, what will he have to do after he finds out that we destroyed the brainwave enhancer. Destroy the Academy of Mutants, or even destroy New York, destroy America, destroy the whole world? ”

Hearing what Qin Grey said, Professor Charles finally nodded at this time, sighed and said: “Okay, let’s wait for them here!”

At this time, in the Black Street Mansion, after the magnetic field of the mutant generator ended, Jiang Feng said to Emma, the white queen who was dressed in emerald green and diamond, “How do you feel?”

“It has never been better, I feel, the world is in my hands!”

Emma the White Queen said as she slowly walked out. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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