Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 130 First Show

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"how did you do it?"

Tony Stark saw that there was no news of terrorist attacks on the Internet at all, and the newspapers were also crushed by the newspapers of the Global Daily, and many newspapers had gone bankrupt.

But the Daily Clarion of Peter Parker's future work is still clinging on.

Tony Stark originally thought that this public opinion war would last for a long time, and he was ready for a protracted war, but in less than two days, all negative public opinion and news disappeared.

"The spider web has more than 200 million users all over the world, and the channels for these 200 million people to receive information and communicate are in my hands, which is equivalent to 200 million information dissemination points. Which newspaper or news agency in the world do you think can compare? Got mine?"

Zod Heath said calmly, the culprit behind the trouble and the guy with ulterior motives have been found out by the Black Queen.

There are quite a few officials who have been exposed this time. The others are victims thrown by Zod Hiss in order to divert their attention. However, those black materials are genuine, so they cannot be called sacrifices.

Tony Stark is speechless, and has mastered 200 million information channels, no wonder.

After all, these 200 million people are not just 200 million people. They still have mouths, and their relatives and friends can also be regarded as invisible information channels. It is terrifying to think about it this way.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything with this, I just want those guys to know what the rules of the game are."

Zod Heath said meaningfully, if you don't follow the rules of his game, you can only be thrown out to divert your attention.

If you can't succeed in diverting your attention, then come to an anti-hero who "acts for heaven and executes justice", because they can't see their "evil deeds" and "crimes", and the law cannot punish them, then Let this anti-hero come and send them to hell.

The two knives openly and secretly are just to hold the power of superheroes in their own hands, and anyone who covets them must die.

Under this unimaginable control, superhero culture is carried on subtly.

Year 2003!

"Warning, warning, there is a dragon-level disaster in Boston, please evacuate and hide immediately!"


Warning, there is a dragon-level disaster in Boston, please evacuate and avoid immediately! "

The sentinel robots on the streets and alleys sounded the alarm. After the occurrence of more and more frequent monster disasters, the sentinel robots in charge of early warning turned out. They were all over the United States and became the eyes of the Superhero Association and Zod Heath.

"Dragon-level disaster! Run!"

The faces of the people on the street changed greatly, and then they fled in panic. The sentinel robot was responsible for maintaining order and allowing them to evacuate from the dangerous area in an orderly manner.

The superheroes are on their way, and they want to make room for the superheroes to tackle the weirdos.

It was a taupe-brown face the size of a washbasin, with a long horn extending over half a meter from its forehead, and a branch-shaped branch at the top. However, compared to his body, his face is already extremely thin. The height of the crouching body is already five meters, and the two arms supported on the ground are even more like stone pillars.

The gray-brown body composed of unknown tissues, with meridians the thickness of fists spreading on it, is particularly terrifying. The overall shape is like a unicorn magnified countless times.

Asura Unicorn!

Zod Heath's first show for the Hulk, but it's been a year since the Hulk came out now because Hulk understood through communication that as long as he fights monsters, he won't be beaten, and he can still come out After such training, Zod Heath created the Asura unicorn.

To this end, he specially spent more than one billion dollars to build an amusement park for Hulk on an uninhabited island, and then Hulk can come out to play for a while every day.

Bruce Banner found himself playing with the Hulk after such training. In the next time, even if his heartbeat skipped the limit, he would not transform. Suddenly, there was a kind of special reason why I used to run away. After so long, I suffered so much, and my girlfriend's grief and anger are gone.

So, Bruce Banner and Hulk made three chapters next, and he would give him time to come out to play every day, but after playing, he had to go back obediently, and then he was not allowed to come out.

After being trained by Zod Heath, Hulk already has the mind of a simple five-year-old child, which is better for him than being restricted by Bruce Banner all the time. Of course, he agreed immediately.

"This battle will be live-streamed throughout, perform well, Hulk!"

Zod Heath sat in the same helicopter as Hulk, and then Zod Heath patted Hulk on the back and said.

No way, if he didn't float up, he wouldn't be able to pat Hulk on the shoulder.

"Hulk will kill monsters!"

Hulk rubbed his fists against each other and said firmly.

"Well, let's go down."

Zod Heath opened the door of the helicopter.

At this time, the Asura Unicorn, who was destroying everywhere, felt a strong aura.

Immediately he looked up at the sky.


Hulk jumped out of the helicopter and fell to the ground with a deafening roar.

The ground shook, and at the same time, the users of the spider web saw the battle.

"It's the new S-class hero of the Superhero Association, Hulk!"

"Is that monster the dragon-level disaster this time? It looks terrible. Can the Hulk beat it?"

"Just kidding, among the current S-class heroes, except for the Dark Knight Zod, even the Stone and Iron Man are not the opponents of the Hulk."

The Asura Unicorn looked at the big green man in front of him, but Hulk didn't have so many scruples, and immediately launched a charge.

The Asura Unicorn also made a counterattack. The attack was carried out through the mouth, swallowing a large amount of air in one breath, storing it in the monster-level lungs, and then passing it into the mouth to forcibly compress it, exhaling with force. This is how unscientific air cannons are used.

Hulk was hit by the air cannon, but he stopped only after taking a few steps back.

Then Hulk continued to charge with a face full of flesh.

Almost no sound of wind was heard, and the Asura Unicorn had already crossed more than ten meters to the top of Hulk's head, but felt that the sky was dark, and the two heavy feet as heavy as mountains had already stepped down.

The Asura Unicorn seems to be reckless, taking the sturdy path of Yili Jiangshihui.

But in fact, his brain has been transformed, and countless fighting skills have been recorded. This gave him a greater advantage in battle and also a lot of concerns.

The expected dodging of the big green man did not appear, but Hulk stretched out his hands and grabbed its feet.

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