Remember for a second【】

Of course, Zod wouldn't bring Pietro back immediately. If he didn't let him experience the sufferings of the world, he would forget how hard-won life is today.

You can see how sensible Wanda is. Ould said that Wanda has taken many courses, majoring in management, and it is estimated that he wants to join the Blade Technology Industry.

The teachers of these courses all gave her a grade. You must know that these teachers are private education teachers that Zod paid a lot of money to bring back, that is, teachers who only serve the children of the upper class.

At the beginning, they were not willing to change from one-to-one trading to one-to-n education, but there is nothing difficult in the world, only the rich. After Zod spent a lot of money, these teachers said that educating talents is their job. The duty of a teacher is that a pair of n is a pair of n. They are not afraid of hardship or tiredness!

Pietro can't do it. He can listen to class well at the beginning, and then he will play truancy and so on.

Although he had already experienced the difficult life of being an orphan, he was able to enjoy the convenience brought by the new life with peace of mind, which made Zod feel that he must be put back on the right track.

Five days later.

Pietro was tortured to such an extent that at this moment, the screams of those who kidnapped him came from outside, and then a figure broke in.


The helmet automatically spread out, exposing Zod's head. Pietro burst into tears when he saw Zod.

The ten days of torture left him with a gaunt face, thin body, and a lot of haggard appearance.

"Okay, come with me, Wanda is worried about you."

Zodra picked up Pietro and took him out of the small dark room where he had been locked for ten days.

Then Pietro saw the corpses all over the ground. These corpses looked terrible. For example, the corpses were divided in half, and their torso was pierced, revealing a large hole the size of a basketball.

Pietro just felt relieved, and then he was sent to the hospital under the Blade Technology Industry by Zod.

After Pietro left, those corpses drifted away in the wind. After all, they were just "corpses" constructed by Zod from atoms.

"Thank you, Mr Heath!"

Wanda, who flew over after he got the news at home,

Seeing Pietro in a coma, she immediately rushed up with tears in her eyes.

After a while, he stood up and thanked Zod.

"you are welcome."

Zod shook his head, he did it after all.

However, Wanda took out the style of a mature girl and became strong. Pietro is now like this, and Wanda can only support himself.

Zod and Ould are both outsiders, so there is no way to give her much care and help. Fortunately, Pietro is not too serious. Although he is beaten every day, after the beating, the beast soldiers will still feed Pietro. Nutrient liquid, this kind of nutrient liquid can promote metabolism, so that his body will not be beaten with sequelae.

Then Zod left, while Ould stayed.

Next, there is a new monster in New York.

The monsters this time are still from the deep sea clan. They want to take revenge on the land people on the grounds that the deep sea king is dead!

Huge deep-sea tribes landed from the coastline, which soon caused panic. …

This time, the United States responded very quickly, and it was also to make up for the last time facing the elder centipede who could do nothing but rely on the image of a superhero.

Ten Iron Overlords ordered from Blade's Edge Technology Industries were delivered to the site, along with dozens of war machines to assist them in battle.

The superheroes who got the news were also dispatched immediately.

"It's really big, these guys grew up eating something on the bottom of the sea, it's incredible!"

Reed tutted.

The Stone Man clenched his fists and rushed towards one of the deep-sea clans with shark heads.

With a force of nearly 100 tons, the Stone Man originally thought that the opponent would be seriously injured.

This thing... turned out to be just dented with some scales, or is it at the neck, is it full of high-performance fibers or shear thickening fluid? Such defensive bullets are useless!

Indeed, things like pistols, machine guns or bombs have always been extremely lethal to petite and weak humans, with bullet penetrating injuries, blood loss, bomb fragments and even air waves. Ordinary people can't resist, but it's used on weirdos with weird physiological structures...

After all, Zod produced these deep-sea races strictly according to the settings. It is a matter of course for a race that lives under the pressure of the sea to fully explode human beings.

Although the coastline has established a defense line, the destructive power of these deep-sea tribes with an average height of more than 2 meters is beyond imagination.

The metal storm composed of hundreds of fire snakes is reasonable enough to destroy everything, but after these deep-sea clans bent over and sprinted with one hand protecting their eyes, everything became a bubble. One after another black shadows rampaged in it, some fell into it, and some rushed to the front of the five-meter-high defensive building.

Then it was blocked by the Iron Overlord.

Since Zod said that the Iron Overlord uses the Deep Sea King as an imaginary enemy, then of course he will guarantee that it is genuine, and at least it will not be so easily dismantled by ordinary deep sea clan.

"I haven't eaten this kind of human before. It seems that the meat quality should be very good."

The deep-sea people looked at the Iron Overlord in front of them. This land-based person is very similar to some creatures in their sea. After peeling off the shell, there is delicious and juicy meat inside.

The American soldiers in Iron King mustered the courage and manipulated

^0^ Remember one second【】

Iron Overlord opened fire directly.

The large-caliber .50 bmg cannon, originally only available on helicopters and cars, fired directly on the Iron Overlord's left arm.

The ferocious firepower smeared the face of the deep-sea clan at close range, but unfortunately the deep-sea clan slapped the machine gun directly with a slap. Iron Overlord blocked the second lightning strike of the deep-sea clan under the instinctive reaction of ai, and hit it with a backhand. A hook hit the deep-sea clan's chin, followed by a frantic series of punches.

The strength of each punch of dozens of tons directly split the face of the deep sea clan.

"Very good, some fight!"

People in the military are very excited, Zod Hiss is really amazing!

The Fantastic Four had a hard time dealing with the Deep Sea Clan. The Stone Man had found a trick. Instead of confronting the Deep Sea Clan, he restrained them, and then let the invisible female Susan use the invisible force field to detonate them in their bodies, and then let the Human Torch. Burn them so they don't regenerate.

As for Mr. Fantastic Reed...he's playing soy sauce.

"The level of a mere tiger-level eccentric makes the current superheroes at a loss, and it really is the reason for too little exercise."

Zod stood on the rooftop of a house with his hands in his arms to watch the battle. The electromagnetic force distorted the magnetic field around him, so that he would not be discovered by any technological means and superpowers, which was equivalent to standing in a different dimension space.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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