Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 137 Follow-up

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Of course, not all of these 100,000 people were symbiote suits and beast-like soldiers, and the majority of the hydra that was annexed.

However, Zod Heath has already begun to digest this part of the Hydra, and the Hydra in North America has fallen by 90%.

At the same time, the Hydra working in S.H.I.E.L.D. also brought news to Zod Heath. They were ordered to stare at all the personnel and industries of the Blade Technology Industry and the Superhero Association, trying to find clues from it.

It is not surprising that the Snake Shield will investigate the Blade Technology Industry and the Super Hero Association Zod Heath. After all, Hercules has now become a "wanted criminal". But they were looking for him.

Already Secretary of State, Ross, who went even further, informed Zod Heath of America's decision.

The behavior of Hercules that crossed the line, the United States decided not to condone, at all costs, to dispel similar behaviors that other superheroes may have.

Otherwise, today this superhero executes justice and kills the entire family of capitalists, and tomorrow the superhero executes justice and kills the entire family of politicians, what should we do?

After all, politicians and capitalists know who they are, so they are worried that the superhero group's opinion of them will be influenced by Hercules.

Judging from the combat effectiveness shown by superheroes, the army is simply vulnerable in front of them.

The standard for a B-level hero is to be able to ignore light-fire weapons, whether it is physical resistance or evasion.

At present, there are more than 100 B-level heroes in the Superhero Association.

In order to prevent the superheroes, a fast-growing group, from committing the following acts of cruelty, the United Nations has decided to sanction Hercules in addition to rushing to the country.

It's a pity that they don't know that Hercules will not appear on the bright side. He will only appear when needed. Usually Zod Heath keeps him in the submarine base.

In fact, the incident of Hercules not only brought the surveillance of the Snake Shield, but even Tony Stark came to listen. He suspected that Hercules was a superhero who did not join the Superhero Association. Then was assigned by Zod Hiss to attack the Zandalar tribe.

For Zod Hiss, he only needs to turn around in his head to taste his sharp words. The super brain's fast thinking speed has this advantage.

Even compared to a genius, he has several times as much thinking time as a genius.

So Zod Hiss certainly has no flaws.

Tony Stark can only think that it is some superhero who is passing by and can't see it.

However, the monitoring of the superhero associations in various countries has not left. After the Hercules incident, they need to make a psychological evaluation of the superheroes that have been exposed now.

In fact, there are such measures within the Superhero Association. After all, there is a psychological team. Even if everyone in the superhero feels that they do not need psychological counseling, Zod Heath still uses the foolproof reason to make them all do psychological evaluation and psychological counseling. Counseling can be said to be much more detailed and professional than outside.

At the same time, in order to maintain confidentiality, the psychological counseling team was brainwashed by Zod Heath, so that they would not hand over the psychological evaluation of superheroes because of money rights and threats. No.7 Novel Network

And Zod Heath will not make prevention and control plans and plans for all superheroes like Batman, lest they be used by people with intentions.

What's more, the Superhero Association is actually a plan by Zod Heath to use some members of the World Serpent.

Let the members of the World Snake become the superheroes of the Superhero Association. It is justified and packaged by the superheroes who are stunned and the bottom of the society have not received elite education. It is very reasonable for them to do anything, and it will only make people think it is true. The personal behavior of a single superhero, not Zod Heath and the entire Superhero Association.

What's more, this kind of personal heroism still has a market in the United States.

At present, more than half of the B-level heroes with more than 100 people are World Snakes. They are all "mutants" created by Zod Heath. In fact, they activate their X genes, but this batch of mutants They are all damaged species, that is, they have no fertility, and their own DNA is also restricted to prevent DNA from being acquired by people with a heart.

Otherwise, it's only 2003, where are there so many superheroes, and it will not be until 2008 that there will be a blowout number of superheroes.

It's just that the Fantastic Four appeared earlier than Iron Man, which made Zod Heath very confused about what universe he was in. You said it was the movie universe, but the Fantastic Four appeared.

You say it's the comic universe, but Gu Yi is a bald woman.

This also left Zod Hiss completely clueless about what kind of plot would happen next.

World Snake recruits a large number of mercenaries and retired soldiers and disabled soldiers for this reason.

These people are the most effective beings among human beings. Zod Hiss has lived on Krypton for many years, and his subconscious chooses people according to the occupation of Krypton.

As for the scientific researchers, Mr. Lan, who just started, that is, the big boss, did not show the wisdom that Zod Hiss wanted. He can only be regarded as a first-class scientific researcher.

Needless to say, the father and son of Ivan Vanke and Anton Vanke, their weapons research and energy research have been standing still, nothing new, and the weapons they have produced are also big, hard, strong, and they are all over the place.

Dr. Connors of the Lizardman has not made progress in biotechnology research. It can be said that the world snake lacks such powerful scientific researchers.

Of course, this kind of very powerful scientific researcher does not refer to Mr. Fantastic Reed, who is the power of thinking in black technology, nor Tony Stark. What Zod Heath wants is the kind that can support an organization by himself. Ordinary scientific researchers, when they were on Krypton, they caught a lot of people, and Zod Heath also wanted to bring this group of people to Earth.

...and then no more.

Thinking about it carefully, could it be because of his idea that the restraint of the DC world expelled him to the Marvel universe?

After all, his idea of ​​​​doing things has almost attracted more than a thousand Kryptonians. If it is successful, most of the villains in the DC world will not have to live.

However, Zod Heath's mind was floating, and he felt that the world snake was only used on the earth. After going to the universe, he had to have a new name, a loud name, just like Thanos' dark order.

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