Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 159 Fighting in Afghanistan

"It's a freak!"

The Ten Rings Gang obviously also pays attention to international news. What's more, when the Weird Association made such a fuss, even Afghanistan is not without Weird people.

"Damn, hurry up and call the Divine Sword Bureau!"

The leader of the Ten Rings Gang hesitated for a moment, then said.

The hotline of the Excalibur Bureau is basically the same as the telephone number of the police station. After all, the Excalibur Bureau was mainly created to fight monsters and protect the world.

It can't be as secretive as the CIA, FBI and NSA.

After receiving the call for help, the operator of the Excalibur Bureau nodded and told the Ten Rings Gang, because Afghanistan refused to enter the Excalibur Bureau, it would take at least 20 hours to recruit superheroes.

The leader of the Ten Rings Gang spoke swearingly and ordered his younger brother to stop that weirdo from continuing to destroy the poppy fields.

If it continues to be destroyed by it, the loss this year will be huge.

So far, the ice cream geek has destroyed more than 100 tons of unharvested poppy fruit, which made the leader of the Ten Rings feel distressed.

Although his subordinates were shivering, but after he shot and killed two people, he still bit the bullet.

Their firepower is actually very good, far exceeding that of most terrorists. After all, in Afghanistan, they have to exchange fire with the US military, the Taliban and even some tribes. Basically, there are battles every day.

The reason why the weapons of the Ten Rings Gang are so sophisticated and advanced is because the CIA has actually been supporting the Ten Rings Gang, and their weapons are obtained through the channels of the CIA.

The CIA's plan is to use the Ten Rings Gang to contain the Taliban and the East. Obadiah alone cannot transport the weapons produced by Stark Industries to Afghanistan and hand them over to the Ten Rings Gang.

This trade chain requires enormous energy and power to complete the operation, and the CIA is an indispensable part of it.

At the same time, the Ten Rings Gang also chose to cooperate with the local Pashtun tribe. These Pashtun tribes provide funds, manpower and fresh blood for the Ten Rings Gang, and the Ten Rings Gang provides the tribes with high-end combat power to resist exploitation from the Taliban.

This kind of cooperation has been very successful. The Ten Rings Gang has successfully taken root in this unfamiliar land in Afghanistan, and has developed rapidly. Under the protection of the Ten Rings Gang, these tribes will not be oppressed and looted by the Taliban.

At this point, they were all fans, and their fighting spirit was too high, and they rushed to the ice cream freak without fear of death.

The Ice Cream Freak laughed, it was the first time he saw such a guy who was not afraid of death, and was sent by the cadres in the association to destroy these poppies. It was said that he wanted to destroy the biggest source of the economy of the strongest country in mankind, so the Ice Cream Freak did a great job. Hardworking, these humans are at best a distraction after work.

There is no doubt that the ghost-level ice cream easily wiped out the incoming terrorists.

Even if they are too excited under the influence of fans, they are not afraid of death, but at most they only cause a little trouble to the ice cream.

"It's over!"

The leader of the Ten Rings Gang covered his head. He had just received the news that a thousand tons of poppy fruit had been destroyed by that damn weirdo.

That's a thousand tons!

How many haloying can be extracted, these are all US dollars, they are money!

The leader of the Ten Rings Gang can imagine what will happen next if he loses this large sum of money.

It's just so frustrating!

Then his subordinates told him a very bad news at this time, the group of Yankees and the Taliban took the opportunity to attack the area controlled by the Ten Rings Gang!


The leader of the Ten Rings Gang almost had a brain hemorrhage, these swarms of robbers!

In order to end the chaos and turmoil in Afghanistan as soon as possible, cut off the control of the Taliban and the Ten Commandments over rural Afghanistan.

The US military in Afghanistan has launched a village stabilization plan for rural Afghanistan.

The planned work path mainly takes a single village as an entry point to start work; then expand the radiation effect of a single village to multiple surrounding villages; and then establish a close connection with the regional center. In this way, the US military is trying to build and strengthen the administrative link between the Afghan government and grassroots villages.

This phase of work is mainly carried out by the US garrison, and the working group is generally composed of 5-8 special forces members. Working groups are embedded in pilot villages to carry out work, and assist villages to build bunkers to improve their self-protection and self-defense capabilities to deal with hostility and renewed competition from Taliban rebels.

The coalition will also cooperate with the Afghan government to strengthen security patrols around the village. After stabbing your heels, several nearby villages will change their orientation under the influence. These areas will receive a series of village development-oriented projects from the regional government and provide training in health care, basic education, agriculture and animal husbandry.

In this way, the US military is gradually encroaching on the areas controlled by the Taliban and the Ten Rings.

It is precisely because of this that the U.S. military discovered that the Ten Rings Gang had been attacked by strange people at the first time, so the commander of the US military stationed in Afghanistan decisively attacked the area controlled by the Ten Rings Gang. The sound resounded through the night sky, and the firepower didn't seem like a small fight, so they also followed the Ten Rings Gang.

"Danny, notify the patrol! Marcus, let the villagers come up to assist the fight!"

An American soldier pulled the trigger immediately after giving the order.

He is using a MK11 MOD 0 sniper rifle, using .308 Winchester bullets, which can easily penetrate body armor without inserts and military helmets.

The members of the Ten Rings Gang, who were not wearing bulletproof vests and military helmets, were beaten and fell to the ground covered in blood.

Another American soldier raised his HK416 to shoot frantically.

The last American soldier rushed out with the young men in the village, and the Ten Rings Gang was crushed by this sudden attack.


Apache gunships attached to the Combat Aviation Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division are refueling at the front-line fuel and ammunition depot.

The bases from which the helicopters take off are usually in fixed locations far from the front lines, and they consume a lot of fuel when flying to the target. Therefore, helicopters generally do not enter the combat area directly from the base to perform missions.

The front-line fuel and ammunition supply station is generally about 50km away from the attack position, responsible for the supply of fuel and ammunition, and sometimes a front-line command post is also set up here.

The gunships did not shut down their engines. Once the engine is stopped, it cannot be restarted until the temperature of the turbine has dropped, which is a waste of time.

Gunships usually have the ability to refuel while the engine is running, and it only takes fifteen to twenty minutes to refuel.

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