What surprised Zod Heath was that the whole medical examination process came down, and Gu Yi did not appear.

He also wanted to ask how Morgan was doing when Goo Yi showed up.

After all, she is the daughter of the Dimensional Demon God. Maybe she is a Marvel DC Raven.

"Could it be that something happened to Kama Taj? Gu Yi is finally dead?"

Zod Heath thought for a while, but didn't care.

Mr. Lan, who was in contact with Bruce Banner, that is, the big boss, had been arrested by Zod Heath in advance. Therefore, the blood sample sent by Bruce Banner also arrived in Zod's hands.

"Does my power come from his body?"

Bronsky looked at Bruce Banner, ready to move.

"Accurately, no."

Zodhis corrected Bronski.

In fact, he thinks that the Banner family and the Ross family have problems with their bloodlines. Normal people will die if they are irradiated with gamma rays, but they will become giants if they are irradiated with gamma rays.

Zod Heath injected Bronski with the blood of General Ross and then transformed him into an abomination, the effect was similar to the Hulk serum.

At the same time, he has quietly let the members of World Snake collect all the samples of Rose's daughter, that is, Banner's wife Betty, who is the Red Giant, and Banner's cousin, Jennifer Susan Walter. , that is, the Hulk.

No other member of the Hulk family has yet been found.

After the medical examination, Bruce Banner was given a suit of his own.

"Uh, I don't need a battle suit."

Bruce Banner looked at the battle suit in front of him and said embarrassedly, no battle suit can withstand the Hulk's battle.

"Try it, Dr. Banner, this suit is made of special fibers that I use, and it is indestructible."

Zod Heath said that it was actually vibranium fiber, but of course he couldn't say it blatantly. After all, Wakanda lost hundreds of tons of vibranium, although Zod Heath doesn't need to steal it anymore. , after all, the atomic composition is enough for him to get all the matter, and the vibranium is also in it.

Although Bruce Banner didn't have high expectations, he still put it on and regarded it as an attempt.

Just when Zod Heath got the Hulk sample and was about to go back to try it, one was wearing aristocratic costumes, leaning on a gentleman's civilization stick in his hand, and his hair was combed like Zod Heath's blue-dyed hairspray hand hairstyle. Fighting is the type of flies that fly up and stand unsteadily, just one word, silky!

The man dressed as a middle-aged aristocrat was originally going to go in one direction, but when he passed by the Blade Technology Industry, he suddenly stopped.

"The breath of hell..."

The man looked at Blade's Edge Technology Industry, then changed direction without hesitation and walked in.

Whether it was the security guard wearing a war machine at the door, or the black queen's surveillance, they didn't seem to see this man, and let him go in.

The sound of the crutches rang out in the corridor of Blade's Edge Technology Industry, and Zod Hiss was different from the others. He frowned almost when the crutches fell on the floor of the Blade's Edge Technology and Industry Building.

However, there is no special response to the magnetic induction field in his perception, and there is no unusual change in the atoms. Everything seems normal?

He put down the research in his hand, the dark knight armor covered his body, and then walked out of the laboratory.

He feels that something is wrong is the biggest wrong. In this regard, Zod believes in his own feelings. Although he is a scientific researcher, he should be based on data and laws, but sometimes people's feelings are so mysterious.

When Zod pushed open the atomic alloy door of his laboratory, which was set to require 500 tons of force to open, he saw a man dressed as a middle-aged aristocratic gentleman, and this man was in the magnetic field and In the atomic realm, it does not exist!

"Good evening, Zod Heath."

The man said with a smile.

"Who are you?"

Zod Heston knew at the time that he had encountered the enemy he didn't want to meet, the enemy on the mysterious side.

Thinking of this, the dragon power tattoo under the dark knight's armor lit up, allowing Zod Hiss to see clearly the true face of the other party.

Razor-like teeth, horns, a body with recurved hooves, plus the darkness shrouded in black mist.


"It doesn't matter who I am, Zod Hiss, the important thing is that you have the breath of hell on your body. Have you been to hell?"

The man appeared beside Zod Heath out of thin air, and he slowly circled around Zod Heath, and then said.

When he said this, Zod Heston understood something.

It is estimated that he and Gu Yi went to the hell dimension for five days, and as a result, he was stained with the breath of the hell dimension, and then was targeted by the devil?

At the same time, Zod Heath also guessed the identity of this devil. Except for Mephisto, it is estimated that no devil can be so arrogant and dare to hang out on the earth during the reign of the ancient one, although he is only a projection now. , rather than the ontology.

Mephisto is indeed here for this. As one of the owners of hell dimension fragments, he has a very obvious ability to identify hell dimension fragments that he has never seen before. He has not seen the hell dimension breath on Zod Heath. However, it was initially judged that the other party went to a new hell dimension fragment that he had not seen before!

This will undoubtedly make countless devils and demons crazy, and Mephisto is no exception.

Zodhis, who knew why the other party came, knew that there was no possibility of negotiation, and the power of the dragon emerged immediately.

The dark blue dragon hovered vividly on Zod Heath's body, making him look like a god.

Mephisto's pupils shrink even more. As a well-informed hell lord who has lived for so long and has not been killed by anyone, Mephisto of course knows the power of the dragon, and he knows that the power of the dragon has exploded. The power of the phoenix thing.

Damn it!

His projection was delivered with great difficulty. Before Mephisto could say anything, Zod Heath had already punched him!

The power of the dragon is wrapped around the fist, and it has the same effect as Sun Wukong's dragon fist.

Mephisto's projection was impacted by the power of the dragon, and instantly vanished into nothingness!

"It doesn't seem to be very strong?"

Zod Heath looked at the disappearing Mephisto, feeling a little strange.

Although it is a projection, it should also have strength. Zod Heath just made a full shot in order to be on guard, and stopped at the critical moment, otherwise the blow would be enough to raze the entire New York to the ground.

In any case, being targeted by the old devil Mephisto is also a troublesome thing.

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