Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 103 Need Help

Zod is conducting a new round of research.

As we all know, under high pressure, all macroscopic physical rules will be severely destroyed.

And Zod, in addition to being a master of electromagnetism, is also a master of gravity.

Although gravity is the weakest among the four fundamental forces, it is also very scary when gravity reaches a certain level.

Zod is now working with gravity at full force, and all matter is crushed to the size of atoms and undergoes weird changes.

The terrifyingly powerful gravitational force not only makes the atoms of matter knead and kneaded flat like flour, but then the precise arrangement is inseparable.

Under extremely high pressure, the atoms change their structure, forming spaghetti-like shapes, which are then stacked on top of each other.

Then Zod's gravity becomes stronger.

These spaghetti-like atoms instantly turned into hollow tubes arranged side by side.

These atoms that form a hollow tube actually already have the matter they form in the universe, that is, a neutron star!

The atoms then form these neutron star-like substances.

It can be said that it is the most indestructible thing in the known matter of this universe.

Zod felt that his body was weak, and it took too much power to synthesize this neutron star material.

The upper pressure limit of these neutron star materials has reached 100 million tons per cubic centimeter, and no one should be able to break the neutron star armor formed with it.

"But in a short time, even I can't wear it."

Zod said that it is too heavy, so this neutron star material can only be seen at present.

As for whether it will cause the Earth's gravitational field to collapse and cause the Earth to explode, that's not true, after all, Zod maintains it.

"BOSS, it's incredible that you actually synthesized neutron star matter."

The Black Queen scanned the extremely distorted gravitational field next to the neutron star material and said.

"What is this, when we were on Krypton before, there were neutron star matter cannons, which could destroy a planet or even a star with one shot."

Zod created neutron star matter only by simulating previous Kryptonian supergravity devices.

Efficiency is completely incomparable.


A strange yet familiar voice sounded, and Zod turned around.

"Master Gu Yi, you will scare people to death like this."

Zod expressed his dissatisfaction with the elusive ancient master.

"Sorry, but I don't think you should be scared."

Gu Yi said with a smile.

"So, are you here because of Morgan?"

Zod carefully asked the black queen to destroy those bad things, and he also let the spiritual power and electromagnetic force construct a defense facility, so as not to be invaded by the ancient one without knowing it.

"No, Zod, I need your help with something."

Gu Yi shook his head. After Morgan was actively approached by the Dark God Book, Gu Yi dared not continue to leave her alone, lest Sishorn would come directly.

For the dimensional demon god at the level of Sishorn, he will not be affected by the time gem, that is, he will not be seen by the ancient one in the future.

It is an idiopathic condition that is difficult to prevent.

After all, the current earth is no longer the time when the ancient gods were rampant in the ancient times, and even the gods were driven away. The current earth is only guarded by Gu Yi alone, and it has become more and more difficult.

"Can I say no?"

Zod said immediately.

"I can let you into Kama Taj's library."

Gu Yi made a bait.

"That place doesn't appeal to me."

Zod shook his head.

The price of magic in the Marvel world is too great, and it is not even magic, because even white magic has a price.

Take a simple example.

Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange, was only able to sleep three hours a night after becoming the Supreme Mage. Beyond that, he's caught in an inescapable nightmare, with a stomach ulcer the size of a city sewer rat, and he coughs up chunks of his own soul at least twice a day.

He is used to vomiting everything he eats, the dual infection of the body and the spirit, and the severe diarrhea that will make the soul collapse. In addition, all ordinary, non-magic food eats into his mouth or just touches his lips, all will be completely Turned into dust, he had unavoidable and unpreventable hallucinations of terror in his daily life, as well as mushrooms and pus spewing out of his face.

Even his kidney stones have acquired an evil sense of self and made him urinate frequently.

These are just the simplest costs, because they are all the price of white magic. White magic comes from the gentle power of the Trinity Weishandi, and the price has been extremely reduced.

One can imagine how pitiful the magic in the Marvel world is. Gu Yi actually wanted to pull me into the pit of magic.

"Karma Taj's library is not only a magic book, but also the practice of Qi from Kunlun."

Gu Yi said calmly.

"Kunlun? Iron Fist's Qi practice?"

Zod was startled.

"Maybe so."

Gu looked uncertain.

"That's not right, I remember that Kunlun Iron Fist is not so strong just by relying on Qi. It also needs the power of Shenlong Longevity, and this generation of Iron Fist has already appeared."

Zod said he was not that easy to fool.

Of course, he was greedy for the power of Iron Fist. After all, a certain generation of Iron Fist Wu Fengji directly destroyed the power of the Phoenix in the heyday of the earth, and then became the host of the power of the Phoenix. Now he is fighting for justice in the universe.

"You know a lot. Indeed, every iron fist needs the power of an ancient dragon to become a real iron fist, but you are different, Zod."

Gu Yi shook his head, she also saw the Kunlun Iron Fist of this generation. He came to the United States, but he felt a little weak. Compared with the previous Iron Fist, now this Iron Fist feels like a child. Find Zod.

Although Zod is powerful, he is a guy who can't even see the countless timelines manifested by the Eye of Agamotto. Gu has always felt very unstable with him and wanted to exile Zod to the universe, etc. Zod returned to Earth, she was probably dead.

However, Gu Yi was also worried that Zod would anger Kama Taj because of this, so she did not take any action. Fortunately, after she made a few shots, Zod seemed to be afraid, and his actions were not as reckless as before.

"What's the difference between me, like Iron Fist, I only have two eyes and a nose, do I still have three heads and six arms?"

Zod retorted.

"You are very talented."

Gu Yi said seriously, after all, not everything can be like Zod, and he has touched the threshold of the heavenly father so quickly, and he has mastered two basic strengths...

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