Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 146 Motorcycle flying close to the ground

The Shen Liao Bureau is an organization similar to the S.H.I.E.L.D. in the country. It is called S.P.E.A.R. (Shen Liao Bureau). The leader is Zheng Xian. There are as many as 150,000 members, and there are 16 airships and the Ministry of Science.

Their base is similar to the S.H.I.E.L.D. air battleship, a hollow circular mobile fortress, so it is called Circle in English.

But the difference is that the official World S.H.I.E.L.D. is an international organization, not the movie and the Ultimate World Edition only affiliated to the United States, so the S.H.I.E.L.D. is an organization set up by China itself.

What's more and more different is that the normal Divine Spear Bureau will only appear after the Infinity War, but Zod Heath has learned that the Divine Spear Bureau already exists in the current Chongguo.

Of course, this Divine Spear Bureau is still on a small scale, mainly because Chongguo didn't find so many superheroes.

And the appearance of this Divine Spear Bureau is also because of Zod Heath.

He created so many weirdos to attack the world, causing Chongguo to feel that we also need to have our own self-protection force, so the Shenspear Bureau was born.

This butterfly effect made Zod Hiss always think that this Divine Spear Bureau was the Divine Spear Bureau he knew.

While thinking about whether he had come to some abnormal universe, Zod Heath did not do anything to hedge the country, mainly because of the feelings of the previous life.


"Director, this is what was photographed last night."

Black Widow Natasha took out a stack of photos, Zod Heath looked at the blurred flames on the photos, and the numbers of the speed tester next to them.

600 km/h!

Is this the plane flying close to the ground?

"Traffic personnel at the scene said it was a burning skull on a motorcycle."

Black Widow continued.

If it was in the past, it is estimated that many people would think that this traffic person probably drank too much or was too high.

But now, after all kinds of superheroes and weirdos were born, they have attracted great attention. The JC Bureau was afraid of a ghost-level disaster or even a dragon-level disaster, and quickly reported it to the Excalibur Bureau, not daring to be vague at all.

Hear the black widow say,

Zod Heston knew who it was.

Ghost Rider, probably Johnny Blazer.

Did Mephisto find him ahead of time?

In other words, this is likely to be Mephisto's revenge on him?

In fact, Zod Heath guessed right.

Although Mephisto's projection was destroyed by him with the power of the dragon, the cunning and cunning Mephisto still got some information brought back by the projection.

This information is not complete, but it does not prevent Mephisto from getting what he wants.

For example, the breath of hell dimension!

This represents a strange, unowned piece of hell dimension!

Mephisto was immediately moved, but unfortunately, the information he got was only so much, so Mephisto had to find Johnny Blazer in advance, wake up the hellfire power in his body, and use the evil spirit knight. The sense of smell to help him find the whereabouts of the insider who has the breath of hell dimension.

After guessing that it might be possible, Zod Heath chose to preempt it rather than sit still.

In fact, it is very easy for Zod Heath, who has super vision and super hearing, to find someone, not to mention the assistance of the Black Queen.

Johnny Blazer, an acrobat who relies on motorcycles for food, as an amateur in the motorcycle industry, he has made many incredible leaps and is worshipped by many elites in the industry.

Johnny also gained money and status, left the playground, owned his own studio, and was often invited to perform.

The source of Ghost Rider's power is indeed heaven, and its underlying spirit of vengeance was created by God himself.

After the Great Flood of Noah's Ark, God discovered that the original sin nature of mankind has not changed, but he promised not to punish mankind with such cruel means as the Great Flood, and used the spirit of vengeance to supervise the sinful nature of mankind.

Since then, the spirit of vengeance that came to the world in the form of flames has combined with the human host to become a ghost knight to cleanse the sins of the world.

The main responsibility of Ghost Rider is to supervise the sinful nature of human beings in the world, and avenge those innocents who have been killed by sin.

Therefore, the real name of the Ghost Rider should be called "God's Wrath"!

As for why he degenerates into a ghost knight and is forced to work for Mephisto, it can only mean that the spirit of revenge is too unlucky, or that Mephisto is too smart.

Mephisto signed a contract with the Spirit of Vengeance through clever tricks... eloquence, and obtained the ownership of his soul.

Hellfire is not bound by the laws of nature, cannot be extinguished by the environment of vacuum and water, and can be controlled by the Ghost Rider at will, burning any matter as he wishes, or not damaging anything it touches.

In addition to the high temperature and heat directly used for attack, Hellfire also has many abilities, such as enchanting and reorganizing the body of the Ghost Rider.

Last night, Johnny, who turned into Ghost Rider for the first time, ran uncontrollably and bloodbathed a gangster. The setting of punishing sin is normal for other spirits of vengeance, but it is not normal for Johnny Blazer. , because he is not a normal spirit of vengeance at all.

He is a ghost knight created by the soul of the elemental demon lord Zatanus, and theoretically it can be said to be the strongest ghost knight.

If he still has the Medal of Strength, he will be invincible all over the his own personal magazine universe.

The souls of the sinners swallowed by Johnny will actually cost Mephisto in the end.

The souls of these sinners are a source of power for demons and devils, and they are also a great supplement. Especially putting these souls into their own hell dimension can enhance the power of the hell dimension and their own power.

After the incarnation of Ghost Rider, Johnny raced wildly in the city after blood-washing a gangster, destroying one street after another.

It's quite damaged, running at full speed along the main road, not to mention burning the green belt, and leaving a ravine that melts at high temperature.

The area is not large, but it is very troublesome to repair, not only time-consuming and laborious, but also road closures.

At dawn, Johnny basks in the sun, exits the transformation state, and falls into a coma due to severe pain.

Zod Heath found him easily. Killing Johnny during the day doesn't really make sense, because at night he will bathe in the fire of hell and be resurrected. He is one of the superheroes that is very difficult to understand. .

The soul of Zatanus, Zordesis brought back Johnny Blazer, and his research soul was burning.

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